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Pres. Obama vs Gov. Romney Final Debate


Feb 11, 2012
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Felt Pres. Obama scored wrt foreign policy over Gov. Romney and it was a tie wrt to economic policy. Obama was clear with his policies whereas Romney could not state clearly how he will reduce the deficit. I believe it is a win for Pres. Obama.
Romney wants a larger military..Obama wants to keep it as it is..
Romney wants to give weapons to syrian rebels (isnt that supporting terrorism?) obama wants to play safe and neutral..

I didnt hear anything about Pakistan...or did i miss that bit?
Romney wants a larger military..Obama wants to keep it as it is..
Romney wants to give weapons to syrian rebels (isnt that supporting terrorism?) obama wants to play safe and neutral..

I didnt hear anything about Pakistan...or did i miss that bit?
missed mate.. Watch here. YouTube - Third Presidential Debate - Pakistan [video]http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=fM1_RtQE9f0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DfM1_RtQE9f0[/video]
On the surface it looks like Obama won the debate. Looking deeper however, I get the feeling Romney got what he wanted out of this debate, which was less about attacking Obama and more about making his case to the undecided voters.

May the worse man lose the election :P
What did both say about Pakistan?

Posted video above on Pakistan. Try a proxy or different source if u can't get to it... Basically u.s. pakistan relations are important.. Etc.. Drones to continue only minus part
What did both say about Pakistan?

That Pakistan is an ally and that it is in US interest that Pakistan is stable.

As for the debate, I am disappointed with Obama, to go an cheap attacks was not what I was expecting from him.
That Pakistan is an ally and that it is in US interest that Pakistan is stable.

As for the debate, I am disappointed with Obama, to go an cheap attacks was not what I was expecting from him.

Cheap attacks is what gets air play. So yeah, I am glad he got in some shots against this buffoon Romney.

Obama clearly won on every point.
On the topic of the debate that is foreign policy Obama won hands down, but this election is about economy. Obama looked more like a CinC as compared to Romney. This debate won't hurt Obama that's for sure. Also it was surprising to me that Romney didn't talk about Libya at all. That would have been his strong point.
On the topic of the debate that is foreign policy Obama won hands down, but this election is about economy. Obama looked more like a CinC as compared to Romney. This debate won't hurt Obama that's for sure. Also it was surprising to me that Romney didn't talk about Libya at all. That would have been his strong point.

The libya issue was avoided because then Obama would have called him a war monger, so it was better that he didn't bring it up. Obama weak point is the economy, and the economy is the main point for this election so at the end of the day the election will be a close call.
Economy wise Romney has the edge, and Foreign Policy wise Obama has the edge. The main problem with Obama is that in the past 4 years he as spent almost $5 trillion and the economy has improved little to nothing, and the debt is still going up. So for him to defend on his economic plan will be the biggest challenge.
As for military spending people on PDF have take of their hate glasses and look at the situation with the perspective of a American citizen. With the rise of China and the growing instability in the ME it would be hard for US military to work on a limited budget. While the rest of the world increases its military spending for the Obama administration to cut military spending is unreasonable (and just so we are clear it was one of Obama's election promises in 2008 to cut military spending and to draw back troops from ME and to close Guantanamo bay prison which is still open).
The libya issue was avoided because then Obama would have called him a war monger, so it was better that he didn't bring it up. Obama weak point is the economy, and the economy is the main point for this election so at the end of the day the election will be a close call.

How is providing additional security to the consulate which they had asked for war mongering? It was a clear failure of the state dept at some level. Romney missed that point in this debate and messed it up in the last one. But I agree that it's the issue of economy that will decide this election and not foreign policy.
How is providing additional security to the consulate which they had asked for war mongering? It was a clear failure at some level. Romney missed that point in this debate and messed it up in the last one.
Yes but Obama would say that Romney wants troops in the country and is like Bush. Plus there is also the whole deal of making the killing of US citizens as a political matter to get votes.

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