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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Very good news. Assad should go. After killing so many innocent he has lost his credibility as Syria's leader. World should united against Assad and support any military action against this brutal regime.
I hope he is removed and normality returns. And all the Syrians that were forced out of their homes return back.
This has gone on too long now.
Where were our "beloved" "Muslim" leaders between 2011 and late 2015 when the Russians finally showed up? Nowhere to be seen. They were afraid of losing their own thrones during the "Arab Spring" mostly and pre-2011 they were tolerating/meeting with/giving medals to the same Bashar al-Assad that was oppressing Syrians. We even invited Bashar as one of the chief guests when KAUST opened. Remember?

Can you also spot Ali Abdullah Saleh on the left? "Great" friend of ours today.

Same story with Ali Abdullah Saleh that we are now fighting in Yemen. Such brilliant policies of our useless leaders.

The only one I have any hope left for is MBS. He is one of us and from our generation.

We see the results of our "beloved" "Muslim" leaders and their policies in the region. We as Muslims and
especially Arabs must be very content seeing what is going on in Syria and elsewhere. But let us continue to blindly follow them. It has worked "fantastically" so far after all. The masses are also very, very content about the entire situation. Especially our brothers and sisters in Syria. They have much "praise" left for our leaders. I am sure of this! Especially those children that were gassed to death recently. "We" could have prevented this but alas. Same old shit and then we wonder why nobody respects Muslims and why we do not even respect each other. Idiots will remain idiots and until they help themselves nobody will help them but use them as a punching bag and nothing else.

Stop defending the indefensible (the silence of our leaders). In times such as those (where people like me are forced to applaud something that we should have done years ago) we need to walk with our heads down and not pretend that
everything is alright or try to save face.

I am sick and tired of this attitude and my views are in the majority. Just take a simple look at the social media. I am being "civil" here in my

Russians and other criminals have been carpet bombing our brothers and sisters day and
night and what have we done? Looked away. Pathetic and those same "Muslim" leaders are talking about helping Palestinians and other nonsense. What a joke. What did our leaders do post-2003 in Iraq other than hand that country over to a bunch of foreigners (Iranian Mullah's)? The list of incompetence is several km long. I will end it here as I don't have the patience nor am I in the mood to discuss such issues on a forum like this.
Saudi Arabia is the only country doing everything right from a foreigb policy perspective.
What were we waiting for during all those years when Bashar al-Assad was slaughtering his people?

Glass houses.

The S-400 system(s) that many people are talking about, are being reported by intel analysts as not active to their full extent. The S-400s were just a show of strength in their placement to test for a response.
Yes ! Unfortunately that's it (Always) ! It is necessary to be able to completely saturate the S-400 and only a rain of cruise missile (Tomahawk) launched from submarines and boats is able to do so.


Please stop repeating same moot point over and over, he is mention pre-2015 period. Yes, part of it is an resource issue. Majority of the problem is our leaders give general population the cold shoulder and will not act in any way or form that is consistent with what the people seek. You can't excuse that, something isn't right.
I can't believe that every words of hadith's coming true. I knew about the war and invasion. they will use port of Alexandria for ground invasion very soon. but will be defeated along with Israel by sufyani, the red flags, may be communists .
Maybe delivering message 2 different countries , syria and china.
Telling chinese xi that i am a man of action just before his meeting.
yup, thats right america is sending a message but look at the irony NK keeps irritating them but no action.

Syria is just a soft target and play ground for super powers. Rocket attack without conducting any investigation by third party for chemical attack is unfair.
The more I see US, the more I realize this is the biggest terrorist country of the world.

I can't believe that every words of hadith's coming true. I knew about the war and invasion. they will use port of Alexandria for ground invasion very soon. but will be defeated along with Israel by sufyani, the red flags, may be communists .

They have been defeated in Aleppo and its hard to digest. Of all the countries US has terrorized, Assad has proved a tough nut to crack.
Aye. And how do you feel about this? You being American n'all.

Honestly my friend, I have mixed feelings about it.

but regardless of my feelings, this was obviously a very limited strike, and its not like Assad is going anywhere because of it. To which I know this will make some happy, and probably more unhappy.

Btw When I referred to some PDF members living in their own personal fantasy bubbles. I full well this isn't just limited to the Middle East-Africa section.

Plenty of promise making keyboard warriors in some of the other forums as well

On a more personal note, visiting Turkey is on my bucket list.
Well, I happened to see the merit of Russian side of story this time. If you can think rationally, there is a very good possibility that Russians might be right this time. I don't understand why in such a big hurry? Just to show he is a decisive president?

So now you shifted your reasoning to a gut feeling that Putin is being honest. lol you Chinese fellas lol, you don't even try to make an effort to be less obvious.
We are no leaders of anything. No Muslim country is sadly. That is why our future and actions are at the mercy of superpowers. Take a look for a while. Forget that aspect just take a look at the state of our countries and every sane person can draw his own conclusions but our blind sheep (they have different colors but at the end of the day they are all blind sheep) will save us all.

My reaction is not a personal attack against @Bubblegum Crisis or anyone else for that matter. It is a result of years of frustration which is shared by most Arabs and Muslims across the world. How else can we describe what has been going on for years? Syrians are worst of but Palestinians and many other Arabs have suffered for even longer. Soon it will be our own turn if we don't do something for the better.

I am just disappointed that this insanity has gone on for this long and that we have come to accept it as something normal when it is not normal.


WORK !!! Work, work and work to achieve the necessary technology for the next 50 years, 100 years, 200 years. Because that is what has always been ‘the problem’. By then shut up !!!

Yes ! Unfortunately that's it (Always) ! It is necessary to be able to completely saturate the S-400 and only a rain of cruise missile (Tomahawk) launched from submarines and boats is able to do so.

And the Russians will sit as spectators? No, the S-400 is there to protect their own soldiers and assets not Syria!
This US attack must have been coordinated with Russia either just recently or since some behind the doors understandings were reach some time ago like the ones with Usrael..meaning they can attack anything as long as it is not Russian or the Syrian Bashar palace or residence..
So now you shifted your reasoning to a gut feeling that Putin is being honest. lol you Chinese fellas lol, you don't even try to make an effort to be less obvious.

None of the world leaders are honest, be it Trump or Putin. They are there for the interest of their countries, not for showing their honesty. WMD was a lesson to all people who believe their leader was honest.

My analysis is very simple, Trump comes out of this very well indeed and Obama very poorly.

There were two Obama-Putin agreements for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction in a third country; Syria and chemical weapons and Iran and nuclear weapons.

Assad only has two backers, Russia and Iran. Assad's used of Sarin on civilians means that the Obama-Putin agreement for the Russian supervised elimination of Syrian chemical weapons was a fraud. By using chemical weapons Assad has demonstrated that the Obama-Putin agreement was a fraud and he was able to maintain his weapons program and stockpile, despite the promised US/Russian supervision. This usage of chemical weapons means that as far as agreements between a US President and Putin, all agreements are bollocks, and somewhat to Putin's embarrassment, it has been shown that the Russian's WMD agreements are worthless.

Putin was hoping that he could negotiate with Trump for a nuclear weapons cut, in exchange for a lifting of sanctions. This would mean that Putin would not need to spend an eye-watering fortune in upgrade the SS-18 Satan's for the new Satan II, when the Russians need all the money they have got for their conventional forces.

The Iranians wanted to see what Trump would do, following the use of a WMD, in direct breach of an Internationally endorsed and supervised agreement; just like the one they have for their nuclear weapons program.

Three days before Assad murdered civilians with nerve gas Trump had delivered the message that his administration could live with Assad remaining in power in Syria.

Someone sat down with Trump and explained what the usage of chemical weapons means to societies with high population densities and mass transit systems. Quite simply, societies cannot flourish in an era of chemical weapons in the hands of terrorists.

Yesterday Trump performed a 180 on his policy on Syria, predating his Presidential Primary run and is now determined to have Assad atomized.

The Iranians now know the measure of the man. They know this is no Obama. They know, through a proxy, that using WMD gets you on the US military's hit list and the commander in chief will let slip the dogs of war.

As the US media was showing stock footage of US Navy ships firing Tomahawk cruise missiles one can only surmise that a B2 strike is on the way.
Honestly my friend, I have mixed feelings about it.

Understandable. I'd hate to see my own countrymen in foreign countries fighting wars. though, we got no choice living the part of the world we do.

Btw When I referred to some PDF members living in their own personal fantasy bubbles. I full well this isn't just limited to the Middle East-Africa section.

I was going to say, lets hope this will make them think twice before they start making prediticons . But thaty's never going to happen :)

Plenty of promise making keyboard warriors in some of the other forums as well :lol:

Which forums? :whistle:

On a more personal note, visiting Turkey is on my bucket list.

Nice, which part are you thinking of visiting?
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