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Propanganda against Pak Army

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Dec 3, 2007
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EDIT : Al Qaeda Propaganda material not allowed

You can hint to it and let other people search it, but explicitly posting terrorist material is not allowed.
EDIT : Al Qaeda Propaganda material not allowed

You can hint to it and let other people search it, but explicitly posting terrorist material is not allowed.
Imagine how can a force like TTP could launch such propaganda .. There is tones of bullcrap like this ..!!!
When you know you'll be shot for speaking in favour of government.....Its easy to do such propaganda....

My question is "2 Days ago 54 people died were they not human."??

These fucktards deserve 2000lb bomb. And PAF WAH should watch this video. One of their bomb didn't explode. MAKE SURE IT DOES NEXT TIME.
the facebook video had some truth to it.

PAF does it get wrong sometimes - we have seen this before when they bombed a village and killed 70 innocent people, then told the media they were terrorist. The fact that they were civilians was unsuccessfully concealed, as i myself saw the injured women and children from the bombing transfered to peshawar hospital under darkness and under guard to avoid any media limelight. There was initially denial from ISPR, then images were released and an apology was reluctantly made. The compensation was totally insufficient though. About the amount of a goat was given for each dead civilian.

The comments to the video show that some brain-dead Pakistanis still suffer from the eternal hate-filled elixir of blaming everything on RAW and CIA - something that has been wittingly force-fed to the nation by Pakistans' leaders no doubt. I mean if CIA is so dangerous and training these terrorists, then why does Pakistan collect tens of millions of dollars from them?

I hope for the day when there's a cure for stupidity.
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the facebook video had some truth to it.

PAF does it get wrong sometimes - we have seen this before when they bombed a village and killed 70 innocent people, then told the media they were terrorist. The fact that they were civilians was unsuccessfully concealed, as i myself saw the injured women and children from the bombing transfered to peshawar hospital under darkness and under guard to avoid any media limelight. There was initially denial from ISPR, then images were released and an apology was reluctantly made. The compensation was totally insufficient though. About the amount of a goat was given for each dead civilian.

I hope for the day when there's a cure for stupidity.
It ain't PAF Fault.PAF just delivers the payload..PAF does not conduct strikes on it own AFAIK.I think there should be aerial reece (using drone) of the targets before they are hit to ensure there are not many civilians there.Of course sometimes Civilians will have to do die (ie kids and wives of militants)
the facebook video had some truth to it.

PAF does it get wrong sometimes - we have seen this before when they bombed a village and killed 70 innocent people, then told the media they were terrorist. The fact that they were civilians was unsuccessfully concealed, as i myself saw the injured women and children from the bombing transfered to peshawar hospital under darkness and under guard to avoid any media limelight. There was initially denial from ISPR, then images were released and an apology was reluctantly made. The compensation was totally insufficient though. About the amount of a goat was given for each dead civilian.

The comments to the video show that some brain-dead Pakistanis still suffer from the eternal hate-filled elixir of blaming everything on RAW and CIA - something that has been wittingly force-fed to the nation by Pakistans' leaders no doubt. I mean if CIA is so dangerous and training these terrorists, then why does Pakistan collect tens of millions of dollars from them?

I hope for the day when there's a cure for stupidity.

well as i was reading ur post i did came to a conclution there is no cure for stupidity let me remind u that this is war buddy and lives are going to be lost and we all have a part to play my relatives and my blood has been spilled my brother was in swat and was brutally killed . and i also remember the time when they terrorist killed a lots of kids when they attacked the paf bus what was there fault nothing . things do happen its not new we just have to live with it so beat it
well as i was reading ur post i did came to a conclution there is no cure for stupidity let me remind u that this is war buddy and lives are going to be lost and we all have a part to play my relatives and my blood has been spilled my brother was in swat and was brutally killed . and i also remember the time when they terrorist killed a lots of kids when they attacked the paf bus what was there fault nothing . things do happen its not new we just have to live with it so beat it
its a war of propaganda too
in addition to weapons both sides have the means to propagate their point of view.

the target of these videos are the prospect taliban sympathizers. who would support anyone in the name of Western hate
and if the terrorist has an Islamic tag thats even better.
Do the 40 Shias in Lahore and 65 in Quetta were helping US. forces????

Azam liar You and your suicide bombers! Every True Muslims of Pakistan Casting a millions curse on your shariet /sahadat.

Pakistan Zinda Bad! Pakistan Army Zinda bad:pakistan:
You tube and face book running propaganda war against Pakistan army...
What else do we need to learn the scale, direction of war and parties and tools involved?

Facebook have already hacked the account of a renowned defense analyst Mr. Zaid Hamid.
Do the 40 Shias in Lahore and 65 in Quetta were helping US. forces????

Azam liar You and your suicide bombers! Every True Muslims of Pakistan Casting a millions curse on your shariet /sahadat.

Pakistan Zinda Bad! Pakistan Army Zinda bad:pakistan:

TTP is a product of northern alliance and Indian army.
Northern Alliance is 100% shia but it does not held them back in killing his faith bretheren.
mujahdeen huhhhhhhh any tom hery dick if jobless take ak-47 start killing and got money its there jihad. they are this time wrose ppl on earth even jew are better then these moroons.
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