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Nov 28, 2012
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United States
When the Prophet Muhammad warned against the Al-Saud and Wahhabism

| 5 SEPTEMBER 2014 -

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. DR
Abuses committed by the leaders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, officially proclaiming "servants of the Holy Places of Islam" against the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions continue. Thus, after the demolition of the tombs of some of the companions of the Prophet in Mecca, on the pretext of widening the plaza from the Grand Mosque, it was the turn of the tomb of the Prophet Mohammed to be the subject of a draft movement of the Holy Mosque in Medina to an anonymous Al-Baqi cemetery, where Mohamed Abdelwahab strangely, founder of Wahhabism is based. The information was revealed by the London daily, usually well informed, The Independent. This project actually marks a new stage in the escalation led by the Al-Saud who rule Saudi Arabia for more than a century against the remnants of the true Islam. If for ordinary Muslims, these ads generate anger and disappointment, the projections of this ruling family, historically and organically linked to the Wahhabi ideology, no longer mystery. Created in the late eighteenth century, the first Saudi state has all its power to the influence of the founder of the Wahhabi movement, Mohamed Abdelwahab (1703-1792), who, on behalf of the revival of Islam, advocating a rigorous Islam and called to proscribe any veneration of tombs, presented as a form of shirk (association God).Thus the precursors of this movement have ordered the destruction of a large number of archaeological and historical sites, including Medina and Mecca, the two holy cities of Islam. Beyond the purely theological or dogmatic considerations, it is a fact that the heirs and followers of Wahhabism, all descendants of the province of Nejd, managed to invent a religious legitimacy through the pact they sealed with Al-Saud, they have become the ideological screen. Having lived like the plague since the dawn of Islam, they were able to launch himself at the controls, always pushing to the extreme Puritanism. In hypocrites, they preached that the decline of the Muslims is due to their remoteness from the dogmas of the predecessors ( Salaf ), hence their obsession to enforce strict rituals and archaic clothing items to every believer. More than a takeover of religious power, the intrusion of the Wahhabis, supported by the Al-Saud, has always felt like a revenge on history. An authentic hadith shows that the Prophet Mohammed has clearly warned his followers against the danger that could come from the province of Nejd, ten centuries earlier. Prophecy or political strategy, the thought of the Prophet on this issue is worth pondering and referred to those who dominate the Arab media, are trying to avoid or minimize any such dissension in the holy lands of Islam. When he quoted the Nejd region for him to do the prayers of blessing for him, the Prophet did not give satisfaction to those who asked him. In this hadith reported by Imam Al-Bukhari, the Prophet said: "O my God, bless us Syria (al-Sham)! Oh, my God, we bless Yemen! "The people (present) then said," And the Nejd "The Prophet replied:" Oh, my God, we bless Syria! ! Oh, my God, we bless Yemen "They said once:" And the Nejd "And the third time, the Messenger of Allah said:" In this place, there are earthquakes, sedition, and it is here that will rise the horn of the devil ( al-qarn chaytan ). " In their interpretation, Salafi preachers believe that the Prophet was referring to the western region of Iraq - to endorse the curse Shiites. But the hadith speaks only of Nejd, the province is known to the Hijaz, and currently under the territory of Saudi Arabia. This area is best known in history for his many seditions declared against Mecca and its expansionist ambitions, which will be realized with the Al-Saud in the eighteenth century, by usurping the watchword of da'wa (preaching ). R. Mahmoudi
How about put PBUH next to his name next time eh?
Sometimes we need to test ourselves to see whether we still got the hang of it or not.

Apparently this time we understood nothing.
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