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Promoting anti-science via textbooks - by PERVEZ HOODBHOY

For me,comments are more shocking than the article itself!
Not only height but the longevity of men's age. Even they say People of Sodom were 7 8 feet long. The most logical explanation behind this that I can conjure is back then in the era of Adam and subsequent people, Oxygen was more purer than today it is. Purer oxygen = longevity. As oxygen started getting contaminated, the longevity decrease also the subsequent features and this what we can call an evolution. Though general idea of Theory of evolution is in each generation of humans, the physical aspects of human body change. That we can agree upon, but the as it further progresses where it says Animals evolved in to Humans, that's where I began to differ into theory of evolution
well the scientific reasoning is quite contrary to that, the height of a person is connected with the nourishment of the food content the person is consuming and the age of the person is connected with types and quality of antibiotics available and number of predators in a given scenario.. so both of these things have been far better now then any other time in history and human lives and there build is far robust and longer now then ever before..
and this cities of Sodom and Gomorrah if ever did exist.. would have been inhabited by people of small stature and small lives..
and i assure you they did find certain skeletons at the site of ruins archaeologists daubed Sodom, and there height was not impressive enough to coup up with your point..
and oxygen is oxygen..
there is no term in the entire chemistry for the word dirt oxygen..
yes you can say that the mixture of inhaled air is of low quality now a days..
but 1400 years ago your prophet might have inhaled far fresh air and he still lived an average life span..
and the theory of evolution my friend does not work that way.. you got it wrong
@Mrc dear people even argue different sizes of dick is a sign of evolution. It is a serious issue so no need to put 'lol' here, lol

Predator was never predator in the beginning. It is end product that we see today. Earlier lions used to eat grass and deer used to eat meat at times till they got visible distinction. Because basic digestion system is same in plants and animals.

yeah and star wars into the darkness is based on a true story....

yes these are theories but no body has ever found a meat eating deer. there is absolutely zero evidence that one distinct species has ever changed into another.... this is the only scientific fact .. you can postulate or theorize what ever you wish

please note science is conjecture of hard core reproduceable facts... 150 years old un -substantiated theory is not science..... its just another theory
I believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. This text book is the work of reactionary JI Influence.

Adam was the first human but the holy Quran only describes a vague story about Adam's birth. We are all creations of the Almighty. It is in Allah's power the evolve a human from non- human parents. Why can't we accept that evolution is due to the will of Allah?

You have used the word "believe" exactly...Darwin's theory has nothing to do with the scientific evidence ...it is a "belief" promulgated by the anti-creationists as a must "believe" theory that has nothing to do with the scientific evidence other some nice visual sketching of a dolphin turning into a human shape. How...no one knows.
This theory violate most of the scientific principles but since atheism is being promoted around the globe so it this theory. I used to discussions with the brainwashed darwinists and they used to get emotional but never presented logical and scientific explanations
Sir @Khafee this "theory" is another belief system for atheists / anti creationists...though evolution exists within the species but they fail to explain the link between cross-species evolutions, why evolution was so selective that some monkeys got converted into humans but rest remained monkeys..why? and most importantly this theory falls apart at explaining the appearance of the life from nothing specially in the context of the cell theory...
now the most interesting fact I tell you sir @Khafee all these 5 min scientists on this thread don't even know what is the cell theory..so it is waste of time talking with such ignorants and as Quran says "Qalo Salama" dooor ka salam behtar hai juhla se
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He is arguably Pakistans top theoretical physicist at this current moment, that does not mean he is the greatest Muslim scientist today ( if indeed he is a Muslim).
He is not Muslim. He is Parsis turned an Atheist. Furthermore, He is not even Pakistan's foremost scientist in the field....What honours has he won at international level for Pakistan?
All he does is appear on media and debate political issues and I have found him 95% of times 100% wrong.
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My question would be one specie evolving into another specie. IS that scientifically proven?

Being honest... I do have doubt in it... But DNA of different species have much similarity... Human share 98% of their DNA with Mouse..

So the thing is that somewhere in sometime... There was a favorable mutation occurred which made that individual to differ from its fellow beings And this caused Speciation a general term used in Genetics.. Environment has second most influence in it after Genome mutations.

All the species we see is just the variation in the DNA between the species... and thus represent the colours of their Creator.

I have an example... We make changes in the DNA to create transgenic animals.. What is it ????
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He is not Muslim. He is Parsis turned into Atheist. Furthermore, He is not even Pakistan's foremost scientist in the field....What honours has he won at international level for Pakistan?
All he does is appear on media and debate political issues and I have found him 95% of times 100% wrong.
Unfortunately with the exception of Professor Salam not many if any Pakistani scientists produce work which merits any prestigious award. Sincerely hope this changes.Kudos
Being a Genecist I do believe in that...But wait let me explain as keyboard warriors will grab their weapon and bash me.

Darwin's theory explains what is simply the rule of nature... Nature always tends to eliminate the individuals who fail to cope with it.. Same happens in Darwin's theory... Individuals having the non-beneficial trait..how could they survive in the environment to which their body doesn't favor anymore..?
And hence individuals having favorable traits were preferred by nature itself..

Dominant always rules.. Thats what Darwin wanted to say I guess.

Islam is not a narrow minded religion.. it calls people to explore the world of the Creator.. He hid things for us to reveal..
And Science is the name to explore things.. It gave benefits to the creature of His.. how it could be colliding to Islam? Until we don't make it...!!

@Zibago @WAJsal @Hell hound @war&peace @Aether @Oscar
lady when was last time you have studies the theory of evolution?
because the theory of evolution have came a long way from that point, it is proven, understood and accepted by all scientists today.. a lumbering 99.9 percent..
well Darwin was wrong about a lot of things, and he was right about a lot of things too, but no doubt he was the first to start this discussion..
and by the way you talk it did seem you have very little idea about the theory it self..
i would suggest you do study it but after leaving your faith at the door, only then it make sense.
well most of the people are conformist by nature, and that is very hard to change
i do understand your devotion to your faith, but my point is keep your faith out of the science book..
Being honest... I do have doubt in it... But DNA of different species have much similarity... Human share 98% of their DNA with Mouse..

So the thing is that somewhere in sometime... There was a favorable mutation occurred which made that individual to differ from its fellow beings And this caused Speciation a general term used in Genetics.. Environment has second most influence in it after Genome mutations.

All the species we see is just the variation in the DNA between the species... and thus represent the colours of their Creator.

I have an example... We make changes in the DNA to create transgenic animals.. What is it ????
Sharing DNA's is fine, but does that mean in the next 1000 years mice will become human?
Sharing DNA's is fine, but does that mean in the next 1000 years mice will become human?

The same question I asked to my teacher and he had no answer But yes may be if the mutation occurs as science said it occurred somewhere then may be.. This is where we get separated by religion and science..

When I'll have my own lab.. I'll induce mutation in all the genes of mouse and see the result... ;) Then I'll share it with you..
Abi to Manhoss mara DNA hi nai a raha..:cry:
Sharing DNA's is fine, but does that mean in the next 1000 years mice will become human?
friend, it means that all living organism have a common ancestor..
so next time you eat a banana then be aware that he is related to you
and he might be your lost cousin from millions of years ago
The same question I asked to my teacher and he had no answer But yes may be if the mutation occurs as science said it occurred somewhere then may be.. This is where we get separated by religion and science..

When I'll have my own lab.. I'll induce mutation in all the genes of mouse and see the result... ;) Then I'll share it with you..
Abi to Manhoss mara DNA hi nai a raha..:cry:
So how much mutation would be required to cover the 2% difference between man and mouse?
Sharing DNA's is fine, but does that mean in the next 1000 years mice will become human?
Were Adam and Eve white, brown, mongloid, or black? How come we have black Africans, white Europeans, mongloids etc all maintaining these characteristics for thousands of years when they all are sons or daughters of same Adam Eve.
Do you believe after 1000 years blacks will look like whites. Are black and whites same species?
When were Adam and eve created by God
I am going to put a very simple example here...

Africans are black... its postulated because of heat and sun they are exposed to... Europeans are white......they don't need extra melanin in skin to protect from sun...

fine ... arabs are white... they live in deserts harsher than sahara.... ok ... I will theorize ... they migrated to desert from Europe or some other cold place... fine

than why after 12000 years of documented history, they are still white???? why have they not changed with their environment??

Africans living in America and Europe for more than 500 years .. well they are still black....

this is different races of same species...and we don't see them changing over 10 -15 thousand years of documented/ partially documented or discovered history..... and we believe than one species can change into another completely different and un-related species?

but picture is still even more complicated... evolution does occur .. human adopt.. u start hitting the gym regularly for 2 months ... u start building muscles.... if you are persistent enough you may even pass healthy trends to your off springs.... humans have evolved over centuries and mellinia.. so have other living forms ... but still racial structure from earliest documented history holds true today....
where are species evolving into other?????
Unfortunately with the exception of Professor Salam not many if any Pakistani scientists produce work which merits any prestigious award. Sincerely hope this changes.Kudos
Sir!!! Dr Atta-ur-Rehman has been awarded the second most prestigious award in science after the Nobel prize but awards are not what we should be focussing...I am talking about the publications and research. Dr Atta-ur-Rehman has ground breaking research in many field of chemistry and more than 600 publications.
Now the list of Pakistani scientists is getting bigger.

I want to see some great articles from Pervaiz Hudhud.
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