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Promoting anti-science via textbooks - by PERVEZ HOODBHOY

Darwin presented a theory, nothing more, not irrefutable truth , sure he put some time and research but it still is a theory, the physics and biology and even math aren't exact sciences not in the sense the Author says .... The laws of physics change our perception of atom changes every decade, we don't know completely how DNA works some parts of DNA are still unknown to us ,about math all I would like to say is that every measurement is only precise as the tool measuring it... Quantum physics will change our perception of Newton Laws as he himself believed it ..... So what if we are to say Darwin is wrong and Newton Laws may be useless one day, are we so clueless that we can't choose what to teach the children , the only good thing that came from Darwin was his XY XY block............
Promoting anti-science via textbooks



The writer teaches physics and mathematics in Lahore and Islamabad.

A BIOLOGY textbook is normally expected to teach biology as science, meaning a scientifically based study of the structure, growth and origin of living things. But what if such a book instead says science must follow ideology and loudly denounces the core principles of biology, condemning these as wrong and irrational?

Published in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa last year, a biology textbook declares that “The theory of evolution, as proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, is one of the most unbelievable and irrational claims in history”. Ridiculing the notion that complex life evolved from simpler forms, it claims this violates common sense and is just as “baseless” as assuming that when two rickshaws collide “a motor car was evolved”.

Colliding two rickshaws will, of course, never result in a motor car. That’s common sense. But what does this have to do with the prokaryote-eukaryote transition (which the authors are trying to refute)? More importantly, common sense isn’t good enough for science. Didn’t common sense once tell you that the sun moves across the sky, the earth is flat, and that being out in the cold produced colds? Common sense didn’t tell you that smoking was dangerous. Evidence did.

Ideological discomfort with science largely explains our near total absence from the world of creative science.
Evidence through years of patient observation — not common sense — led to Darwin’s theory of evolution and to Newton’s laws of motion. Take them away and biology, as well as physics, instantly collapses into a meaningless jumble of facts. Robbed of fundamentals, biology ceases to be biology and physics ceases to be physics. They cease to be branches of science.

If the quoted textbook was just one of a kind, I would not have written this article. But almost all books have this attitude. Another KP textbook says “A person in a stable and proper state of mind” cannot accept the wild theories of Western science. By corollary, only mad people can. A physics textbook of the Sindh Textbook Board categorically states that the universe sprang instantly into existence when a certain divine phrase was uttered.

Anti-science does not live in our textbooks only. Many Pakistani science and maths teachers are uncomfortable with their vocations. Whether in schools or universities, they obtained their jobs by possessing requisite certificates and degrees. But not all agree with what they are paid to teach, or even understand it. It should surprise no one that most biology teachers in Pakistan either do not — or perhaps dare not — touch upon human evolution.

Other teachers also feel torn between science and faith. Qari N. was a mathematics professor at Quaid-i-Azam University and my neighbour in the QAU housing colony. He was a soft-spoken and deeply pious man who wore his shalwar well above his ankles and would rebuff customary embraces after Eid prayers, declaring them to be bid’at (an innovation, hence disallowed).

His PhD in mathematics notwithstanding, the gentle qari would say to his M.Sc students that although it was his job to teach, yet mathematics was not to be trusted. He rejected not just mathematics but all Western cultural contaminations, including modern medicine. A chronic diabetic, he refused to see a regular doctor and instead put his trust in a hakeem who prescribed several spoonfuls daily of pure honey. Sadly, I was unable to make it to his funeral because of my busy class schedule that day.

Ideological discomfort with science largely explains Pakistan’s total absence from the world of creative science or technology. But there are other competing reasons, foremost among which is corruption and extreme incompetence in the field of textbook publishing. I do not think there is another country in the world that miseducates its young so badly.

Over four decades, I have collected scores of school science textbooks, both Urdu and English. Most have been produced by the Punjab and Sindh textbook boards. You can guess how many copies need to be printed for a population of 200 million people, as well as imagine the profits from even a small markup. These are ideal conditions for corruption and incompetence to thrive in government education departments.

One year ago, my article ‘Burn these books, please!’ was published in this newspaper. It pleaded that our students should be kept away “from the rotten science textbooks published by the Sindh Textbook Board (STB), an entity operating under the Sindh Ministry of Education. Else yet another generation will end up woefully ignorant of the subjects they study — physics, mathematics, chemistry, and biology.”

The article caught the attention of the current Sindh secretary of education, a man who appeared committed to change. He invited me to be part of the Sindh government’s education advisory board, an honorary position which I instantly accepted. A Karachi-based philanthropist offered to underwrite expenses needed for a massive revamp of textbook development and also paid my airfare to attend a committee meeting. There was some excitement, and a faint ray of hope that one hoped was not that faint.

The first meeting was duly held, and then subsequent ones. Unfortunately, the committee’s secretary made sure nothing would really move. Many promises were made but none were kept, critical issues were left unaddressed, and endless bureaucratic hurdles were devised.

One year later I see that our efforts — including those of a US-based Pakistani academic — had been neatly sabotaged. Now I hear over the grapevine that the committee has been dissolved. It doesn’t matter if it has — the lack of seriousness was apparent from day one. When foxes are charged with protecting chickens, the outcome rarely surprises.

The Sindh education ministry is beyond reform. It cannot deliver good textbooks for Matric and FSc. Adapting, subsidising, and translating internationally produced ‘O’ and ‘A’ level science books — used presently by only a tiny sliver of upscale Pakistani schools — is the only reasonable way to go. Those who protest that this amounts to a Western cultural invasion should be asked to produce their own science. In the meantime they shouldn’t use electricity or mobile phones, and travel only on donkeys and camels. Instead of antibiotics or insulin they could, like my former neighbour, opt to use honey.

The writer teaches physics and mathematics in Lahore and Islamabad.

Published in Dawn, December 3rd, 2016
National textbook board 2007 9th class Islamabad book had evolution as a topic and if i remember correctly they even had Quranic verses to prove evolution we studied Darwinism and Max(somethingism) and they were compared i guess quality has fallen since 2007 all over Pakistan geo jamhoriyat :D
National textbook board 2007 9th class Islamabad book had evolution as a topic and if i remember correctly they even had Quranic verses to prove evolution we studied Darwinism and Max(somethingism) and they were compared i guess quality has fallen since 2007 all over Pakistan geo jamhoriyat :D
I think most here are educated in private schools as Pakistanis in general do not send their kids to govt school at least in karachi i can confirm this is the trend ! what texts is in those sarkari school books is most likely what PH is refering too
The reality is that evolution is the biggest farce that has been committed in the name of science. Due to the extreme marginalization at the hands of the Church in the middle aged, scientists have acquired a hatred of the concept of God. This hatred leads them to accept their forefathers are monkeys rather than the fact that we are all descended from Adam and Eve.
But last i remember darwin theory is even rejected by scientists based on the fact there are no intermediary species between baboons and humans ... if there is something as evaluation then there should be some intermediary ...

I dont think why do you people are so much anti religion ... the theory even rejected by scientists and you are condemning islam ... :hitwall:

Darwin theory is a theory... means its not scientifiacally proven so far...
Survival of fitest does not explain why one species evolved into lion (predator) and another in deer (prey).. pleas also consider predator wont survive without prey...but prey can....heck with evolution
I think most here are educated in private schools as Pakistanis in general do not send their kids to govt school at least in karachi i can confirm this is the trend ! what texts is in those sarkari school books is most likely what PH is refering too
Most here dont include me bhai jaan ham to semi gornamaint eskol mein parhain hain :D
Full govt schools ki bhi yahi book thi waisey
thread is about silly stuff in Pakistani text books not Islamic text books .. so no need to bang your head against the wall so hard
Where did you find in my post that i am defending text book using religion ... i am referring to posts by various member relating this text book material to religion ...

I am saying darwin theory is even rejected by scientists ... then why people here are relating it to religion ???
Why did evolution stop... why dont we have a tribe coming out of south africa saying guys we just turned humans??why is there no documented history of this ever happening??
Why are milllions of most evolved humans with most advanced technologies die from infections of from most primitive bacterias?? Sepsis is leading cause of death world wide...

This theory is a very simplistic view to a very complex issue... it hardly touches 1% of total picture...
I think most here are educated in private schools as Pakistanis in general do not send their kids to govt school at least in karachi i can confirm this is the trend ! what texts is in those sarkari school books is most likely .....

School books in Pakistan are not categorized as private school textbooks or public school textbooks. They are categorized according to the board the school follows.

A school private or public will be teaching the same syllabus if it is under the same board sat Punjab board text book board.
Why do monkeys today choosing to stay monkeys... dont they want to become humans... drive farraris and live on ocean view villas??

Some people even think it was darwin alone who evolved from monkey ... not all of us... thats another theory (no scientific evidence to prove it)
Religion is very important for our philosofical, spritual, mental evolution. Without religion many of us were very close to animals mating here and there and hunting each other. Religion help us form social structure and preserve humanity.

Science is equally important, without science we were not discussing this on pdf.
Not only height but the longevity of men's age. Even they say People of Sodom were 7 8 feet long. The most logical explanation behind this that I can conjure is back then in the era of Adam and subsequent people, Oxygen was more purer than today it is. Purer oxygen = longevity. As oxygen started getting contaminated, the longevity decrease also the subsequent features and this what we can call an evolution. Though general idea of Theory of evolution is in each generation of humans, the physical aspects of human body change. That we can agree upon, but the as it further progresses where it says Animals evolved in to Humans, that's where I began to differ into theory of evolution
Really 7 to 8 feet height. Is there any evidence? Or any evidence of Adam being taller?
The reality is that evolution is the biggest farce that has been committed in the name of science. Due to the extreme marginalization at the hands of the Church in the middle aged, scientists have acquired a hatred of the concept of God. This hatred leads them to accept their forefathers are monkeys rather than the fact that we are all descended from Adam and Eve.

Theory of evolution is born out of mechanical world view which negates a creator. It is propagated by haters of divinity and is at odds with our world view where there exists not only the Creator but the Sustainer as well. And it is more of an ideology than Science because there exists no evidence for Macro evolution where one specie changes into another. We need to revive Islamic science as it was studied by Muslim scientists which isn't void of God and has not for its purpose power over nature. We shouldn't be unaware of what world view Modern Science belongs to, we get so overwhelmed by utility of things that we make it a God how is that different from a Hindu which makes cow his God because it provides him sustenance in the olden days.
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