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Pro-US/Japan, Anti-China/NK candidate wins Korean presidential election

This election determined the fate of the Jeju Naval Base, and China is dealt a major security blow with Park's election.

Now the US Navy will have a permanent forward operating base to operate at the opening of the Yellow Sea, which would cut off Chinese shipping from Shanghai and up in war time.

Wow, a American/Korean naval base on the Island will be the best thing to happen to East Asia and it will go long way in maintaining peace in the whole region!!

Kudos to South Koreans for electing a good strong leader!
Wow, a American/Korean naval base on the Island will be the best thing to happen to East Asia and it will go long way in maintaining peace in the whole region!!

Kudos to South Koreans for electing a good strong leader!

All three leading candidates for the presidency have indicated that boosting relations with China will be a key task after President Lee Myung-bak focused his attention on the U.S.

good sign,finally S.Koreans wrapped their heads around and chose a president that intends to balance diplomacy between China and US after many years of lopside pro US policy.
cheers,finally S.Koreans chose a president that intends to balance diplomacy between China and US after many years of lopside pro US policy.

That guy just lost the election by the margin of 3.5%

Expect North Korean press shouting how the Southern infidels elected a warmonger tomorrow.
Park Geunhye 朴槿惠.

2012-11-08 16:59
Park Geun-hye to hit balance between US, China
Rep. Park Geun-hye
By Jun Ji-hye
Park Geun-hye, the ruling Saenuri Party’s presidential candidate, said Thursday that if elected she would seek balanced diplomacy between the United States and China.

The 60-year-old conservative said such an approach was necessary to overcome various conflicts including territorial disputes that have plagued Northeast Asia, and to promote peace and economic cooperation in the region.

“Relations between the U.S. and China are unique. The U.S. has attempted to strengthen its presence in Northeast Asia, while China has risen rapidly,” she said at a meeting with foreign press at the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club.

In her remarks, the daughter of the late President Park Chung-hee stressed that harmonious relations between the U.S. and China were essential to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula as well as in Northeast Asia.

“We don’t need to view the two countries’ relations as a zero-sum game. I believe President Barack Obama, who was successfully re-elected, and China, which is going to establish its new leadership soon, will spare no effort to set up cooperative relations,” she said.

The ruling party’s standard bearer vowed to deepen ties with both members of the world’s top two economies. Seoul has a mutual strategic cooperative partnership with Beijing, while Washington is a close ally.

But China’s rapid economic rise and its growing assertiveness over maritime territory; coupled with Washington’s security pivot toward Asia have raised the question of how Seoul plans to approach the two.

All three leading candidates for the presidency have indicated that boosting relations with China will be a key task after President Lee Myung-bak focused his attention on the U.S.

Park and her opponents, Moon Jae-in of the Democratic United Party and liberal independent *** Cheol-soo, have also expressed interest in rekindling cooperation with North Korea, an effort that may benefit from China’s support.

Her comments came during a time of intensified regional tension. China and Japan are trading barbs over a disputed archipelago and nuclear North Korea remains enigmatic.

She also called for a need to expand Seoul’s strategic partnership with ASEAN. The grouping of 10 Southeast Asian nations including the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia is Korea’s second-largest trade partner after China.

Meanwhile, following Obama’s reelection, the ruling party released a congratulatory statement, Wednesday.

It said, “We are looking forward to him leading the joint prosperity of the world with his integrated leadership. If elected, Park’s administration will reinforce its partnership with the U.S. based on mutual trust.”

Moon and *** also sent their congratulations.

Park’s communications chief, Lee Jung-hyun, sought to connect Obama’s reelection to Park’s attempt to make history. “I think, as America’s first black president reflected the nation’s will for change, Korea’s first female president will reflect political reform.”

“I believe Korean voters will choose true change on Dec. 19, as American voters did,” he added.

I m not trying to convince him and I dont know where he is from either.I only quoted foreign official news reports and polls,you can choose not to believe official media and buy what this so called Korean guy who you never know in reallife feeds you ,but that's your choice,lol

Korean guy has no reason to feed me anything ...its not like his government pays him to post in this forum :angel:
LOL, Chinese nationalists going nuts at the prospect of US carrier battle groups based 490 km away from Shanghai, right at the choke point of China.
I doubt that is true. Korea is hostile to Japan due to history. The Japanese don´t like you, either.

Isn't it obvious now this guy is not Korean. How many Korean adores Japanese like this guy.
I would say our member Korean finally come out to his deep hidden inferior complex when facing Japan, as the ex lord of Korea. What were those bitter argument between us if we can be ally in mapping a future of two nations?

Congratulation to Park and thanks to her father's service to grand Nippon Royal Army. This election also prove most Koreans still cherish the memory of Japan ruling Korea.

Isn't it obvious now this guy is not Korean. How many Korean adores Japanese like this guy.
Quite a few actually, rarely seen but deep hidden.

50 years of slavery ruling means a lot, I am telling you.
So wait. lemme get one thong straight? I don't know anything about East Asian cultures but to some it all up.

Chinese are not fond of Koreans and Japanese

Koreans are not fond of Chinese and Japanese

Japanese are not fond of Koreans and Chinese.

So all 3 East Asian races and cultures dislike each other instead of having so many similarities.

It's pretty much like South Asia's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
I would say our member Korean finally come out to his deep hidden inferior complex when facing Japan, as the ex lord of Korea.

Japanese TV networks Fuji and Nihon TV covered the election result live.








The Japanese reporters were shivering in -13 degree temperature on election day.

So wait. lemme get one thong straight? I don't know anything about East Asian cultures but to some it all up.

Chinese are not fond of Koreans and Japanese

Koreans are not fond of Chinese and Japanese

Japanese are not fond of Koreans and Chinese.

Taiwanese are fond of Japanese.

So all 3 East Asian races and cultures dislike each other instead of having so many similarities.

It's pretty much like South Asia's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

India and Pakistan have same ethnic origins, the difference being religions. Bangladesh does have a different ethnic origin from India/Pakistan.

In East Asia, all three have different ethnic origins and speak unrelated languages.
Taiwanese are fond of Japanese.

India and Pakistan have same ethnic origins, the difference being religions. Bangladesh does have a different ethnic origin from India/Pakistan.

In East Asia, all three have different ethnic origins and speak unrelated languages.

Taiwanese are just Japeanese wannabes :P

And not really Bengalis are also an Indo-Aryan race like most of Indians and Pakistanis.

Yeah I suppose. We speak very similar languages whereas you guys don't.

But to an outsider like me your scripts look very similar.
Taiwanese are just Japeanese wannabes :P

And not really Bengalis are also an Indo-Aryan race like most of Indians and Pakistanis.

Yeah I suppose. We speak very similar languages whereas you guys don't.

But to an outsider like me your scripts look very similar.

Its the difference between English and German.
Taiwanese are just Japeanese wannabes :P

Exactly, Taiwanese want to be Japanese, not mainland Chinese.

And not really Bengalis are also an Indo-Aryan race like most of Indians and Pakistanis.
Bengalis are an ethnic group of their own. You need to separate Bengalis from Indian/Pakistanis.
Well, what can you do?

Rich city dudes marry Central Asian, Russian, and Japanese women.


This Russian bride is in big trouble. She promised to horse dance(PSY's dance) nude if the voting rate went over 75%, and the official voting rate was 76.4%.

Now an army of Paparazzi cameras are waiting her to keep her promise.
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