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‘Project Malala’: The CIA’s Socio-Psychological Intelligence Operation

I'm sure this story is going to be like how Harry Potter survived the evil Voldemort Taliban and at the end how he was Defeated which will be coming in the near future , I also certainly believes she is going to be a Great Politician like Benazir Bhutto one day .

Malala Yousufzai isn't the only Pakistani women/girl to receive global recognition . CIA does have enough on its plate , not to start a conspiracy against Pakistanis to get some goddamn education !

You talk about ' getting facts ' , whilst ignoring the facts , the whole time ? Amazing , eh ?

Do you agree that TTP is directly controlled by CIA.....??
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Have no idea, have to ask the people who received maximum head-shots from the Talibs. Any one from Canadian military here? :D

You hating on the glorious Canadien military that was able to hold out the entire province of Kandahar with barely 3000 soldiers which inept Americans can't do with 10000 so I guess you can make an educational inference from this. Also keep in mind the Canadien military is using equipment from vietnam era so we did not have that much of technological edge either ;)
Mate, I love the Canadians. They maybe the only reason holding back God's hand in brining down calamity over North America.... :D

I was just having a convo with one of your not so gifted country mate... :P

You hating on the glorious Canadien military that was able to hold out the entire province of Kandahar with barely 3000 soldiers which inept Americans can't do with 10000 so I guess you can make an educational inference from this. Also keep in mind the Canadien military is using equipment for vietnam era so we did not have that much of technological edge either ;)
To be honest , I am seriously shocked after seeing the comments of some of my dear countrymen about a terrorist attack victim being considered as an CIA agent with the most bizarre and ridiculous conspiracy theories , I have ever heard . This severe ' intellectual crisis ' is disturbing and worrisome . I mean , how does it even make the remotest of sense ? The brave girl spent weeks in Intensive Care Unit and her recovery was only made possible , because she received the best possible treatment in U.K . How is her recovery , symbolism as promoter of women education and now International recognition , an attack on Islam and the moral values of Pakistanis by any means ? How and why can people find a religious angle to everything ? Keep on crying ' Wolf , Wolf ' falsely and people will start to get desensitized so when the wolf comes in reality , nobody would take you seriously . This is exactly what is happening .

Quite likely the shooting and her rise to fame was not planned, but isn't there a good chance of Malala getting exploited by the intel agencies AFTER she became famous?

In my youth, we used to hear stories like how some spies from the USSR made it to the Olympic teams and one of them even won a bronze medal in long jump. Does it mean the spies are so determined and so capable physically as to win medals in the Olympics? No, it simply meant that those who made it to the Olympics were selected to spy.

Same could be the case with Malala. It could be any girl/boy/man/woman/other who could become famous and become an icon of determination and modernity and be used by the foreign agencies. Not too obtuse an angle you know. The intel agencies are notorious for accomplishing the unthinkable... And then we have Pasha's testimony about the motive of the NGOs in Pakistan. It is not that the NGOs were planted by the intel agencies, rather the agencies make use of the NGOs that have matured and are already functioning.

Malala's fame has also matured to the point that it can easily affect/sway the youth of Pakistan. And the transition can be too subtle for them to detect.

We did , sir ! Let there be no shame , in admitting our failures . The time for coverups is well past , now is the time to rethink our actions and consequences . Because , only through understanding , can there be recovery . The girl just wanted to study here and we couldn't even allow her to do that .

That's the prime focus of any intel agency - exploit the enemy's weakness.

But anyway, how wrong is it for anyone to explore an angle. The OP did just that, so why does anyone have to call names?
Do you agree that TTP is directly controlled by CIA.....??

Not directly , you have enough extremist/radicals in your country to ensure a continuous reign of lawlessness and terror , an entire populace radicalized deeply . Americans never needed to create an entire organization as you believe , they just needed to aid them . Isn't the enemy of my enemy my friend ?
Mate, I love the Canadians. They maybe the only reason holding back God's hand in brining down calamity over North America.... :D

I was just having a convo with one of your not so gifted country mate... :P

ahahha kidding aside, you will find more Canadienne liberals online in comparison to conservatives as they have more time to whine about things then us Conservatives since lets be honest, our country is liberal as it is and it will take another decade of conservatives and petrol dollars to get this nation right ;). Na kidding aside, I have a question since you are a senior member, is the poster Zarvan a troll or serious about his opinions because I really feel uncomfortable reading some of his opinions as they are very politically incorrect and there is extreme hatred of the West in them to the point that I wonder that what exactly have we done wrong by promoting Malala seriously. I am an islamic practitioner myself and adhere to a similar moral compass as you possibly but isn't female education a nobel cause to struggle for instead of always having violent struggles in your country(can't remember the arabic word for it but I think you understand).
Every nation has it's baggage, and we have couple hundred Zarvan's. Doesn't matter, such people, almost always self destruct. No worries, he is benign. All talk. Btw, you people haven't done anything wrong. Stop taking taking offense from nobodies, rule number one to surviving the PaksitanEEZe people.... :D

ahahha kidding aside, you will find more Canadienne liberals online in comparison to conservatives as they have more time to whine about things then us Conservatives since lets be honest, our country is liberal as it is and it will take another decade of conservatives and petrol dollars to get this nation right ;). Na kidding aside, I have a question since you are a senior member, is the poster Zarvan a troll or serious about his opinions because I really feel uncomfortable reading some of his opinions as they are very politically incorrect and there is extreme hatred of the West in them to the point that I wonder that what exactly have we done wrong by promoting Malala seriously. I am an islamic practicioners myself and adhere to a similar moral compass as you possibly but isn't female education a nobel cause to struggle for instead of always have violent struggles(can't remember the arabic word for it but I think you understand).
ahahha kidding aside, you will find more Canadienne liberals online in comparison to conservatives as they have more time to whine about things then us Conservatives since lets be honest, our country is liberal as it is and it will take another decade of conservatives and petrol dollars to get this nation right ;). Na kidding aside, I have a question since you are a senior member, is the poster Zarvan a troll or serious about his opinions because I really feel uncomfortable reading some of his opinions as they are very politically incorrect and there is extreme hatred of the West in them to the point that I wonder that what exactly have we done wrong by promoting Malala seriously. I am an islamic practitioner myself and adhere to a similar moral compass as you possibly but isn't female education a nobel cause to struggle for instead of always having violent struggles in your country(can't remember the arabic word for it but I think you understand).

Zaravan lies through is teeth by twisting even Quranic verses. giving bad name to our religion and community
Malala's fame has also matured to the point that it can easily affect/sway the youth of Pakistan. And the transition can be too subtle for them to detect.

But anyway, how wrong is it for anyone to explore an angle. The OP did just that, so why does anyone have to call names?

Well , the only thing wrong with your theory is that there's no evidence , none at all . Everything's possible , the question is ' where's the proof ? ' . Could be , would be , maybe , that is all , I see in your post . Paranoia , my friend , isn't a normal state of the mind . Just wild conspiracy theories which are quite fast becoming a norm , after every accident . If her fame motivates the Pakistani children and parents to pursue education and bring about a change in the country , I would welcome that influence . After all , she isn't saying anything to Pakistanis and the world than to promote education so that these barbaric ideologies can no longer have the breathing space to survive .

There's nothing wrong with the freedom of speech , the thread hasn't been closed , but there's nothing with us condemning shutting eyes from ' facts ' , right ?
Why just her? Because she was living in an area which was under terrorists' siege where even males were shyt scared to speak but her father took the risk of bringing her in fore front.

All the best Malala. God bless you. Fate/destiny has own plans as planned by Allah. Your stand brought good future for your family and also highlighted Pakistani females' education woes.

Its too stage managed, more like a bunch of professionals scripted the whole character building upto this point - other than the terrorist attack.
See, if this is the norm of how the story of every victim or opposer gets highlighted then its believeable.

She is just being groomed as an image of whats happening there - I bet even her speeches and expressions are all managed by people.
Well , the only thing wrong with your theory is that there's no evidence , none at all . Could be , would be , maybe , that is all , I see in your post . Paranoia , my friend , isn't a normal state of the mind . Just wild conspiracy theories which are quite fast becoming a norm , after every accident . If her fame motivates the Pakistani children and parents to pursue education and bring about a change in the country , I would welcome that influence . After all , she isn't saying anything to Pakistanis and the world than to promote education so that these barbaric ideologies can no longer have the breathing space to survive .

There's nothing wrong with the freedom of speech , the thread hasn't been closed , but there's nothing with us condemning shutting eyes from ' facts ' , right ?

The question here is not your opinion, about how Malala's fame is helping educate the youth of Pakistan. The question is whether the OP's argument merits any consideration?

You say the only thing wrong is that there is no evidence. How often is it that the intel agencies, and that too the most capable ones, would leave any trace or evidence behind? On the other hand, they would invest their resources in trying to convince you exactly the opposite.

Of course, I have no evidence either. But, I ask you this - Before Gen. Pasha's testimony, how many out there in Pakistan really suspected the NGOs of spying? And how many suspect them now, after Pasha's testimony? I bet the number have changed by a great deal!

But, is there any evidence to support Pasha's statements?
No, none at all. So, would you say Pasha shouldn't speak unless he can produce the evidence?

If you were to rely solely on the evidence part when examining the intrusion of any foreign intel agency, then you will encounter nothing but failure.

Oh, and indeed there is nothing wrong with freedom of speech, isn't that why the posts calling him names have survived? So let's not even talk about the survival of the thread.

By the way, are you a shrink to comment on my mental condition? Unless you are one, you should abstain from using such words. It only goes to show you are no better than those who have been calling names at the OP.
You say the only thing wrong is that there is no evidence. How often is it that the intel agencies, and that too the most capable ones, would leave any trace or evidence behind? On the other hand, they would invest their resources in trying to convince you exactly the opposite.

The easiest threat to malala would be to threaten her to send her back to Pakistan, this will surely get her to do whatever any agency wants.

but I dont think its that severe, she has been groomed without her knowledge, given a million dollar book deal and a speech in the UN.

Has that changed anything for Pakistan?
The question here is not your opinion, about how Malala's fame is helping educate the youth of Pakistan. The question is whether the OP's argument merits any consideration?

You say the only thing wrong is that there is no evidence. How often is it that the intel agencies, and that too the most capable ones, would leave any trace or evidence behind? On the other hand, they would invest their resources in trying to convince you exactly the opposite.

Of course, I have no evidence either. But, I ask you this - Before Gen. Pasha's testimony, how many out there in Pakistan really suspected the NGOs of spying? And how many suspect them now, after Pasha's testimony? I bet the number have changed by a great deal!

But, is there any evidence to support Pasha's statements?
No, none at all. So, would you say Pasha shouldn't speak unless he can produce the evidence?

If you were to rely solely on the evidence part when examining the intrusion of any foreign intel agency, then you will encounter nothing but failure.

Oh, and indeed there is nothing wrong with freedom of speech, isn't that why the posts calling him names have survived? So let's not even talk about the survival of the thread.

By the way, are you a shrink to comment on my mental condition? Unless you are one, you should abstain from using such words. It only goes to show you are no better than those who have been calling names at the OP.

What are the OP's argument anyways other than guessing , conjecture , wild conspiracy theories and considering everything as an attack against Islam and Pakistan ? Just as you , the OP didn't have any evidence or proof to back it up .

How often do you see the Intel agencies picking up a girl from a backward area in a third world country from an area under siege , educate her to an extent , make her write what every brave men should have and get her shot/or make herself shoot in the head to pave the way for her rise to fame to conspire against Pakistani by promoting education ? I mean , honestly ! To tell the truth , most of the people believed that she was dead until hopeful news started coming in from U.K. since she was shot in the head and spent weeks in I.C.U. May I ask what exactly has the CIA achieved by it , being the devil's advocate here ? What has changed drastically for Pakistan ? . Even the most capable ones leave some evidence of foul play behind in almost all cases , do we not have a history of false flag operations at hand ? Op MKULTRA ? Pigs of Bay invasion ? Op Mongoose ? Op MKDELTA ? The same agency which is now being alleged , was involved ? . I do not believe in perfection . Even the plausible deniability works to an extent .

Then , I believe we are wasting our time , aren't we ? Discussing maybe , could be , would be and there's no evidence because face it , the agencies do not leave any behind . Yet , we have a lot in knowledge about the acts of many . A lot , nothing changed after Gen.Pasha's testimony , just that the Brutus became an honorable man .

A classic example of an argument from an authority . Nothing else . Despite being valid sometimes for some , doesn't mean that the people should start believing in allegations than the established facts . Gen.Pasha's words weren't remotely enlightening , I assume that you would have realized it , just he was a top ranking former official .

Not really . The biggest man hunt recently , landed a certain doctor in jail , didn't it ? There's always some evidence , otherwise how do you know that the foreign agencies do not really leave any trace ?

Isn't that why the thread is still running too despite calls from several members ? The name calling's not appreciated , but still has to tolerated , under the same freedom .
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