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Proof of RSS Hand in Samjhauta, Mecca Blasts: R.K. Singh

Very true. This is actually the true face of RSS. Another thing is these are outright bomb blasts and overt attacks on Muslims or other religious groups. There are many cases of murder and attacks on Muslim that take place because of religion (otherwise why would the victims body be burned) In front of the Andhra Pradesh High court a number of muslims were killed a number of them burned.

Oh really and how did you get hold of this classified information of RSS involvement in all this? Is your source another piece of $hit from idiots in congress like Digvijay and Sushil Kumar Shinde or are you related to any one of them? Please do post the source/proof of all the above crap..

India is not interested in protecting its minorities. Instead it is interested in deflecting blame.

Ah, Now that sounds almost like a fact coming from you, considering how well Pakistan is protecting its minority.. TBH, minorities in India are more free and vocal than minorities in Pakistan where they are not allowed to complain even when their girls are kidnapped and converted and people of certain sects of Islam are called Non-Muslims just to make majority of its populace feel better. Now that is some achievement, indeed!!

Pakistan should be apreciated for taking the terrorists head on but still being attacked on every front constantly as a failure or terrorist state. India on the other hand has never take stringent action against RSS, Shiv Sena, VHP and other militant organizations of saffron origin.

Pakistan has provided shelter, made terrorist groups, funded/supported many terrorist organizations from Punjab/Kashmir regions of India. Are you for real in claiming you are taking them heads on? Dude, Osama was found living in Pakistan for 5 years and that too very close to military cantonment area. Also had you been so willing to take on terrorists groups then there would have never been a need of drone attacks and invasion to hit Osama. And stop your jokes to even compare your home made terrorists groups who have wrecked havoc all over the world with anything in India. There is no militant organization in India like Pakistan except the Islamic terrorists groups well supported and funded by Pakistan and enemies of India.

I must say these Congressies, who are out to play the electoral vote appeasement game, have given all the Islamic terrorism apologists something to brag out.. Well, nothing can be done to stop people when they pull the facts from their back-side, you can have your field day or another day in crying a river about India.. So go on!!!
RSS is a Hindu extremist group fully funded & supported by BJP, a right wing Hindu party.

BJP doesnt want vote bank declining so doesnt claim its funding RSS

Indians are chamcha of RSS, WAKE UP INDIANS!
RSS is a Hindu extremist group fully funded & supported by BJP, a right wing Hindu party.

BJP doesnt want vote bank declining so doesnt claim its funding RSS

Indians are chamcha of RSS, WAKE UP INDIANS!

Don't believe in what you have been brainwashed.

BJP is an outfit of RSS and not the other way around.
RSS is the only organized body of Hindus.
RSS is a Pre Idependence body.

When you guys talk of RSS, you depict it as the typical terror outfit that you come across in Pakistan. Please realize that it is the only body which has ( AB Vajpayee) and will provide any successful future Prime Minister of India and therefor Congress - I is trying to paint a negative picture of RSS.

Every Hindu supports RSS though they may not vote for BJP.
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