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Predator drones flown from base in Pakistan: US Senator ! WHO IS LYING

"Daily slaughter of afghans by Pakistanis may be only a wild imagination but not a reality."

You're smart enough to understand where the taliban army went in 2001. It's very much a sad reality that your nation allowed safe harbor for the defeated taliban army then. They reconstituted upon your soil and still do. We know that.

This salient fact speaks volumes.

Regardless of whether it's afghan or Pakistani men doing the killing in Afghanistan, much of them, their supplies, and their sanctuary lie in Pakistan- by consent of your government and people.

Now that seems to need changing as it's spawned it's own ugly local variant that appears bent on conquering more than simply the Islamic State of Pashtunistan. They want all of the nation formerly known as Pakistan. Nor have the attacks ceased upon the afghanis from your lands. They want, naturally, THAT too.

You know the truth. It's o.k. We understand how hard it is for your cititzens and policy makers to come face to face with the demons of your own creation.

It doesn't matter, fortunately. PREDATOR flies and will continue to do so. Those are the most stark facts upon which you may count, sir.
"For all we know they could be 100% innocent civilians."

Only in your perverse dreams. More likely, for all you know, they could be 100% irhabists.

Yes, genius. Well done. They could be this, they could be that. They could be innocent little fluffy aliens from PlanetX too for all you know.

My point was, that when caught in one lie, the rest could all be lies also. We don't know. What we do know is that innocent civilians are caught in the collateral in a series of drone strikes without end

This clearly went over your head.

"A third factor is simply predator drones do not offer the choice of surrender. The procedure with drones is shoot first, ask questions later."

Indeed. The Islamic State of Pashtunistan is at war with the U.N. and Afghanistan. We attack targets-not arrest them. Dead is very good with these men as nothing else stands between them and the afghan people whom they slaughter daily without a tear by their Pakistani "brothers". Why should you, correct? You're the ones who have unleashed these dogs upon them and given them succor in defeat.

Are you drugged out currently, or at a minimum you got to be comatozed mentally. Come clean now. Do you know what you just typed?

If there is an Islamic state of Pashtunistan (which doesn't exist, actually, but let's ignore that), most Afghani people would belong to it. Are those Afghanis at war with themselves?

I could quote numerous examples of civilian casualties in Afghanistan that were caused by non Talibani bombs. It wouldn't do anyone any good though to cite all the bombed out weddings etc etc. The point is, what you say about the Taliban could be applied to you, you've even suggested mass murdering people here. What is the difference between you and say a mad nutcase in the Taliban? I would say, not a lot.

Another minor point. You can look at a map of the insurgency, and you'll find many non Pashtun areas are battling NATO in the North West of Afghanistan. Though the prime insurgency is in the SouthEast.

Now they bite you too and yet you still waffle. There's a reason for that, of course.

"Let's hope you get yourself, what you wish on other people."

Same to you. Enjoy.:usflag:

Well, I don't wish what you wish on others.

Seriously, are you drugged out, or at least drunk when you come on here?
Don't be an abject fool and stay away from the ad hominem assaults if you can't construct better discourse.

Simple facts are that it's VERY questionable that Pakistan controls FATA any longer.

"Are those Afghanis at war with themselves?"

Have you been sleeping for seven years?

"I could quote numerous examples of civilian casualties in Afghanistan that were caused by non Talibani bombs. It wouldn't do anyone any good though to cite all the bombed out weddings etc etc."

By intent? You've had numerous opportunities to read the HRW reports on bombing and other cases of NATO attacks as well as the separate report on the taliban's own attacks. Were you at all dispassionate in your review of comparable conduct you'd recognize a salient difference or four. Most of all, you'd recognize that forty-one nations are in Afghanistan by mandate of the U.N. You'd fully support that mandate were your people and government more forthcoming in your desires.

You're not. The taliban encamped upon your soil in late 2001 and 2002 because you WANTED them to do so. So too your citizens. Having LOST your strategic space, a mantra well-known and sung by all Pakistanis, you were collectively bent on regaining that.

Opps!!! Seems a bomb or two has blown in the bombmaker's house now. Nevermind that for seven years these men you've harbored have made remorseless war on Afghanistan. They now do so in Pakistan as well.

They've TAKEN FATA from you. I now call it the Islamic Republic of Pashtunistan. I look forward to it's brief ascendancy to be swallowed back into the annals of defunct governments everywhere but that's rather up to you, isn't it? They intend to take your nation from you.

I imagine that you'll still be fiddlin' as it burns down around you.

Well you can defend yourselves or negotiate or whatever the hell it is you're not doing very well for yourselves but PREDATOR will fly until we see which way the wind's blowing for sure in Pakistan.

It's blowing south now. Everything about your nation is going south.

The Dude is a strong advocate of better living through modern chemistry and has, sadly, a predilection for WHITE RUSSIANS. All that and more is a requisite for fortifying the sensibilities prior to any sojourn here.:smokin:

Regardless of whether it's afghan or Pakistani men doing the killing in Afghanistan, much of them, their supplies, and their sanctuary lie in Pakistan- by consent of your government and people.

Oh please stop pretending as you don't know how all of this is funded.

In case if you have forgotten then let me remind you that Taliban regime saw the end of opium production but the US forces tolerated the growth of opium and heroin.

I am sure the biggest consumer of Herion (US) is contributing to the Taliban cause by it's spending power.

US and Allied forces are afraid that stopping growth of opium means an increase in casualties. This fear and rogue elements of the CIA are also responsible for the growth of violence in Pakistan.

Don't worry PA will hold their ground and soon there will be peace again in our region.

BTW, do the US soldiers have to go through Customs upon their return from duty in Afghanistan?

I read that heroin was smugled into the US in body bags and coffins (Vietnam era).

Do you think this is still a possibility?
Epool, today, barely 5 minutes ago, Gen (R) Mirza Aslam Beg has said in a GEO TV program "Meray Mutabiq" that these drones are flown from inside Pakistan from a base near Tarbela.

He even disclosed that Marriott Hotel in Islamabad was being used as a control for UAVs, before the bomb attack. I think you should use "I think" or "It seems that" instead of being sure and taking false stand on issues.

Tarbela??!!?? Tarbela has no valid airfield for a UAV of Reaper's size to be launched and recovered except for a triplet helipad at SOTF HQ. The SOTF HQ houses a few US Special Forces officers designated for the counter insurgency training of our SSG troops fighting at the border areas.

Marriott being used as a control launch pad for UAV's??!!!?? That is the most absurd and uninformed reasoning I have come across yet! Someone who says that the US military uses local hotels as UCAV operating bases is obviously never seen a Reaper Ground Control Station! It requires complexed equipment, antennas, communications hardware, operating screens etc etc! Where did they put that in the Marriott? Nadia Cafe??:lol:

I have my reasons and firm knowledge to 'know' that the said UCAV's operated in WANA are NOT launched from Pakistan.

Of course you can believe whatever you can including that Elvis is alive and well! :lol:
much of them, their supplies, and their sanctuary lie in Pakistan

The majority of the supplies come through Afghanistan, whether from the CAR's or Iran. Pakistan is primarily a destination point for both drugs and weapons, not a 'source'.

Lets not get so carried away with diatribes that we start distorting the truth on everything shall we.
thanks alot, for your hounrable comments
i am sory,that i was a spook from MI, but sir , i had a long bad experinces, with the elites of pakistani high society, who keep begging the army genrals some contracts, some backings for thier personal intersts, i surlly , hope that you are not one of them!

No I am not one of them! I am not an elite nor have anything to do with contracts or anything of that sort! But I know your MI very well especially the non-career 'type' of officers army generally sidelines in its ranks!

Coming to the point! Agreed, the drones attacks are causing resentment but I support them for the time being for as long as they are ridding us of the foreigners involved in our border areas. This is of course until such time we get the same drones, do the same thing and then hear from ex-spooks like you that now the Army is killing its own people instead of the US! It never ends does it now my ex-MI comrade? :what:
pakistan and afghanistan are objects of an experiment, like laboratory rats.

the purpose of the experiment is not to find a specific piece of information (i.e. where is bin laden) but to achieve an understanding of how and why jihadi violence sustains itself and why it exists.

drone attacks are a stimulus and so is the imf package so is propaganda so are textile quotas.

you have been bitten by a dog. you don't want to kill all dogs. you don't want to kill the dog that bit you (because there are others just like it and you cant tell). you want to test that dog and find out what's wrong with it, change its environment and provoke it to test your theory.is it biological is it environmental is it conditioning is it the food is it the color red?

you want to provoke pakistanis to kill other pakistanis, you want to provoke jihadi groups to attack the pakistani government. you want to provoke conflict and also compromise and then more conflict all the while assesing its behaviour . you learn nothing form the dog when it is just sitting in the cage. it has to interact.

one scenario is that the jihadi groups have the support of the pakistani government. another they are at war with it. in another pakistan is at war with another country. in another pakistan economy improves, in another it collapses. it may be that the more resources flow to jihadi groups the less aggressive they will become in the long run. humiliate them militarily or give them the illusion of victory : what does it lead to? this phenomenon is sufficiently alien you don't know until you try. new research sometimes changes our preconceptions on how the world works which is why science is more interesting than following your nose.
Why would she disclose it as it weakens the GOP and gives a shot in the arm for those who cries GOP has 'surrendered' to US. She is member for senate intl comittee. Its not a slip of a tongue, they are aiming for something which we cant foresee.

Many a times i have felt US govt desperatly wants GOP to lose control or face heavy turmoil.
"Lets not get so carried away with diatribes that we start distorting the truth on everything shall we."

Really? I resent that. Distortion is not in the Pakistani lexicon, is it?:tsk: Well, if you've points of contention, let's read them.

Did you correct SSGPA1's account of narcotics protection, knowing full well from the UNODC 2008 report that opium production in U.S. controlled areas of Afghanistan is approaching nil? Why not?

The question about supplies and more is salient and spot on. The sanctuary from WAR lies in Pakistan. It is to Pakistan that they feel safety. When in Afghanistan, these men know that their lives are in danger, A.M.

The only way these same men know that upon crossing back into Pakistan is by PREDATOR...and they return to Pakistan over and over again.

Sorry that the real truth is so upsetting. We've had some serious revelations the last few days from Feinstein's comments and Sanger's book. Nothing surprising-you've been double dealing.

At this point your perceptions are running counter to our narrative. I'm liking my view of matters rather well. Here's hoping this administration does the correct thing.
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Why would she disclose it as it weakens the GOP and gives a shot in the arm for those who cries GOP has 'surrendered' to US. She is member for senate intl comittee. Its not a slip of a tongue, they are aiming for something which we cant foresee.

Many a times i have felt US govt desperatly wants GOP to lose control or face heavy turmoil.

It was intentional. No doubts about it. These sorts of slips of tongue do not happen. But does it matter? Either way, whether it was intentional or a slip, it's been one giant show by the current GoP during its protests. One cannot imagine many other governments enacting such a film script of protestation, unless it's blackmailed somehow.
It was intentional. No doubts about it. These sorts of slips of tongue do not happen. But does it matter? Either way, whether it was intentional or a slip, it's been one giant show by the current GoP during its protests. One cannot imagine many other governments enacting such a film script of protestation, unless it's blackmailed somehow.

Thats what i was asking. What are they trying to achieve by this 'slip of tongue'? Do they want a official SOS call from GOP to step in officially and set up garrisons.
It was intentional..Yhey r calling pakistan s bluff abt the drone complaints..As to wat it will do to Zardari back here..they dont give two hoots abt it..N i dont think they should..They r practically running the govt..Atleast financially..But the whole hingy from paks point of view is very filmy..Allowing them to fly drones n then complainin abt it....haha
Tarbela??!!?? Tarbela has no valid airfield for a UAV of Reaper's size to be launched and recovered except for a triplet helipad at SOTF HQ. The SOTF HQ houses a few US Special Forces officers designated for the counter insurgency training of our SSG troops fighting at the border areas.

Marriott being used as a control launch pad for UAV's??!!!?? That is the most absurd and uninformed reasoning I have come across yet! Someone who says that the US military uses local hotels as UCAV operating bases is obviously never seen a Reaper Ground Control Station! It requires complexed equipment, antennas, communications hardware, operating screens etc etc! Where did they put that in the Marriott? Nadia Cafe??:lol:

I have my reasons and firm knowledge to 'know' that the said UCAV's operated in WANA are NOT launched from Pakistan.

Of course you can believe whatever you can including that Elvis is alive and well! :lol:

If the main runway of Frankfurt International Airport can be made in just one night, what do u expect how much time it would take to prepare a small airstrip for UAVs? How many hours are you ready to give for that? I would give at most 3 hours.

I am now confident that you know nothing about UAVs. There is no such thing as "Control Launch Pad". Control station is separate from launch pad. UAVs either need launch pad or airstrip, not both of them. If a UAV can be launched from launch pad, it can be launched even from the roof of a building.

Marriot was said to be used only as a "Ground Control Station" not as operating base. I know how much space is required for a GCS. Its not more than a room in a hotel or a room in your house. Army units use a truck cabin as GCS.

You were again too much confident without knowing a,b,c of UAVs.

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