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Proof of RSS Hand in Samjhauta, Mecca Blasts: R.K. Singh

Please don't pollute the facts with your poor knowledge and ugly logics.
Sarfraz was shot in a leg by Rangers and it wasn't deliberate the guy refused to stand down in panic. Whereas Samjhota bombing is deliberately done, planned and executed. I don't need to ask anyone i can see what you do all day on PDF.

My logic is fine. It was act against nation which funds terrorism in another nation and second nation's terrorist targeted innocent people of first nation.

In 1971, war crimes were deliberately planned, done and executed by your soldiers on the orders of Pakistan Army. Should I blame entire Pakistan Army ?

Don't make generalization which you yourself hate.
Please don't pollute the facts with your poor knowledge and ugly logics.
Sarfraz was shot in a leg by Rangers and it wasn't deliberate the guy refused to stand down in panic. Whereas Samjhota bombing is deliberately done, planned and executed. I don't need to ask anyone i can see what you do all day on PDF.

If you can really see what he does on pdf, then you wouldn't be questioning him at first place.
Quick question, how does it go from "Some members had a previous involvement with this organization"... To: "Proof of hand in Blasts."Was it actually proved that this organization was responsible for these blasts?
The title of the article and the contents of the article seem to contradict each other. Unless it was proved elsewhere.
The Congress party has distanced itself over this idiotic statement by their own Minister. All the good vibe created for Rahul Gandhi has gone down the drain.

It was one of the biggest blunder after Corruption charges, Rape issues, silence of PM over LOC incident for 6 days.

Congress is desperate.

If you can really see what he does on pdf, then you wouldn't be questioning him at first place.
:rofl:.....Oh boy, don't hit him so hard.
The Congress party has distanced itself over this idiotic statement by their own Minister. All the good vibe created for Rahul Gandhi has gone down the drain.

It was one of the biggest blunder after Corruption charges, Rape issues, silence of PM over LOC incident for 6 days.

Congress is desperate.

:rofl:.....Oh boy, don't hit him so hard.

Actually it was just the truth, nothing else. :tup:
A court of inquiry found RSS was not involved in the murder of Gandhi and exonerated them. Godse too left RSS much earlier than the assasination.

Dont bring in urban myths when people are talking facts.

It is surprising that this was a case for each one of the accused. Good thing they quit the RSS before they commit a terror act. Shows a level of sophistication or perhaps even that they work in conjunction with the top RSS leadership in order to save themselves.

There are cases when RSS militants themselves have been involved personally which we saw in Sufferers Witness. I can give you case names, pictures too of deceased but a denialist will not understand the gravity of the situation until the Muslims develop some conscious and challenge the second-class treatment they are meted.

This is a paragraph from papers of Azad Deccan Movement:

It has been noticed that certain members have been agitating very actively for the freedom of Hyderabad and expressing their loyalty to the Deccan state instead of Indian Nation. Old flags have at times been found in Old City areas of Hyderabad which show the loyalty of youth to our Hyderabadi Nizam.

But the reports that some of our youth were involved in violent rioting in Old Malakpat and Falaknuma areas are worrying. It is the responsibility of the leadership to keep youth in check and make them understand that freedom is achieved through peaceful means rather than violence. Examples of great freedom fighters who won through peaceful struggle include Shirin Ibadi, Muhammad Yunus and Jinnah.

The demands of our youth to our leadership demanding us to put pressure on Owaisi family to announce independence from Indian colonialism should be looked at.

The situation does not improve things can go bad. For every blast in Hyderabad, even ones on mosques Muslim youth have been picked up, some even dying in custody. RSS is being shielded. You can contact these guys and they have some limited web presence too though I don't know if they are updating their site or YT accounts. I am just telling you the sentiment of people in Hyderabad as I have some people there.
Looks like Congress has a death wish this coming election. The lows they will stoop to to badmouth RSS is amazing. I hope we Indians teach them a lesson in the upcoming elections.

The demands of our youth to our leadership demanding us to put pressure on Owaisi family to announce independence from Indian colonialism should be looked at.

The situation does not improve things can go bad. For every blast in Hyderabad, even ones on mosques Muslim youth have been picked up, some even dying in custody. RSS is being shielded. You can contact these guys and they have some limited web presence too though I don't know if they are updating their site or YT accounts. I am just telling you the sentiment of people in Hyderabad as I have some people there.

Your so called "people" can move to Pakistan if they dont like it here. No one is forcing them to stay. Do let "your people" in Hyderabad know that.
It is surprising that this was a case for each one of the accused. Good thing they quit the RSS before they commit a terror act. Shows a level of sophistication or perhaps even that they work in conjunction with the top RSS leadership in order to save themselves.

Or more probably the RSS were not involved and going by the confessions of the arrested themselves - they quit RSS because they found it too soft and compromising.

Pakistanis and their conspiracy theories..:lol:


There are cases when RSS militants themselves have been involved personally which we saw in Sufferers Witness. I can give you case names, pictures too of deceased but a denialist will not understand the gravity of the situation until the Muslims develop some conscious and challenge the second-class treatment they are meted.

Sufferers Witness - waddafuq is that ? Unless its another name for Indian courts, dont bother.

This is a paragraph from papers of Azad Deccan Movement:

Azad Deccan Movement..looks like you adopted the fine Afghan charas too in your quest to become a Pathan...:drag:
This congress government and politicians have proof of everything but they never let law to use these proof. What is the point of saying that we have proof.
What a useless government.

BTW congress has decline herself from HM comment.
10 accused in blast cases have RSS links: R.K. Singh

Union Home Secretary R.K. Singh said on Tuesday that at least 10 people having close links with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its affiliated organisations were named accused in various acts of terror across India.

“Yes, during investigations of Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and [Ajmer] Dargah Sharif blasts, we have found names of at least 10 persons who have been associated with the RSS at some point or the other,” he told journalists here.

His statement comes two days after Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said in Jaipur that probe agencies had found the BJP and the RSS conducted training camps to spread terrorism. “We will have to think about it seriously and will have to remain alert,” he had said. His statement drew sharp reactions from the RSS and the BJP and the latter’s allies such as the Shiv Sena and the Janata Dal (United).

“We have evidence” Did the government have any evidence of the RSS links of the persons arrested in the blast cases? “We have evidence against them... there are statements of witnesses,” the Home Secretary said.

Mr. Singh said Sunil Joshi [now dead], who worked for the RSS in Dewas and Mhow from the 1990s to 2003, was involved in the Samjhauta Express and Ajmer Sharif Dargah blasts

An RSS ‘pracharak,’ Sandeep Dange, wanted by the National Investigation Agency (NIA), was an accused in the two blasts and the one at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad.

Lokesh Sharma, Rajender alias Samunder and Kamal Chouhan, now in jail for their involvement in the Samjhauta Express and Mecca Masjid blasts, were closely linked to the RSS. While Lokesh was its ‘nagar karyavahak’ (city functionary) in Deogarh, Rajendra was ‘varg vistarak’ (an important propagandist position). Ramji Kalsangra, who is also wanted for the Samjhauta Express and Mecca Masjid blasts, was an RSS associate, Mr. Singh said.

Ajmer blast

Another Godhra-based activist of the RSS, Mukesh Vasani, was arrested for his alleged involvement in the Ajmer Sharif Dargah blast, while Devender Gupta, an RSS ‘pracharak’ in Mhow and Indore, was in jail in connection with the Mecca Masjid blast case. RSS activist in Shajhanpur, Chandrasekhar Leve, was arrested in the Mecca Masjid blast case, he said.
Mr. Singh also referred to Swami Aseemanand, who is alleged to be the main conspirator in the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer Sharif Dargah blasts, and said he was associated with an RSS wing, Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad, in Dang, Gujarat, from the 1990s to 2007.

The Hindu : News / National : 10 accused in blast cases have RSS links: R.K. Singh
Your so called "people" can move to Pakistan if they dont like it here. No one is forcing them to stay. Do let "your people" in Hyderabad know that.

Did you see Owaisi's speech? He said if we go we will take the Charminar, the taj mahal and everything else. It rather meant that this was their land and if they went everything was theirs to begin with. These people believe in freedom from India and don't plan to go anywhere. Of the ADM only a small observer committee is from Pakistan though only Pakistani members of Hyderabadi origin can join. In either case the point is it is a failure of the state to provide rights.
haha mount road maoist rag "The Hindu" at it again..:lol:

Requoting my post from the same thread -

Media sensationalism and cooked up titles at its best.

"Yes, during investigation of Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and (Ajmer) Dargah Sharif blasts, we have found at least 10 names who have been associated with the RSS at some point or the other," he told reporters.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...uta-mecca-blasts-r-k-singh.html#ixzz2IlWhNHgG

The fun fact is these guys actually quit RSS because they thought RSS was too soft and compromising in its views and they wanted to take revenge for the Govt inaction on the Islamist terrorists.

Some (former) members of RSS were accused of being involved in bomb blasts and thereby RSS stands accused is like saying many terrorists around the world were muslims by faith and hence Islam is a terrorist faith. See how stupid and idiotic that sounds !

Did you see Owaisi's speech? He said if we go we will take the Charminar, the taj mahal and everything else. It rather meant that this was their land and if they went everything was theirs to begin with. These people believe in freedom from India and don't plan to go anywhere. Of the ADM only a small observer committee is from Pakistan though only Pakistani members of Hyderabadi origin can join. In either case the point is it is a failure of the state to provide rights.

Time did not suddenly begin in the 1500 AD genius. Our history started some 4000 years before these beauties were impregnated,
Congress ka Haath, terrorists ke saath :)

Congress has history of sponsoring & sympathizing with terrorism. Indira Gandhi created Bindranwale, Rajiv Gandhi flirted with LTTE & maoists, recently congress CM in Kerala got in touch with Karnataka Chief Minister to get terror suspect and PDP leader Abdul Nasser Madani admitted in a hospital.

We have Shinde promoting Hafiz Saeed's agenda in India & earning kudos for the same from across the border. Still saving terrorist Afzal Guru from ultimate punishment.
All this goes to show who really are the terrorists & selling our nation?
Did you see Owaisi's speech? He said if we go we will take the Charminar, the taj mahal and everything else. It rather meant that this was their land and if they went everything was theirs to begin with. These people believe in freedom from India and don't plan to go anywhere. Of the ADM only a small observer committee is from Pakistan though only Pakistani members of Hyderabadi origin can join. In either case the point is it is a failure of the state to provide rights.
He also said, take away Police for some time we will kill all Hindus. You support this ?

If those are Muslim lands which wasn't their to begin with, it was of Hindus which Mughals and other invaders looted, destroyed temples to erect mosques. So sorry sir, your ownership of land logic fails.

Also, why do you all protest for demolition of Babri Masjid as it originally belonged to Hindus as Hindu temple was there. I am using your own argument.

As for rights, BJP minister and Bajrang Dal leader were sent to jail and sentenced to imprisonment till death in latter case on charges of Godhara. Our country gave the justice.

An Indian Muslim today raise the case of beard and Court sent notice to Central and State govt.

Sir, we give rights to everyone, and people are oppressed in our country, of all religions.

Hindu people living in Naxalite affected regions are also devoid of their rights and development. Same in case of NE where illegal Muslim immigrants have taken the rights of local people. In Kashmir, Kashmiri Pundits were driven out from their own homes. What about their rights ?

See oppression is everywhere. But thing is if we help Muslims and give them justice, you guys ignore it but if Govt. ever tried to resettle Kashmiri Pundits and local Muslims objected, you guys will call it oppression.

Be rational irrespective of religion of the subject in discussion.

My great country has many ills and crimes, we are not perfect but we are trying to be. Kindly see today's news, our protest led to bashing of govt. and instructions to amend Rape Laws and reviewing Police officials performance.

In Bhatinda, a girl who accused some people of gang rape, was found making wrong accusations. She filed wrong complaint to take revenge.

That's why Court of Law has to be impartial and it believes in Innocent till proven guilty.
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