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President Xi finally admits the mistakes of China's disastrous Zero Covid policy

3 major mistakes:

1. Failure to pick the correct COVID policy; went for zero COVID instead of mass vaccination booster

2. Failure to adjust COVID policy for over a year

3. Failure to gradually re-open; no public gather restriction, mask mandate, additional round of vaccination or stockpiling medication; just lifted all restrictions in a night leading to massive surge in infections (37 million a day at least in the past 2 weeks)
West has been using COVID and COVID vaccines to get rid of the baby boomers to save money on these pension and medical benefits.

On the other hand China has no such issue.

That isn't really true because people are getting Covid due to exposure and that is just a result of inconsistent local policies and personal stupidity. Basically some places require/encourage masks while others don't.

leading to massive surge in infections (37 million a day at least in the past 2 weeks)

What is the explanation for such high numbers in a society that recognizes the importance of masking?

Maybe the ventilation in multi-story apartments?
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What is the explanation for such high numbers in a society that recognizes the importance of masking?
1. Dense population centers living in tightly packed condos, even "small" towns in China have bigger population than most large cities in US.

2. No restrictions on the sick at all. During zero COVID the infected were taken to quarantine facilities, but overnight they just lifted all measures. I know my own family members had to go buy groceries when they were infected too.

3. Lack of recent mass vaccination effort. Effects of vaccine has worn off for most people.

Mask definitely helps to reduce infections and severity of infection, but it has to be in combination of other measures.
Mask definitely helps to reduce infections and severity of infection, but it has to be in combination of other measures.

At the company I work for we have a relatively low rate of people who have been infected by Covid (although our UK office seems to be close to 100%). We were all sent home in March 2020.

So far almost all infections have been traced to either their kids from school exposure (due to masks not being required) or the (mostly) younger employees who who rent in denser urban environments and don't take masking seriously.
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old people in the US usually got dumped in nursing homes. Personal protections are meaningless

That's definitely true and the cause of the majority of the deaths/infections in the first 6 months. I remember everybody in my town wondering who are all these people getting infected causing our weekly numbers to go up..generating talk of having schools shutdown. Only to find it out almost all the cases were in some nursing home not many people knew existed.

Nursing homes would hire cheaply paid orderlies/nurses aids who tended to live in poor urban environments...then not give them any PPE equipment. A recipe for disaster...especially since they bounced from facility to facility.

This is from a year ago

Seems to be better now
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Lockdowns, masks, and vaccines did not worked. This is not about China but about most countries' COVID responses. After 6 or even 9 months from Mar '20, the data trended towards 'did not worked' and we should have acted from that. When we, in the US, saw people in open environment wearing masks, that was a clear sign of scientific and technical failures of the COVID policies. In the US, some leaders put elders into nursing homes and there were no credible scientific and medical justifications for that, and people died in pain, terrified, and alone. The COVID responses were nothing more than reasons for control and that was attractive for many in the West. Now the failures in China, the premier surveillance and control state, is proof of that 'did not worked'.
1. Dense population centers living in tightly packed condos, even "small" towns in China have bigger population than most large cities in US.

2. No restrictions on the sick at all. During zero COVID the infected were taken to quarantine facilities, but overnight they just lifted all measures. I know my own family members had to go buy groceries when they were infected too.

3. Lack of recent mass vaccination effort. Effects of vaccine has worn off for most people.

Mask definitely helps to reduce infections and severity of infection, but it has to be in combination of other measures.
Agreed, if the opening up happened in summer time last year, the situation would be much better. virues are more active in cold winter time, and this flu season makes a double whammy.

>> Wow - admissions of failure ....
Don't have to wow, human make mistakes, when they happen, you admit and learn from them.
China is not the only country which made some mistakes about this pandemic, many countries did too. it's a new virus and it's hard to predict how it behaves.
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Fake news. Xi never admitted that. Being cautious for such unstable virus is not wrong choice at all. All those who said Xi should have opened up earlier are hindsight idiots. The huge number of infection is inevitable no matter China opens today or half year earlier. Why Xi whould regret for something that is bound to happen?

By the way, it was a good timing for Xi to adopt open up policy after the anti-lockdown protests happened. Xi can attribute all the consequences to those protesters.
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Well the emperor finally realized hes naked after all the destruction.

Better late than never, hope china opens up fast and this recession doenst linger much longer.

Well the emperor finally realized hes naked after all the destruction.

Better late than never, hope china opens up fast and this recession doenst linger much longer.
lol, whatever China does, she is way way better than India, do you know you beloved India's economy is just a fraction of China's?
So "Xi's Thoughts" about the COVID disaster IN CHINA is going to be blame it on someone else, then purge that person thru another 'anti corruption' drive.
Like who? I honestly hope Beijing's mayor should be punished. who would you like to be punished for the US disasterous management of covid resulting in over a million deaths in US?

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