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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

Realistically we don’t have the resources and infrastructure to build AZM 5th Generation fighter independently. We will end up asking for help from China or Turkey or both.
And that's ok, most countries in the world didn't manufacture a complete indigenous Jet on their first try

Good thing is at least we are trying to make a 5th indigenous jet
Realistically we don’t have the resources and infrastructure to build AZM 5th Generation fighter independently. We will end up asking for help from China or Turkey or both.

Nothing wrong in it. JF-17 is an example of success. Nothing wrong to repeat it as it serves our objectives and needs very well.

Infact better, to avoid Tejas path.

P. S. : Not saying you wrong.
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you are right.
india will get special waiver. it won't be first time.

It's basic logic. India will have the most money to spend on weapons in the next few years and there is a deep relationship already, so the US wants to capitalize on the Indian weapon purchasing and replace Russia. Secondly, it's to the US's benefit due to China being next door and a land border with India that India can manage China in an air battle.
Realistically we don’t have the resources and infrastructure to build AZM 5th Generation fighter independently. We will end up asking for help from China or Turkey or both.

ISI would play an important role in stealing information about what we don't know. Remember we could also have not built an atomic bomb but we did. I am not saying that it would be 100% indigenous, but I am hoping to see more of locally developed systems.
ISI would play an important role in stealing information about what we don't know. Remember we could also have not built an atomic bomb but we did. I am not saying that it would be 100% indigenous, but I am hoping to see more of locally developed systems.

Why steal information when you can learn from the Chinese? as well as use Turkey's experience in this area. An example? J-10C or a JFT redesign with RAM quoting alone will reduce much of the already low RCS. This is without too much effort. Obviously, a redesign would factor in other things including converting the current airframe into a stealthy one.
Why steal information when you can learn from the Chinese? as well as use Turkey's experience in this area. An example? J-10C or a JFT redesign with RAM quoting alone will reduce much of the already low RCS. This is without too much effort. Obviously, a redesign would factor in other things including converting the current airframe into a stealthy one.

Means to an end. Its not PAF's job to manufacture planes and carry all its R&D. That takes decades. They will get it done though, whatever way necessary. Including some R&D and learning as well, but they will definitely try to speed up the process one way or the other.

China won't share a lot about its top fighter jet, no country would. It is first time for Turkey as well.
ISI would play an important role in stealing information about what we don't know. Remember we could also have not built an atomic bomb but we did. I am not saying that it would be 100% indigenous, but I am hoping to see more of locally developed systems.

Really? How old are you?

It can be easily achieved in 20 to 30 years. We need to triple our education budget. Our university are teaching the curriculum from 90s and there is no money for research. We are completely dependent on foreign help for developing a simple system.
When an individual or group try to create something, our media and corrupt mafia try to discredit them.
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Really? How old are you?

It can be easily achieved in 20 to 30 years. We need to triple our education budget. Our university are teaching the curriculum from 90s and there is no money for research. We are completely dependent on foreign help for developing a simple system.
When an individual or group try to create something, our media and corrupt mafia try to discredit them.

We never lacked capabilities in Pakistan if just one mann build the bomb in his basement the sky is the limit in what we can achieve technologically
We never lacked capabilities in Pakistan if just one mann build the bomb in his basement the sky is the limit in what we can achieve technologically
There is unintended sarcasm in the above statement - bomb in basement & sky donot mix well together in a statement. Also, would you want someone to develop a bomb in basement? That would be scary indeed.

If you think that Dr. Qadeer did it all by himself, you would be gravely mistaken. Setting up aviation sector, that encompasses many different disciplines and needs many industries, is no joke either.
Means to an end. Its not PAF's job to manufacture planes and carry all its R&D. That takes decades. They will get it done though, whatever way necessary. Including some R&D and learning as well, but they will definitely try to speed up the process one way or the other.

China won't share a lot about its top fighter jet, no country would. It is first time for Turkey as well.

What you truly need is a working economy and the private sector participating in developing such tech. No military does it's own R&D and produces the top line equipment as they are always under a budget. They rather pay advanced organizations who create jobs and have a talent pool, to come up with newer and newer tech. Take a look at the US, India, Turkey, France, etc.
There is unintended sarcasm in the above statement - bomb in basement & sky donot mix well together in a statement. Also, would you want someone to develop a bomb in basement? That would be scary indeed.

If you think that Dr. Qadeer did it all by himself, you would be gravely mistaken. Setting up aviation sector, that encompasses many different disciplines and needs many industries, is no joke either.

Also, I hear the following argument a lot:
"We developed the nuclear bomb, surely we can develop an aviation industry."

The assumption being that nuclear bombs are more complicated than modern fighter aircraft. While this assumption may have been true in the 1940s, it has not been true ever since. A nuclear bomb is just a single device (albeit complicated). Fighter aircraft are systems of systems of very complicated systems, and this complication has only gotten more. The development of a single subsystem for a modern jet will require more manpower, money, and access to exotic materials, than a nuclear bomb. I mean, even North Korea was able to develop the bomb. As a comparison how many nations can develop jet engines? Or Jet liners? Or reliable radars?
We never lacked capabilities in Pakistan if just one mann build the bomb in his basement the sky is the limit in what we can achieve technologically

OMG! A fighter jet is much more complex, I can assure you. Take a look at the Chinese. Their economy is advanced, trillions of dollars worth of trade and a huge technical base, yet, they struggle with building an advance jet engine and this is essentially the biggest bottle neck in their fight jet industry and they openly admit it. While, they've been a nuke power for more than 5 decades! Building a fighter jet essentially means a few million sensors have to work together at all time and be defect free (it's called Six Sigma process engineering, ensuring 99.9% reliability and there are a handful of industries in the world who can do this).
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