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Pro-US/Japan, Anti-China/NK candidate wins Korean presidential election


This Russian bride is in big trouble. She promised to horse dance(PSY's dance) nude if the voting rate went over 75%, and the official voting rate was 76.4%.

Now an army of Paparazzi cameras are waiting her to keep her promise.

well she's certainly a ugly looking bride, check out her face, not amusing at all and I won't watch her dance though her body is hot.
So wait. lemme get one thong straight? I don't know anything about East Asian cultures but to some it all up.

Chinese are not fond of Koreans and Japanese

Koreans are not fond of Chinese and Japanese

Japanese are not fond of Koreans and Chinese.

So all 3 East Asian races and cultures dislike each other instead of having so many similarities.

It's pretty much like South Asia's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

That's true and it's very common everywhere in this world,familiarity breeds contempt.

Exactly, Taiwanese want to be Japanese, not mainland Chinese.
How many Taiwanese you know,I know so many,we work together and we have everything the same.they want to be Japanese.come on liar,you cant make up something better than that.where are you from anyway?
well she's certainly a ugly looking bride, check out her face, not amusing at all and I won't watch her dance though her body is hot.




「関根麻里」の記事をお探しですか?最新関連記事が 10+ 件 あります。

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Japanese actress Sekine Mari's going to marry a Korean singer named K.
Taiwanese Activists Wave PRC Flag at Senkaku Islands

Taiwanese Activists Wave PRC Flag at Senkaku Islands

Profiles of the Day

Earlier this week, a Taiwanese fishing boat entered Japanese territorial water and tried to reach the Senkaku Islands. Japanese coast guard ships intercepted it and prevented its passengers from landing on the islands.

There was also a minor collision between a Taiwanese coast guard ship that was escorting the fishing boat and a Japanese coast guard ship that was protecting the Senkakus.

The Taiwanese vessel was part of a small flotilla that had been accompanying a fishing boat carrying at least nine activists to waters near islands known as Diaoyu in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese.

One of the four Taiwanese patrol ships carried a Japanese-language banner reading: “This is territory of the Republic of China,” a Japanese coastguard official said.

The five Taiwanese vessels entered waters Japan claims as its territory shortly after 7 am (2200 GMT) and left the area by noon Wednesday, the official said.

Taiwanese Activists Wave PRC Flag at Senkaku Islands
Profiles of the Day

I'm easy going , could be a real minge somethimes though ;P

I am easy to get along with. I love to meet new friends!!!

I thought if this site would be helpful to meet people to hang out with. Maybe you can teach me dutch
More at Japan Probe Friends...

Earlier this week, a Taiwanese fishing boat entered Japanese territorial water and tried to reach the Senkaku Islands. Japanese coast guard ships intercepted it and prevented its passengers from landing on the islands.

There was also a minor collision between a Taiwanese coast guard ship that was escorting the fishing boat and a Japanese coast guard ship that was protecting the Senkakus.

The Taiwanese vessel was part of a small flotilla that had been accompanying a fishing boat carrying at least nine activists to waters near islands known as Diaoyu in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese.

One of the four Taiwanese patrol ships carried a Japanese-language banner reading: “This is territory of the Republic of China,” a Japanese coastguard official said.

The five Taiwanese vessels entered waters Japan claims as its territory shortly after 7 am (2200 GMT) and left the area by noon Wednesday, the official said.

In a news conference on the docks shortly after stepping ashore, Mr. Huang said: “We left in a hurry and forgot to bring the flag of Taiwan, so we displayed the five-star flag instead.”

China’s official Xinhua News Agency quoted Mr. Huang as saying that he intended to plant the flag on an island, but with the Japanese coast guard bearing down on his vessel he dropped it into the sea instead.
Mr. Huang called for cooperation between Taiwan and China to reclaim the Diaoyu Islands, known by Japan as the Senkaku Islands.

Many mainland Internet users are singing the praises of Mr. Huang. “If there’s a flag, there’s a heart, then there is presence and energy, the sky is the limit,” said one comment left on the Phoenix TV website.



2012 Taiwan Anti-Japan demonstrations
A friend of mine used to teach the new president’s nephew Chinese。:azn:
I guess Koreans can read Chinese cause they write their names in Chinese,so you should understand what those banners say in these Taiwan anti Japan demonstrations happened this year.




Since this so called "Korean" is barefaced liar,we have to doubt about his "Korean" identity itself.
Coming from the party that she belongs,Ms Park is pro US alright。But she is definitely not anti-China。

As a matter of fact,she has made it clear from the outset that having an ever closer economic and trade relationship with China is one of the major agendas of her presidency。

Since the establishment of Sino-SK diplomatic relationship some 20 years before,there has never been a South Korean president who was remotely anti-China,and Ms Park will be no exception。

South Korea understands that it is imperative to have a good and cordial relationship with China,not just for economic reasons,but also for the long-term political interests of the country,for if China does not oblige,there will NOT be a unified Korea。

The fact that well over 2 million South Koreans have chosen to settle down in China is a testimony to great relations between the two peoples.

PS A unified Korea is the last thing that Japan wants to see.
It is my understanding, through teachings by my many South Korean friends here in Shanghai, that the failed cadidate is both pro-China and pro-Japan, while at the same time advocating a policy that placates the North.
Attempting to convince a South Korean that you know better than him regarding elections in his country seems like a act of desperation :P .... not that difficult to draw the conclusion that you are nervous.

As to why you are nervous, maybe you should tell me :angel:

he is a well known false flag Indian on PDF you funny kid, JayAlt is his another account, this racist sc**bag is quite entertaining here
Koreans are genetically closer to Japanese than the Chinese.

Koreans are more related to those in North Asians, Seberians or Monglians, who has the same flat and wide face, small eyes and high cheeks.

Japanese and Chinese are more related they both have narrow face and high pitched narrow nose, eyes bigger.
Taiwanese are just Japeanese wannabes :P

And not really Bengalis are also an Indo-Aryan race like most of Indians and Pakistanis.

Yeah I suppose. We speak very similar languages whereas you guys don't.

But to an outsider like me your scripts look very similar.

not true, South Indians language belongs to a totally different language family. north Indians are Indo-European. And NE Indians are also quite different.
Koreans are more related to those in North Asians, Seberians or Monglians, who has the same flat and wide face, small eyes and high cheeks.

Japanese and Chinese are more related they both have narrow face and high pitched narrow nose, eyes bigger.

I read some where that Koreans are more genetically related to SE Asian than North Asians.

Also, Taiwanese like Japanese food and culture, but not necessarily Japanese people.
Your country is nobody, do you truly believe that the World gives a rat a$$ about who won the presidential election? :coffee:
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