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Protesters in Balochistan demonstrate against border violation by Iran

Why is Pakistan quite?

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I don't care about Baluchistan, all i care is about the people within.
How shall we make sure, that Iran would not shell Pakistan's densely populated areas!

That is kinda like caring for Baluchistan as if you care for the people you will care for where they live and their demands.
Actually they do , in the same time , they take care of other areas of the country too :azn: Never heard of Baloch regiment or just present here with an intent to troll ?

I don't blame em, 90% of them hadn't even ever heard of such a place as Balochistan, naturally, their knowledge of the province or rather lack of it, is central to the conflict which conveniently suits their will to see Pakistan in peril.
That is kinda like caring for Baluchistan as if you care for the people you will care for where they live and their demands.

Hi Ahmad, you catch me again... sorry i was bit frustrated, it's true saving Baluchistan is equally important otherwise they will be victim of genocide either by extremists or foreign armies or strange missionaries.

I was frustrated at the current state of affairs Baloch, Sindhi and south Punjabis have... they are far away from religious values, far away from being living like humans, they don't have water, you can't go to help them.

Friends of mine organize drinking water for the poor slaves like Sindhis, but they need much more and Balochis need even more.
I have seen kids without shoes and dirty clothes, there is no proper health care system, now this shelling!!! I'm actually, surprised at the protest, i guess shelling has happened in some small city type place, where state official was present.

Does Iran think ISI has lot of free time, that in 2013 they decided to train mercenaries with US funding! absurd thinking... even a donkey would have more sense, 2012 dooms day projection was more believable than this absurd blame.

I'm sure the state of Balochis is even worst on other side of border, may Allah give them patience.
Hi Ahmad, you catch me again... sorry i was bit frustrated, it's true saving Baluchistan is equally important otherwise they will be victim of genocide either by extremists or foreign armies or strange missionaries.

I was frustrated at the current state of affairs Baloch, Sindhi and south Punjabis have... they are far away from religious values, far away from being living like humans, they don't have water, you can't go to help them.

Friends of mine organize drinking water for the poor slaves like Sindhis, but they need much more and Balochis need even more.
I have seen kids without shoes and dirty clothes, there is no proper health care system, now this shelling!!! I'm actually, surprised at the protest, i guess shelling has happened in some small city type place, where state official was present.

Does Iran think ISI has lot of free time, that in 2013 they decided to train mercenaries with US funding! absurd thinking... even a donkey would have more sense, 2012 dooms day projection was more believable than this absurd blame.

I'm sure the state of Balochis is even worst on other side of border, may Allah give them patience.

Ameen, Inshallah some day we might be able to stand on our own feet and help our whole nation until then let's not forget them and try to create some awareness about them. Even Kashmiri people are in a state like this.
Its certainly lack of political will... because those distant and small villages and not king makers but what is Iran's problem? Why they talk in the language of shelling alone?
To me Iranian attitude is just extension of India's cold start doctrine.
As a return of favour "Saudi" Arabia has asked Nawaz sharif to sell them Anza and Bakter shikan missiles,which SA will pass on to Salfi,Wahabi,Alqauidee and western fortune hunters to topple one the most cruel,secular fascist,allouti[shia] regime(aided by Iran) but detested by Muslim world.On the other hand Shias are being .persecuted in Bahrain by ruling "sunny Royal" family.Shouting at Iran/Pakistan border is a warning for Nawaz Sharif not to sell those missiles to SA.Russians have alredy warned SA.SA is not sincere towards pakistan,after building workers/cleaners as slaves,they want to hire armed mercenaries.With all the noise,they will not buy any big defence items from Pakistan.Hence, we should not spoil our relations with Iran and simply put up with their not very mature behaviour at borders for the time being.
Iran is holy place, mecca for a particular sect in pakistan which has strong presence in power structure of the country.
I wonder what abu zolfiqar thinks about this shelling from iran on pakistan?
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Actually they do , in the same time , they take care of other areas of the country too :azn: Never heard of Baloch regiment or just present here with an intent to troll ?
Actually they do , in the same time , they take care of other areas of the country too :azn: Never heard of Baloch regiment or just present here with an intent to troll ?
Its you who is trolling, baloch regiment is ethnically 99% non-baloch.
Damn Balochis it seems r searching reasons for ''protests'' its becoming funny now.:rofl:
Damn Balochis it seems r searching reasons for ''protests'' its becoming funny now.:rofl:
I see nothing funny in that, iranian shaitans are firing mortars at them. And about other protests on missing persons, is also not funny.
Tell me do you find it funny when your kashmiris in azad kashmir are killed from indian shelling? Do you also find missing person cases funny in occupied kashmir?
Baloch regiment mostly consist of punjabis.
punjabis stopping , baluchis to get in to baluch regement?

Iran is holy place, mecca for a particular sect in pakistan which has strong presence in power structure of the country.
I wonder what abu zolfiqar thinks about this shelling from iran on pakistan?
trying to use religious points for the survival of , terrorists existance?
Iran is holy place, mecca for a particular sect in pakistan which has strong presence in power structure of the country.
I wonder what abu zolfiqar thinks about this shelling from iran on pakistan?

@Abu Zolfiqar is a Pakistani, first, second & last as we all should be - I have no doubt that he is on Pakistan's side but I can't say the same thing about you in an Afghan-Pakistan War or even when it comes to dealing with the TTP !
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