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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

A joint program between Pakistan, China, Russia and Turkey could become huge success for all parties involved. Pakistan can benefit from this in incalculable proportions, as we would learn a heck of a lot from fellow partner/allied nations. Turkey ought to seriously consider leaving NATO for good, if it is possible for them to do so. Because they would gain more from leaving NATO, than staying in it.

I am glad again that you are not running my country. Thank God
Look like the cooperation is quite likely


Head of SSB, Demir said, "We are working on the involvement of friendly and allied countries in the MMU project. This project will become a joint project of friendly and brotherly allies after a while. There is no delay. The project is progressing according to the expected pace and schedule."

Gentlemen, I don't know if you realize, but this thread is absolutely pure gold, and critically important for Azm:

Take a look at my post on the thread as well.

@JamD @Bilal Khan (Quwa)

Interestingly, that thread contains the general supplier information if Pakistan wants to setup semiconductor fabrication. Instead of discussing 6 billion dollar deals of EFT/J-10, I wish Pakistani posters would discuss spending the same amount on our own fab.
Joint venture between Pakistan and Turkey is obvious because both are facing similar sort of issues.
Lets join hand together and resolve our problems .
Gentlemen, I don't know if you realize, but this thread is absolutely pure gold, and critically important for Azm:

Take a look at my post on the thread as well.

@JamD @Bilal Khan (Quwa)

Interestingly, that thread contains the general supplier information if Pakistan wants to setup semiconductor fabrication. Instead of discussing 6 billion dollar deals of EFT/J-10, I wish Pakistani posters would discuss spending the same amount on our own fab.

Share your post here instead of diverting topic to my post in another thread that is not serving the purpose of this discussion.

Share your post here instead of diverting topic to my post in another thread that is not serving the purpose of this discussion.


The post in question is relevant to that other thread. I am saying, the thread as a whole is relevant for Azm.
You can see it, they just keep hinting at this design for AZM.

According to İsmail Demir's statement in the video, there is no mention of a direct partner recruitment to the plane. According to the words in the video, a format of max KFX / IFX Model is mentioned. Why should Pakistan come to us when there is China in such a situation?

I am glad again that you are not running my country. Thank God

If you had any idea of what the enemies of independent states do, how they plan for 100 years, what they have been doing in our region for the last 100 years and how they divide, dismember and cut-off all of their opponents .... then you wouldn't be saying what you're really stating in your remark.

You keep your country's title and how it is run. I don't seek such a position, nor do I care for such puny aspirations. No one who actually cares about being a real Muslim, gives a damn about running a country. It is of far greater importance, the preservation of one's Imaan, than some absurd title of running a country.
If you had any idea of what the enemies of independent states do, how they plan for 100 years, what they have been doing in our region for the last 100 years and how they divide, dismember and cut-off all of their opponents .... then you wouldn't be saying what you're really stating in your remark.

You keep your country's title and how it is run. I don't seek such a position, nor do I care for such puny aspirations. No one who actually cares about being a real Muslim, gives a damn about running a country. It is of far greater importance, the preservation of one's Imaan, than some absurd title of running a country.

Don't take it personally, when I see the live bomb news in Islamabad every day and Pakistanis begging for money on E5, the busiest highway in my city, I can think you're doing something wrong. Maybe I don't want my end to be like you. Sometimes you can see that my English is bad, I think this is one of the biggest evils our founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk did to us, we drink coffee with milk and cannot speak English with our 80-year-old grandfathers.

In addition, I do not think that I will learn the governance of the country from the characters who would not hesitate to take the Chinese to their beds while East Turkestan Muslims are being tortured in China. Your idean is not Islam, but a quest to take your people living in ruins to the next level by riding tricycles on the streets. When it comes to your job, you can do great things with the enemies of Islam.
Don't take it personally, when I see the live bomb news in Islamabad every day and Pakistanis begging for money on E5, the busiest highway in my city, I can think you're doing something wrong. Maybe I don't want my end to be like you. Sometimes you can see that my English is bad, I think this is one of the biggest evils our founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk did to us, we drink coffee with milk and cannot speak English with our 80-year-old grandfathers.

In addition, I do not think that I will learn the governance of the country from the characters who would not hesitate to take the Chinese to their beds while East Turkestan Muslims are being tortured in China. Your idean is not Islam, but a quest to take your people living in ruins to the next level by riding tricycles on the streets. When it comes to your job, you can do great things with the enemies of Islam.

First off, I haven't taken any of what you said, personally. Secondly, being human blessed with free will and a brain to use it, learning any language or any other subject, is entirely dependent on the person who has the courage to do so.

Finally, I would suggest that you study more and analyze what you read with critical thinking devoid of patriotism, nationalism (that is of course, if you're a Muslim). Lecturing about Muslims of Turkestan being treated in China, and Pakistan's relationship with China by someone who is Turkish ... is like the pot calling the kettle, black!

You think I don't see the smoke and mirror duplicity of Turkey? Where there is a whole lot of bluster and noise on Palestine. Yet when one looks at actual statistics, Turkey's diplomatic, trade and tourism relationship with the illegal state of israel, is at an all time high.

Get your priorities in order first, before lecturing others about what is and what is not. For there still those who possess the ability to see through the duplicitous guise some wear to deceive the world.
It is not me who plays Islamism here, but who gives a citizen of a country blessed by a country that torments Muslims the right to question the relations between me and Israel?

Read my post again .... I question the relationship between Turkey and the illegal state of israel. Not you and the illegal state of israel!
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