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Prime Minister Imran Khan has reached China

Where is Tabdeeliiii????? Mulk Ke halat itnay kharab Aur yeh mulk se bhag raha? Yeh hai tabdeeliii???

1 2 3 and get ready for such comments from Khan’s haters.

Lol but this statement of haters makes sense. The judgement could have been delayed few days and should have been given after PM returned from China. Fasila Mehfooz karlatay. I am not against Imran Khan but truth is truth. He is head of the country and he should have been here, this is the time we needed him most. He gave a flaming speech and left sorry I will not agree with this action. If those idiots make a mess on the streets who will act? Judgement should have been delayed if Prime minister was to leave the country for 5 days.
I don’t know many foul words. Only 3-4 maybe and I seriosuly want to use it today...having hard time not to say it. This coward is playing someone else’s game.
Unfortunately, the problem is bigger then this scumbag. He is merely manifestation of a problem we have in Pakistan. The problem is -

  • the right to arrogate faith in this case Islam and apply it in public [temporal plane].
  • if islam is the state ideaology and sovereignty belongs to Allah who is the manifestation of that?

i. mullahs.
ii. religious groups
iii. each individual
iv. elected office holders like the parliament and Prime Minister
v. other

In this very forum we will have members arrogating the right by becoming exclusive custodians of Allah by saying "your not a Muslim" etc. This is a slippery slope. Rizvi is the end product of that. His argumant is he is custodian of Islam and all rest including judges, army chief Bajwa, the PM etc are all working against Islam and as a true Muslim he has right to defend by taking his supporters on the streets.
No. Anything of interest?

Now let's hope both IK and Xi strike a good working relationship ...


The visit will be fruitful for Pakistan and many new things will be the outcome of this visit plus XI will also be visiting Pakistan space at the forum and analysing it him self. The visit will leave a jealous Trump.
The visit will be fruitful for Pakistan
Yes, I agree. While the trip to KSA gave Pakistan some immediate relief but this trip to China will garner more long term benefits to Pakistan so I think it's critical. I expect big thinhs. I expect PM IK will negotiate hard with the Chinese to help Pakistan reduce the massive trade deficit with Beijing. In addition lay down long term plans for CPEC to roll forward.
Unfortunately, the problem is bigger then this scumbag. He is merely manifestation of a problem we have in Pakistan. The problem is -

  • the right to arrogate faith in this case Islam and apply it in public [temporal plane].
  • if islam is the state ideaology and sovereignty belongs to Allah who is the manifestation of that?

i. mullahs.
ii. religious groups
iii. each individual
iv. elected office holders like the parliament and Prime Minister
v. other

In this very forum we will have members arrogating the right by becoming exclusive custodians of Allah by saying "your not a Muslim" etc. This is a slippery slope. Rizvi is the end product of that. His argumant is he is custodian of Islam and all rest including judges, army chief Bajwa, the PM etc are all working against Islam and as a true Muslim he has right to defend by taking his supporters on the streets.

شب کو شیطان بھی مانگے ہے پناہیں جس سے

‏صبح کو وہ بھی صاحبِ ایمان ہوا پھرتا ہے

‏نجانے کب کون کسے مار دے کافر کہہ کر

‏شہر کا شہر مسلمان ہوا پھرتا ہے
Yes, I agree. While the trip to KSA gave Pakistan some immediate relief but this trip to China will garner more long term benefits to Pakistan so I think it's critical. I expect big thinhs. I expect PM IK will negotiate hard with the Chinese to help Pakistan reduce the massive trade deficit with Beijing. In addition lay down long term plans for CPEC to roll forward.

I think we will have both long term and short term benefits from the visit. Plus some military benefits as well from the visit. The trip is crucial for reducing the trade deficit. Pakistan is an important market for China and good growth of Pakistan ensures that China will keep enjoying this market and reduced trade deficit will strength that prospect for China. So working on these issues will be a win win for both countries.
Lol but this statement of haters makes sense. The judgement could have been delayed few days and should have been given after PM returned from China. Fasila Mehfooz karlatay. I am not against Imran Khan but truth is truth. He is head of the country and he should have been here, this is the time we needed him most. He gave a flaming speech and left sorry I will not agree with this action. If those idiots make a mess on the streets who will act? Judgement should have been delayed if Prime minister was to leave the country for 5 days.

Head of country gave his speech. Head of country is gonna keep an eye on issues.
Head of state doesn’t always have to be there and if this is the case I personally believe he’s failing in his job. People working under him need to be sharp enough to handle the sudden issues rationally without always looking up to the head of the state
And seeing his previous record and most importantly after the speech yesterday and his tone was so tough so I firmly believe he will succeed in this mission too.....getting rid of this cancer called Khadim Rizvi.

48% is almost like half of the population. What disappoint me is, people who are educated enough to differentiate between wrong and right, hate him.

There is a saying which i am sure you would have heard before

" Even if you load a donkey with books, he will still remain a donkey"

This is the condition of the so called educated class in Pakistan that can't differentiate right from wrong.
There is a saying which i am sure you would have heard before

" Even if you load a donkey with books, he will still remain a donkey"

This is the condition of the so called educated class in Pakistan that can't differentiate right from wrong.

Great. I hope this visit will further strengthen the relations between China and Pakistan and streamline all the eddies.

That's why I was of the opinion that the courts could have delayed the verdict (which was already a saved verdict) by a few days until IK had returned from the visit. But this cheap justice is hell bent on creating problems for IK's govt.
Right now, his attention will be divided due to the stupid unrest at home. He is no Nawaz Shareef who won't give a damn to what happens to Pakistan, he is IK and he will surely be concerned.
But there are some good staffs in it too!!! All the "extrinsic defects" can be spotted via these "stress tests"....
Head of country gave his speech. Head of country is gonna keep an eye on issues.
Head of state doesn’t always have to be there and if this is the case I personally believe he’s failing in his job. People working under him need to be sharp enough to handle the sudden issues rationally without always looking up to the head of the state

I think,
Head of country/state = President
Head of Govt. = Prime Minister.

When president goes out, speaker of senate becomes interim president because commander in chief should always be in the country. Such is not the case with prime minister.

PS: I could be wrong.
Head of country gave his speech. Head of country is gonna keep an eye on issues.
Head of state doesn’t always have to be there and if this is the case I personally believe he’s failing in his job. People working under him need to be sharp enough to handle the sudden issues rationally without always looking up to the head of the state

I totally agree with you we have a law and order system in place but this is a situation for political system to handle. Those on the streets are also Pakistanis and it is the job of the political system to calm the situation. Yes we can hate those people on the streets but here what was needed was the maneuvering of political leadership to end this situation we are a democracy. We very reason you mentioned it in the very first comment labeling it on the haters is because you your self anticipated the void here. Anyways this is not the discussion for this thread so let's move on and let the discussion carry in right direction.
Unfortunately, the problem is bigger then this scumbag. He is merely manifestation of a problem we have in Pakistan. The problem is -

  • the right to arrogate faith in this case Islam and apply it in public [temporal plane].
  • if islam is the state ideaology and sovereignty belongs to Allah who is the manifestation of that?

i. mullahs.
ii. religious groups
iii. each individual
iv. elected office holders like the parliament and Prime Minister
v. other

In this very forum we will have members arrogating the right by becoming exclusive custodians of Allah by saying "your not a Muslim" etc. This is a slippery slope. Rizvi is the end product of that. His argumant is he is custodian of Islam and all rest including judges, army chief Bajwa, the PM etc are all working against Islam and as a true Muslim he has right to defend by taking his supporters on the streets.
That's the unfortunate part!!! These "scholars" are missing on the fundamentals!!! The order of merit (purification) progresses in the following order: self -> family-> friends -> neighborhood -> town -> city -> country -> state -> government!!!! When they reverse it the chaos starts....

Islam is for slow-and-steady evolution with faith, patience, gratitude (to GOD), sincereity, planning, hard work, team work, mutual respect, law & order etc.!!!! These are exactly opposite to chaos, destruction etc...
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