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Protesters at Shahbagh in Bangladesh backed by India

Today world is fighting 4G war and might Raw showing their class by poking nose in BD matters :lol: and hats off to Baangla they are doing politics on 40 years old irrelevant issues. :sick:
It is significant that the National Secuirty Adviser chose to express support. Does India view the Shahbag protests as a concern for its security interests. Sounds like an admission ...

what is the position of the Bangladesh army on these matters & instead of stopping it why are they allowing these things knowing full well that the states national interest becomes very vulnerable to these activities & outside interference this is the most confusing & heartbreaking part
i can't believe this is the same army that Shaheed president Zia-ur-Rahman built , in fact it was one institution which the whole country took pride on, it was like a solid steal wall standing in the way of any anti-national activities
So it means that very thing that's good in Bangladesh is due to the India.......first India liberated BD and now helping them in getting justice. :angel: :tup:

Epic trolling. :omghaha:

Links of documents/evidence/proofs , that is how this world works and that is what i ask of you.

RAW is working with two newspaper to bring secularism in Bangladesh, ok but why? secularists will let India into Bangladesh and make it a colony?you guys are really funny sometimes :omghaha:

I know U R a helplessly naive ignorant bloke, but sometimes it seems U R actually trolling and being sarcastic like this above 2 post of yours. The fact that a power like Indian RAW is heavily involved in BD is an undeniable fact, rather it would be a surprise if they R not. Indians have hegemonic goals regarding BD and they never hesitated to express it. Intellegence agencies work in secret but that doesn't mean U can argue BDs to not raise voices against it. But U throw insults against those who do, getting praised by Indians and some awami sell out thugs in turn.

As for secularism, is there any doubt that BALer star ,Baler Alo and like minded sell out propaganda outlets R not looking after Indo-awami interest.Its open and their sheer level of hypocrisy, dalali and yellow journalism is nothing but frightening. Indian never hide their intention of seeing awami suckulars in power whether its in the political statements of GOI, their media (like this one) or their political/strategic analyst.

After the anti-Islam card now using the pro-Indian card..

Seriously this jamati idiocacy is maddening.

Hindutva islamophobic trolling and idiocy shows inherent Indian lunacy just like this post. Don't know jack about what U R talking about but bothering to ignorantly fart based on sheer arrogance and chanakyan bigoted mentality islamophobia.
Links of documents/evidence/proofs , that is how this world works and that is what i ask of you.

Then why don't you show such documents/evidence/proofs that prove india doesn't have any hand in BD internal affair? For your convenience I'm giving some clues here from two sources:

From Wiki

Creation of Bangladesh and aftermath:[44][45] In the early 1970s the army of Pakistan prosecuted a bloody military crackdown in response to the Bangladesh independence movement.[46][47] Nearly 10 million refugees fled to India. RAW was instrumental in the formation of the Bangladeshi guerilla organisation Mukti Bahini and responsible for supplying information, providing training and heavy ammunition to this organization. It is also alleged that RAW planned and executed the 1971 Indian Airlines hijacking as a false flag operation to ban overflight by Pakistani aircraft and disrupt Pakistani troop movement in East Pakistan.[4] Special Frontier Force, the paramilitary wing of R&AW actively participated in military operations especially in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.[48] The war ended in the successful creation of Bangladesh. However within months of independence of Bangladesh Mujibur Rahman was assassinated at his residence. RAW operatives claim that they had advance information about Mujib-ur-Rahman's assassination but Sheikh Mujib tragically ignored RAW's inputs.[9] He was killed along with 40 members of his family. RAW thus failed to prevent the assassination which led to the loss of a charismatic leader who had a soft corner for India after all they had done for his country's independence. Later, RAW successfully thwarted plans of assassinating Sheikh Hasina Wazed, daughter of Mujibur Rahman, by Islamist extremists and the ISI.[49]

Research and Analysis Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another source:

RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh, supporting both secular forces and the area's Hindu minority. The involvement of RAW in East Pakistan is said to date from the 1960s, when RAW supported Mujibur Rahman, leading up to his general election victory in 1970. RAW also provided training and arms to the Bangladeshi freedom fighters known as Mukti Bahini. RAW's aid was instrumental in Bangladesh's gaining independence from Pakistan in 1971.

Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] - India Intelligence Agencies

You always have problem accepting issues like border killing, indian interference in BD that BD people shout here, it simply means these people are meaninglessly doing it without any ground. If you really have problem accepting these, you could avoid the discussions.
On Friday, National Security Adviser (NSA) Shivshankar Menon said the protests were a sign of the "open-mindedness" of the Bangladeshi youth, who were battling extremism and upholding fundamental values of democracy. Setting up the Ram Sathe chair in Pune, Menon said, "The ongoing spontaneous gathering against extremist elements and war criminals by thousands of youth at Shahbagh intersection in Dhaka shows the strength of feeling, capacity for political mobilization and open-mindedness of Bangladeshi youth."

Khurshid had said, "It's always wonderful to see young people engage in any democratic process. They show their concern, their involvement, their aspiration, I applaud and I admire"It revives your strongest feelings and faith in democracy," he said.

Shows the inherent nature of deceptive chanakyan Indians. They didn't have qualms about labeling anti-islamic bigots as "open-minded youths". The kind of BD they hope to see, is one that is devoid of morality, social justice, breeding ground of Fasicm forever being a slave of hindutva India. With awami fagots they managed to achieve most of their goals. May Allah(swt) show mercy on the muslims of this land and help us pass these testing times.
Epic trolling. :omghaha:

I know U R a helplessly naive ignorant bloke, but sometimes it seems U R actually trolling and being sarcastic like this above 2 post of yours. The fact that a power like Indian RAW is heavily involved in BD is an undeniable fact, rather it would be a surprise if they R not. Indians have hegemonic goals regarding BD and they never hesitated to express it. Intellegence agencies work in secret but that doesn't mean U can argue BDs to not raise voices against it. But U throw insults against those who do, getting praised by Indians and some awami sell out thugs in turn.

As for secularism, is there any doubt that BALer star ,Baler Alo and like minded sell out propaganda outlets R not looking after Indo-awami interest.Its open and their sheer level of hypocrisy, dalali and yellow journalism is nothing but frightening. Indian never hide their intention of seeing awami suckulars in power whether its in the political statements of GOI, their media (like this one) or their political/strategic analyst.

Hindutva islamophobic trolling and idiocy shows inherent Indian lunacy just like this post. Don't know jack about what U R talking about but bothering to ignorantly fart based on sheer arrogance and chanakyan bigoted mentality islamophobic.

Good post Luffy Bhai, one request, please drop words like "fart", "fagots" and "suckular" from your vocabulary.
Good post Luffy Bhai, one request, please drop the words "fart" and "suckular" from your vocabulary, although I know you have a special affection for these two.

Well bro, well within forum rules. As for suckular I use it for Awami Thugs only. There is no other decent word to express their Indian dalali & anti-islamic bigotry IMO. :)
Well bro, well within forum rules. As for suckular I use it for Awami Thugs only. There is no other decent word to express their Indian dalali & anti-islamic bigotry IMO. :)

They may be within forum rules, but it reduces the weight and credibility of your post, just a suggestion.

Never fall for these guys they are not true representatives of BD society and truth came out in shahbagh protest, right now these guys are in a soup in PDF as well as in their own country .

This is democracy Indian style, create a false flag movement and call it majority opinion.
This is democracy Indian style, create a false flag movement and call it majority opinion.

Calling it a movememt is itself a sham. Ever hard of a "protest"/"movement" openly backed and supported by gov with all state apparatus available.:rofl: First of its kind in the world IMO.

ok so india "backing" a protest means india financing or orchestaring it??? :omghaha:

Gov is openly financing and orchestrating it. Ever heard of such unique "protest" under police protection and backed by all state apparatus? And an Indian dalal regime will naturally have Indian support. What's the surprise in it?
I know U R a helplessly naive ignorant bloke, but sometimes it seems U R actually trolling and being sarcastic like this above 2 post of yours. The fact that a power like Indian RAW is heavily involved in BD is an undeniable fact, rather it would be a surprise if they R not. Indians have hegemonic goals regarding BD and they never hesitated to express it. Intellegence agencies work in secret but that doesn't mean U can argue BDs to not raise voices against it. But U throw insults against those who do, getting praised by Indians and some awami sell out thugs in turn.

^^Instead, try engaging him in a constructive discussion.


Two thing I want you and other Bangladeshis to be aware of:

1) RAW, in the simplest terms, is India's version of CIA/ISI/MOSSAD/KGB. What do these intelligence agencies have in common? Their mandate includes securing national interests from hostile foreign entities. To this end, their agents operate within other countries to carry out subversive activities against these entities. I think they have other intelligence agencies (like IB) to deal with threats arising internally from within India.

2) Establishing anti-Islam secular governments is not necessarily in RAW's mandate. However, Islamists are generally passionately anti-India. JI specifically supports NE freedom fighters - does the 10-truck arms scandal ring a bell? India's PM Manmahon thinks 25% Bangladeshis are Jamatis (Source) and is worried JI might play a role as kingmaker during next election. So it should not come as a surprise that they want to get rid of JI in Bangladesh. I'm no fan of Islamist groups (in fact, I want them to gracefully exit politics), but they way we're being pushed towards a civil war benefits India at the cost of our economic growth.
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