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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

Been a while since we got any updates on this, or "leaks" or some info from posters with "sources".... with Pakistan there is always the worry of such projects being quietly shut off and shelved due to lack of funding.
Your spidey sense must be tingling lol. Here's a "leak" (more of a fact that you can easily verify yourself): all hiring for Azm is one-year contract based, which are renewed annually. In my opinion this only happens when you are unsure of a program's future (funding).
this only happens when you are unsure of a program's future (funding).
could be true reason, but one speculation from my end is that PAF is following ad hoc model of hiring adopted by civilian institutions of Governments .... this way civilian institutions save tonnes of money but jobs remain active for years even in some cases for decades.

The downside of this policy is that it does not attract competitive candidates ....
could be true reason, but one speculation from my end is that PAF is following ad hoc model of hiring adopted by civilian institutions of Governments .... this way civilian institutions save tonnes of money but jobs remain active for years even in some cases for decades.

The downside of this policy is that it does not attract competitive candidates ....
Right. I was told people use AvRID as a temporary position to look for jobs in AWC NESCOM etc citing job security as the primary reason.
Your spidey sense must be tingling lol. Here's a "leak" (more of a fact that you can easily verify yourself): all hiring for Azm is one-year contract based, which are renewed annually. In my opinion this only happens when you are unsure of a program's future (funding).

In fairness, either way its a win win, programme gets cancelled but we end up with skilled and experienced engineers, or best bet, it goes through.
In fairness, either way its a win win, programme gets cancelled but we end up with skilled and experienced engineers, or best bet, it goes through.
Yeah I really REALLY hope it goes through considering all of the positive and out-of-the-box ways things are being done at AvRID - very unsarkari for a sarkari idara.
Single-engine hypersonic stealth plane under development in Russia - source

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. Russia’s Sukhoi aircraft maker (part of the United Aircraft Corporation of Russia’s Rostec) is now developing Russia’s first single-engine low-observable hypersonic light tactical fighter aircraft, an aircraft industry source has told TASS.
"The Sukhoi company is developing a single-engine light tactical plane with the takeoff weight of up to 18 tonnes. The plane’s maximum speed will be above 2 Mach. It will also have super-maneuverability and improved takeoff and landing performance, thanks to a thrust vector control engine. The plane’s thrust-to-weight ratio will be above 1," the source said.
Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov told reporters in December 2020 that the company was working on the concept of an advanced single-engine light-and medium-class piloted and unmanned combat plane. "Work is underway to develop a combat aviation system of the future in its light and medium classes. Under the design, this may be a universal platform in the manned and unmanned versions. The company is working on the concept and the operational requirements for such a platform. We are doing this on our own initiative so far, without [federal] budget funds," the Rostec chief said.

Russia's Sputnik reported the Sukhoi bureau had started work on the lightweight stealth jet "on its own initiative". "During the creation of the aircraft, it is planned to widely use the groundwork developed in the framework of the creation of the Su-57, including the state-of-the-art Product 30 engine, radio-absorbing coatings, on-board radio-electronic equipment, a weapon system," Sputnik quoted a source as saying.

umm would PAF pursue twin 5th Gen programs? Initially,we do know PAF wanted a single engine 5th Gen program but later revised it. The pros of participating would be getting access to engine which can be negotiated to power the dual engine FGFA too. And also other technologies and Russian cooperation/collaboration while we can focus on integrating indigenous and Chinese missiles. We can also work on Turkish and home-made avionics/electronics. a relatively, lower cost 5 Gen which can ultimately replace JF-17 in 2040s (both will be light-weight) and complement the bigger FGFA operations by the time the the aerial domain becomes highly contested with the advent of EW, AI and drones.

While the other parallel program can be used for deep-strike capability and can be more inclined towards naval side taking capabilities from J-31/35 and TF-X programs.

P.S: Indian involvement in Su-57 program from which the new Sukhoi program will be influenced along wit strong Indo-Russian partnership in defence sector might be compromising for PAF tho.
Single-engine hypersonic stealth plane under development in Russia - source

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. Russia’s Sukhoi aircraft maker (part of the United Aircraft Corporation of Russia’s Rostec) is now developing Russia’s first single-engine low-observable hypersonic light tactical fighter aircraft, an aircraft industry source has told TASS.
"The Sukhoi company is developing a single-engine light tactical plane with the takeoff weight of up to 18 tonnes. The plane’s maximum speed will be above 2 Mach. It will also have super-maneuverability and improved takeoff and landing performance, thanks to a thrust vector control engine. The plane’s thrust-to-weight ratio will be above 1," the source said.
Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov told reporters in December 2020 that the company was working on the concept of an advanced single-engine light-and medium-class piloted and unmanned combat plane. "Work is underway to develop a combat aviation system of the future in its light and medium classes. Under the design, this may be a universal platform in the manned and unmanned versions. The company is working on the concept and the operational requirements for such a platform. We are doing this on our own initiative so far, without [federal] budget funds," the Rostec chief said.

Russia's Sputnik reported the Sukhoi bureau had started work on the lightweight stealth jet "on its own initiative". "During the creation of the aircraft, it is planned to widely use the groundwork developed in the framework of the creation of the Su-57, including the state-of-the-art Product 30 engine, radio-absorbing coatings, on-board radio-electronic equipment, a weapon system," Sputnik quoted a source as saying.

umm would PAF pursue twin 5th Gen programs? Initially,we do know PAF wanted a single engine 5th Gen program but later revised it. The pros of participating would be getting access to engine which can be negotiated to power the dual engine FGFA too. And also other technologies and Russian cooperation/collaboration while we can focus on integrating indigenous and Chinese missiles. We can also work on Turkish and home-made avionics/electronics. a relatively, lower cost 5 Gen which can ultimately replace JF-17 in 2040s (both will be light-weight) and complement the bigger FGFA operations by the time the the aerial domain becomes highly contested with the advent of EW, AI and drones.

While the other parallel program can be used for deep-strike capability and can be more inclined towards naval side taking capabilities from J-31/35 and TF-X programs.

P.S: Indian involvement in Su-57 program from which the new Sukhoi program will be influenced along wit strong Indo-Russian partnership in defence sector might be compromising for PAF tho.
Hmmmm. Single engine and hypersonic, interesting.
Right. I was told people use AvRID as a temporary position to look for jobs in AWC NESCOM etc citing job security as the primary reason.
A common sight lol
Ideally it should be singled engine aircraft. Challenge would be to obtain 1 x high power output engine that can be sourced without political issues and is economical to operate and maintain. I think if PAF is deciding to utilise 2 x Low-medium powered engines that can be because of inability of China & Russia to make excellent single high output engines. 2 engines mean double the probability of a break down, double the fuel cost, double maintenance cost & time, double the down time for servicing and for overhauls.

It would be interesting to see PAF's engine choice. If Russia can improve the RD33 engine issues in RD93MA model, then perhaps Pakistan can use 2 x RD93MAs in its 5th gen fighter too? I have read that Russia is also willing to install thrust vectoring nozzles on these engines if the customer desires. If we develop RD93 platform to a good level and use 1 engine across the board it would be great for cost, maintenance, logistics, training technicians.

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