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Proposed Vancouver bylaw triggers free speech debate


Mar 15, 2010
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Vancouver is headed into a noisy week of debate over free speech, as Mayor Gregor Robertson looks to redraft a controversial bylaw that effectively bans permanent protests outside the Chinese consulate.

Already, the proposed bylaw has generated a storm of debate, both for the rules that would effectively ban the Falun Gong religious group from maintaining a round-the-clock vigil outside the Chinese consulate in a residential area of the city – and for the disclosure late last week that Vancouver consulted with the Chinese government over the wording of the law.

Now, Mr. Robertson is seeking to dampen down the upset, rejig the law and still meet a court-imposed April 19 deadline set last fall when the old rules were struck down.

Mr. Robertson says a key consideration will be how much of a “buffer zone” is needed around diplomatic properties. The new bylaw would bar political-protest structures in residential areas (where the consulate is located), and limit their use in business and commercial zones.

The new bylaw will still bar the kind of protest that became a fixture outside the Chinese consulate on Vancouver’s Granville Street from 2001 to 2009: a round-the-clock vigil by Falun Gong members inside a hut adorned with details of the various atrocities that the group alleges are regularly committed by China’s Communist government.

The controversy over the bylaw heated up last week when city staff revealed that the Chinese government had been consulted on the bylaw’s wording. That has left the Falun Gong Association of Vancouver, among others, outraged that a foreign government was consulted. “It’s so, so, so … I don’t know how to describe it,” said Sue Zhang, spokeswoman for the Falun Gong Association of Vancouver.

The Falun Gong’s hut was dismantled in 2009 on the order of a B.C court, but last October, an appeals court struck down the city bylaw, saying it unjustifiably impaired the Falun Gong’s right to political expression and ordering the city to draw up a new law by April 19.

Mr. Robertson named two concerns about the replacement bylaw: He says he is not comfortable with proposals to charge licensing fees for those who wish to erect political-protest structures, and is worried that the bylaw as worded could lead to the homeless being rousted.

There could be changes that allow limited protest structures in residential areas, but Mr. Robertson is not prepared to allow permanent Falun Gong protests outside the consulate. “Permanence is not part of the equation,” he said, adding that he views the bylaw as a fulfilment of the city’s duty to regulate structures on streets. “This has nothing to do with the right to protest.”

The mayor’s willingness to alter the bylaw first came to light in a pair of late-evening tweets on Saturday – a response to growing online concern about the bylaw, Mr. Robertson said.

However, Clive Ansley, the B.C. lawyer acting for Falun Gong, said the effect of the new bylaw is the same as the old, in that it bars the hut that allowed members of the religious group to conduct a round-the-clock vigil. He said the appeal-court decision clearly stated that it is up to a protester to decide their means of protest, not government.

And he said that, barring significant changes, his clients will again take the city of Vancouver to court. “They’ve ignored and defied the Court of Appeal, in my opinion,” he said.

Mr. Ansley said that if a Canadian court upholds a ban on political-protest structures in residential areas, that would clear the way for any foreign government to simply relocate to avoid political flak.

A redrafted bylaw is expected to be made public as early as Wednesday, and city council is to vote on the new version on April 19.

The mayor said he still has questions on the language about residential neighbourhoods and consulates, and what responsibilities the city has under the Vienna Convention on diplomatic rights. The Convention guarantees “consular premises against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the consular post or impairment of its dignity.”

“We need clarity from staff on what buffer zone is required for consulates,” Mr. Robertson said.

Proposed Vancouver bylaw triggers free speech debate - The Globe and Mail

Searched for Falun Gong and this appears. Aren't you guys embarrassed when your embassies are harassed like this globally? It was even bombed in Yugoslavia. Come on... stand up for yourself.
Maybe we should stand up by beating up Falun Gong members. Hey you asked for it.
Maybe we should stand up by beating up Falun Gong members. Hey you asked for it.

Damn, best solution ever. There are hundreds of Falun Gongers in Canada. Take me some pictures while you're at it. Just don't mix yourself up in the fight because you're also ur*ne colored.

On a more serious note, it is great to see people inciting violence on PDF.
It's the same reason why Chinese authorities break up any anti-American violence outside their embassies. You don't want embarrassment and you don't want some people to damage your bilateral ties.

And since it's Robertson that did this, I wouldn't care too much, because he in my opinion has been a very crappy mayor.
Damn, best solution ever. There are hundreds of Falun Gongers in Canada. Take me some pictures while you're at it. Just don't mix yourself up in the fight because you're also ur*ne colored.

On a more serious note, it is great to see people inciting violence on PDF.

You know, white as a colour can also be associated badly, but I won't sink to your level.
i find this to be too true.
the people represent CCP, but CCP does not represent the people.
cult or not, these CCP stooges seem to be everywhere.
in in my home town, to protest against the Tibetans! the nerve!
i've seen ant-india protests, anti-us and anti-israel.
but never had i seen a group of people protesting a protest! well...there was those white kkk parades...
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Damn, best solution ever. There are hundreds of Falun Gongers in Canada. Take me some pictures while you're at it. Just don't mix yourself up in the fight because you're also ur*ne colored.

On a more serious note, it is great to see people inciting violence on PDF.
Falun Gong trash had no problem with violence when they sent letters threatening anyone who spoke negatively about them. Now you get all butthurt when the tables turned. Typical behaviour from a brain dead cult full of retards such as yourself.

On a more serious note, you are still a retard.
i find this to be too true.
the people represent CCP, but CCP does not represent the people.
cult or not, these CCP stooges seem to be everywhere.
in in my home town, to protest against the Tibetans! the nerve!
i've seen ant-india protests, anti-us and anti-israel.
but never had i seen a group of people protesting a protest! well...there was those white kkk parades...

See, it is more likely for Indians to be paid propaganda. I mean, you get paid to vote for "your good friend" who promises to increase exports (to Switzerland). Why not get paid for propaganda? 50 cents per day would lift half your population out of poverty.
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See, it is more likely for Indians to be paid propaganda. I mean, you get paid to vote for "your good friend" who promises to increase exports (to Switzerland). Why not get paid for propaganda? 50 cents per day would lift half your population out of poverty.
Is that even a real argument?
Your country, is the center of this debate.
Instead you point at India.
If that isn't an escape, than I don't know what is.
So don't take it from an Indian. I'm sure if a Canadian did it, you'd have remark?
Is that even a real argument?
Your country, is the center of this debate.
Instead you point at India.
If that isn't an escape, than I don't know what is.
So don't take it from an Indian. I'm sure if a Canadian did it, you'd have remark?

Yes. Brainwashed by Western media. There are 2 types of people in the world. Those who think Chinese media is bullsh*t and those who think all media is bullsh*t. I belong to the 2nd type. Westerners think they're "free". They're not. They "come to the conclusions of their own free will" after media manipulation such that the conclusion is the only logical one.

I will just ask you 1 question: why would an average Chinese citizen want to live in a weaker country?
the people represent CCP, but CCP does not represent the people.
cult or not, these CCP stooges seem to be everywhere.
in in my home town, to protest against the Tibetans! the nerve!
i've seen ant-india protests, anti-us and anti-israel.
but never had i seen a group of people protesting a protest! well...there was those white kkk parades...

So wrong. Communist party membership is drawn from the Chinese and party members serve the interest of China, better than a renegade Indian like you.

If members of a brainwashing cult like Falun Gong wants to stand out in the rain, let them; but setting up permanent shacks is going too far. They should demolish those unsightly camps.
Aren't the Falun Gong group kind of like the Chinese counterpart of scientology? lol
Yes. Brainwashed by Western media. There are 2 types of people in the world. Those who think Chinese media is bullsh*t and those who think all media is bullsh*t. I belong to the 2nd type. Westerners think they're "free". They're not. They "come to the conclusions of their own free will" after media manipulation such that the conclusion is the only logical one.

I will just ask you 1 question: why would an average Chinese citizen want to live in a weaker country?
Western media? Its like your saying I can only watch one channel. But hey avoid the debate.
And I don't know why a Chinese would live in a weaker country. I know why Tibetans might. But do you mean Canada? Why?
So instead of avoiding the topic why dont you talk about what was in the video?
Is it true that orginizations not only in New York but Canada are a so called "false front"?
So wrong. Communist party membership is drawn from the Chinese and party members serve the interest of China, better than a renegade Indian like you.

If members of a brainwashing cult like Falun Gong wants to stand out in the rain, let them; but setting up permanent shacks is going too far. They should demolish those unsightly camps.
If the party members are appointed and not at all elected by the people, or removed by the people. Then how can they be held accountable?
Remember the tainted milk scandal?
It is the truth for a communist, that who ever goes first, dies first. Do you disagree?
India politicians are not at the center of this thread. The CCP and Fulon Gong are.
Has the CCP ever shown a weakness other than a mass up raising in rural areas? Has there been a time when the people demonstrated in front of their own government to enact or repel a legislation etc../?
If you are having diffuculty finding examples, it is not because your not looking hard enough, rather, the CCP does not represent Chinese people! They represent China and her assets.
If you will argue that the CCP is responsible for the rapid economic growth, than I would argue that your faith is placing on the wrong people!
It was not the CCP alone that gave China its current stature. It was the free market, the reforms and the close proximity to a highly developed economic zone known as Japan. They may claim it as there success alone but it is not!
I am justified to say that they have shown interest in public opinion and take it very seriously, which is good. But they also have not been held accountable for Chinas failures. Because they have yet to share power with anyone else posing a different/opposing view!
The prime reason for the Folon Gong to be persecuted is not just that they are dangerous to the public but because they have or had INFLUENCE! which could shape change!
Take into example the people that are poor. The Folon Gong by standards is far richer and powerfull in comparison to Ughiers, Tibetans or the rurual population of China.
Aren't the Falun Gong group kind of like the Chinese counterpart of scientology? lol
Perhaps, they are rich.
Perhaps, this is the reason why they don't want the Folon Gong in the Main Land.
Remember the Pope issue?
Its influence. If you had absolute control over a nation, ie North Korea, China, Burma or Libyia. Would you want to part power to someone else?
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