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Problems plague advanced light helicopter Dhruv.

This helicopter has other more pressing problem, it's name - Dhruv? really, it sounds like an impolite gaseous discharge. It will no doubt be a great ship and it is an important achievement, but one destined to be known as "Dhruv"? Sorry for if it caused offence, none was intended. The ship just needs a better name.

Dhruv is the Hindi meaning of Polar star that always appears to be stationary.
I got that - Hindi is a deep language, with multiple words expressing nuances - and all the planners came up with was a word that sounds... impolite, socially enbarasing? Must be doing wonders for it's international sales effort?? "We operate the ...." excuse you!
Damning New Light On The Thing That Caused 2 HAL Dhruv Crashes, Nasty IAF-HAL Spat Detailed

A disturbing spat between the IAF and HAL has been detailed in a new public document, possibly for the first time shedding light on the true quality of the relationship that the two share. Let's start with the crux. A new report by India's national audit watchdog, the Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) has thrown fresh and damning light on how HAL dealt with a flight control phenomenon that has given its chopper division real nightmares over the last few years -- cyclic saturation. The phenomenon caused two crashes of the Dhruv -- the first, in February 2007 at Yelahanka and the second in October 2009 in Ecuador. Troublingly, the report reveals, it was this "limitation of control saturation" that caused Chile to pull out of a near final contract in July 2007.

Now, the really damning stuff. Revealed in the report, for the first time, is how the Indian Air Force reacted to the February 2007 crash, in which it lost two helicopter display pilots. According to the report, the IAF observed that (i) HAL has referred to this problem in the flight manual which is brief and lacks clarity; (ii) HAL has been reluctant to address this problem in totality as it feared disruption of ALH production process; (iii) This approach of HAL to safeguard its business even at the cost of a professional approach to solving the problem has serious flight safety and operational implications for the Indian Air Force (v) HAL, as an industry, has rarely looked to exploiting its aircraft. It has always focused on the captive Indian Air Force for its assured market."

That's the stuff you only hear about over beer with pilots. But here it is, utterly like it is. Well, HAL had its own input of course. It told the auditor "Control saturation is not a design deficiency but is a phenomenon that can occur during extreme manoeuvres. The precautionary notes and adequate cautions are part of the flight manual. We are in the process of incorporating control saturation warning system."

The auditor concludes, "HAL's reply leaves a doubt about the effective measures it has taken on the control saturation issue and the reaction of the customers will be known only on the field experience of the ALH to be supplied from the pending orders."

Of course, the CAG had to reiterate the fact that the Dhruv is 90% foreign in value terms. And add to all of this, HAL's helicopter complex chief has pushed off on leave -- rumour has it, he's being shunted out.
I got that - Hindi is a deep language, with multiple words expressing nuances - and all the planners came up with was a word that sounds... impolite, socially enbarasing? Must be doing wonders for it's international sales effort?? "We operate the ...." excuse you!
what is impolite, socially enbarasing?, the word Dhruv?
damn DRDO they are very good but also they are very.wish problims will solve or india got some help from any other international company for solve it.
damn DRDO they are very good but also they are very.wish problims will solve or india got some help from any other international company for solve it.
haha..picha nahin chodoge.....maar diya comment!..LOL
Two Damn words---- privatize HAL.

And some losers in DRDO protest why we shouldn't privatize defense eh?

Where would be the difference in this case? According to the article the main problem are delays and if you compare defense project all over the world, even from privat companies, all are facing the same problems. That means to privatize our state owned companies won't make much difference in this term.
I agree that we must co-operate more with our privat defense industry, but I warn about total privatization!
The big advantage of Dhruv is, that it was made for our needs! For example hot and high conditions, able to use them on high altitudes, for our mountain areas. This was done because the main aim behind it was the use of in in Indian forces, not to be an export success, but that exactly will change if you give the control in privat hands, because the main aim then will be money making first!

One reason why India was not hit from the financial crisis as much as other countries, was the state control of Banks that limited the speculations that all the foreign banks did and why most of them now are bankrupt. India was often criticized for these controls and limitations from foreign countries, but now it turned out to be a wise decision!

Especially in the defense field imo the gov must keep (at least some) control, to not only be a customer of the privat industry, but also can lead the developments to our needs and advantage, because the main aim must be security for India, not exports!
Relax guys ..CAG have the habit of exagerating things..remember the issue about Gorkshov being overpaid..When Naval Chief said he will give the cheque if there is any aircraft carrier available at that rate..every one was silent..
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