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Protesting Pakistan's duplicity, Kabul protesters burn the Nigerian flag -- WTF!!!!

Rent a mob.there for monies. These cronies lived in Pakistan and burned wrong flag says it all about payed organised demos
Not some unimportant country like Afghanistan.

These Afghanistanis should know that much of their trade depends on Pakistan.

Time to deport all those Afghanistani refugees from Pakistani now.
Rent a mob.

A MOB? What MOB? Check the video again mate,
it's 40 people at best ??? That ain't no mob!

That's the waiting line for a closed empty store in
the ex-USSR, an oversized high school class maybe.
Had they brought food, it could be a family picnic.
It's an extended roster in baseball but short of a
normal roster in American football. I mean think :

18 + 18 + 4 ... It's a flogging cricket match!!!
The mob should be screaming around it!​

Had there been one, of course!

A mob, pfffft, tsssk, good day, Tay.
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Angry stupids are the worst. Beware of them... not!
I'm not sure if one should cry or laugh -- is there space for humor on the sidelines of such a horrific tragedy?? basic human decency would demand: no. But here it is (don't laugh) -- :-(

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It show there level of mentality. They even don't know about Pakistan but they are doing just for blame game. US control on Afghanistan reduce further and they are still blaming. To cover your own mistake it is very easy to put blame on others.
Isnt this a common Indian mistake, using JF on their national day parade and using Pakistan flag on their travel documentary, so RAW made a mistake again
you forget once they showed Dehli as a part of Pakistan in map:lol::D
cross durand line hit the bastards.fire some shit missiles from f-16. use it use the shit fighters.

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