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Protest over Bin Laden... in India?


Jan 7, 2012
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Kathryn Bigelow's bin Laden film sparks Indian protest - Arts & Entertainment - CBC News


Vishva Hindu Parishad Hindu group members protested during the shoot of Oscar-winner Kathryn Bigelow film about the killing of Osama bin Laden in Chandigarh, India on Friday. (Anil Dayal/Associated Press)


Artists in Chandigarh, India are defending Oscar-winning filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow filming scenes for her upcoming movie Zero Dark Thirty — about the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden — in their city, following a protest by an ultra-conservative group.

On Monday local theatre directors, actors, writers and directors and other arts community representatives denounced recent protests by a group upset that the film has the northern Indian city of Chandigarh sitting in for Lahore, Pakistan.

On Friday, protesters shouted at and argued with the film's cast and crew in Chandigarh.

"We strongly oppose this and we will not let them put Pakistani flags here and we will not let them shoot for the film," Vijay Bhardwaj, leader of the Vishva Hindu Parishad Hindu group, told media.

Police were forced to intervene. Along with local artists, city and police officials have defended the Hollywood filmmaking team, saying all correct permits and permissions were sought and granted.

"They are creating an issue out of nothing," Kuldeep Sharma, director of Tagore Theatre, told Indian press.

So much for tolerant India.
Kathryn Bigelow's bin Laden film sparks Indian protest - Arts & Entertainment - CBC News


Vishva Hindu Parishad Hindu group members protested during the shoot of Oscar-winner Kathryn Bigelow film about the killing of Osama bin Laden in Chandigarh, India on Friday. (Anil Dayal/Associated Press)


So much for tolerant India.

ha ha. some education for you mr.kiddo.

these protests are from VHP and for heaven's sake (better dont let urself ask this again) INDIA =/= VHP :hitwall:

And last but not the least, we all know, VHP is not tolerant. so dont bring unnecessarily India in every bullshit that some organization in minority does.
These are ignorant fools- a small, small minority of ignorant fools (present anywhere). It goes without saying they DON'T represent the views of the entire nation. Gladly Punjab police upped their presence and these fools returned to the dark ages where they belong.
These are ignorant fools- a small, small minority of ignorant fools (present anywhere). It goes without saying they DON'T represent the views of the entire nation. Gladly Punjab police upped their presence and these fools returned to the dark ages where they belong.

The thing is, I don't want the movie to take place at all, but the flags and protests signs disturbed me..
East (India), west (Afghanistan, NATO, America), south (Arab gulf countries), north (Uighur Muslims), and inside (Baluchistan) we are surrounded by hate.

:guns: :pakistan: :hitwall:
East (India), west (Afghanistan, NATO, America), south (Arab gulf countries), north (Uighur Muslims), and inside (Baluchistan) we are surrounded by hate.

:guns: :pakistan: :hitwall:

thks for accepting it but many of you are not ready to accept it.
East (India), west (Afghanistan, NATO, America), south (Arab gulf countries), north (Uighur Muslims), and inside (Baluchistan) we are surrounded by hate.

:guns: :pakistan: :hitwall:

or pakistanis themselves

Well I would like to add one thing here, Indian in general dont hate pakistani people, but yes they hate establishments in pakistan that support terrorists in India.
democracy allows protest, democrat also allows people to film. nothing wrong in it, as long as they are not violent. If they do become violent, they will get sticks from police.
So Pakistanis support making a movie which is going to show Pakistan in bad light? strange..
This is good VHP is standing up for its country. Can't have Pakistani flags in the town no matter what. It's a descretation to the country and all things Hindustan stands for.
This is good VHP is standing up for its country. Can't have Pakistani flags in the town no matter what. It's a descretation to the country and all things Hindustan stands for.

Even if it is to shoot for a film? Then there would be no films about nazis because nobody wants the swastika displayed on their territroy. How would the oscar winning film gandhi have been made if they had protested filming of british flags? And I can think of n number or examples from anywhere.

This is just plain silly, that a flag can't be flown even if the reason is to shoot a film.
East (India), west (Afghanistan, NATO, America), south (Arab gulf countries), north (Uighur Muslims), and inside (Baluchistan) we are surrounded by hate.

:guns: :pakistan: :hitwall:

Uyghurs don't really hate us (I think...), but aside that, perfect sum of our sorry situation.

But guess what? We've been surviving all of that hate for these loong past years, and with a scum of a government aswell :lol:
If it was India in our position, they wouldn't be able to take it and break up into 28 republics within the first few months :chilli: :dance3: :pakistan: :partay:
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