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Pre-Emptive Strikes on Occupation Forces and Invasion of Afghanistan

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That is not the destiny of Pakistan to go out conquering nations. Pakistan was formed on the basis of liberty and what you are saying is diagrammatically opposite to the core ethics of Pakistan as espoused by our founding fathers. This type of mentality is more widespread in Bharat who has pulled down a dozen of nation in pursuit of his revanchist dream of Akhand Bharat which supposedly stretches from Afghanistan to Indonesia.

Pakistan is not a third rate imperial army like bharat who wants to impose its hegemony over the region

Yes, we sheltered OBL! c'mon your Pak military has lost it's own people's support and you are bragging of it! history shows Pakistan has never won any war against any one and any invasion by Pakistan is so far to even think about.

Will you be kind enough to tell us which war has pakistan not won, I hope you dont include 1971 civil war in it.
We are also planning to host mlns of Pakistanis inside Afghanistan soon and I am sure we will be more hospitable than you ;)

I hope that day never comes....for our history has been glorious at times with Pakistanis shining on the world stage....would love to see a parallel from Afghanistan.

You will host Pakistanis with what? Barely enough food to sustain your own population.....if Afghanistan was that good, why are millions of Afghanis still earning bread and butter in our cities...as far as Karachi....rather than Kabul?
Will you be kind enough to tell us which war has pakistan not won, I hope you dont include 1971 civil war in it.

I am not willing to start another discussion on it but if you are interested tell me which war Pakistan has won, I hope you don't include 1965.

I hope that day never comes....for our history has been glorious at times with Pakistanis shining on the world stage....would love to see a parallel from Afghanistan.

You will host Pakistanis with what? Barely enough food to sustain your own population.....if Afghanistan was that good, why are millions of Afghanis still earning bread and butter in our cities...as far as Karachi....rather than Kabul?

Don't worry about food, I will share mine with you after all Afghans are well known for their hospitality ;) I don't criticize Afghans living outside Afghanistan even mlns of Pakistanis are earning bread and butter from other parts of the world.
We are also planning to host mlns of Pakistanis inside Afghanistan soon and I am sure we will be more hospitable than you ;)

No, thank you. I'm pretty sure Pakistanis dont want to become victims of Bacha Bazi by seeking refuge in hell, aka afghanistan.
I am not willing to start another discussion on it but if you are interested tell me which war Pakistan has won, I hope you don't include 1965.

Don't worry about food, I will share mine with you after all Afghans are well known for their hospitality ;) I don't criticize Afghans living outside Afghanistan even mlns of Pakistanis are earning bread and butter from other parts of the world.

Other parts of the world....but not Afghanistan.....please read what you write...before you post it.
the same way we managed to take ussr on.

Pakistan was pretty much a broker or a middleman between USA and Mujahiddins in that war.. At a fat commission imo.. But unfortunately that commission came back and bit you hard in the wrong places ;)
I am not willing to start another discussion on it but if you are interested tell me which war Pakistan has won, I hope you don't include 1965.

Don't worry about food, I will share mine with you after all Afghans are well known for their hospitality ;) I don't criticize Afghans living outside Afghanistan even mlns of Pakistanis are earning bread and butter from other parts of the world.

So you are here to make fun of Pakistan.
I am expecting you to be a typical afghani coward who can talks big on internet but runs away when he faces a Pakistani. You people are drowned in hatred against Pakistan where as you live at the mercy of pakistan.

I know it is beyond your limit to comprehend Pakistan vs india war but i will try, Bharti army is about more than twice the size of Pakistan, It has twice the size of combat aircraft compared to Pakistan, Bharat has 3 times more surface warships than pakistan, Its military budget is 6 times the size of Pakistan but it has been unable to occupy a considerable amount of Pakistani territory since 1947 but we did liberate 85,000 km2

In the first war Pakistan liberated 85000 km2 of Kashmir from a well trained Bharti army who had everything air force, tanks and what not while our army chief refused and didn’t send the army to liberate Kashmir.

In the second war Bharat crossed international border line and occupied Lahore and Sialkot and they were kicked out. I will give some info from neutral book.

Buttar Dograndi 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan War
Following success at Phillora, north of Chawinda,
Indian forces fatally delayed four days
before resuming the offensive further west at
ButtarDograndi. The town changed hands several
times, but in the face of heavy Pakistani artillery,
the Indians were forced to withdraw with heavy
contributing to the subsequent failed final
assault on Chawinda (16–17 September 1965).

Chawinda 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan War
As part of India’s offensive into Pakistan towards
Sialkot, a fierce tank battle developed to
the southeast around the key city of Chawinda
Following Indian attacks to the north at Phillora
and west at Buttar Dograndi, a final night assault
(18–19 September) reached Chawinda, but
was thrown back.
Facing a bloody battle of
attrition, the enemies brought the war to an end
(8–20 September 1965).

Chhamb 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan WarDriven back in the north around Haji Pir (28
August), Pakistani forces in the southwest under
General Akhtar Malik (later General Yayha
Khan) crossed into Indian Kashmir with about
100 tanks and seized Chhamb. However, the
Pakistani invasion stalled against stubborn defence
and Chhamb was retaken at the start of
India’s counter-offensive towards Lahore
September 1965).

Haji Pir 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan WarResponding to incursions into northern
Kashmir, Indian forces advanced into Pakistani
territory behind a prolonged artillery bombardment.
In heavy fighting against Pakistani regulars
and Azad-Kashmiri elements, the Indians
secured Bharat Gali, then seized the strategic
high altitude pass at Haji Pir. Pakistan struck
back in force further south around Chhamb
(21–28 August 1965).

Khem Karan 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan WarAs part of India’s offensive towards Lahore,
large forces from both sides met to the southeast
in a massive armoured action around the key city
of Khem Karan, just inside the Indian border.
Almost 100 Pakistani tanks were destroyed or
captured in an ambush to the north near Asal
Uttar. However, India could not achieve a
breakthrough and eventually had to accept a
(7–10 September 1965).

Lahore 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan WarAs Pakistani forces invaded southwestern
Kashmir around Chhamb, India launched a
large counter-offensive towards Lahore, west
through Chhamb and from the southeast along
the Ravi-Sutlej corridor. Pakistani armour was
destroyed around Khem Karan and, after a
further bloody Indian offensive north of Lahore
towards Sialkot, both sides accepted a ceasefire(6–22 September 1965).

Phillora 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan WarIndian forces under Colonel Ardeshir Burzorji
Tarapore attempting to secure a foothold for a
fresh attack on Chawinda, southeast of Sialkot,
boldly advanced to the north at Phillora. The
Indian tanks secured a hard-fought victory to
threaten Chawinda, but Indian command fatally
delayed four days before resuming the offensive
further west at Buttar Dograndi (11 September

Sialkot 1965 2nd Indo-Pakistan WarTwo days after her offensive towards Lahore,
India opened a new front further north towards
Sialkot to cut communications with the capital.
Large-scale armored actions southeast of Sialkot
around Chawinda, Phillora and Buttar Dograndi
saw both sides suffer heavy losses. With
no sign of any breakthrough, the combatants
agreed to accept a UN ceasefir
e (8–22 September

Yes, we sheltered OBL! c'mon your Pak military has lost it's own people's support and you are bragging of it! history shows Pakistan has never won any war against any one and any invasion by Pakistan is so far to even think about.
History has also shown Mongol empire (after destroying Afghanistan) was destroyed in Pakistan where Alexander the great army had the toughest battle of his life some historian even say he was defeated in Pakistan. Where it took Arabs 80 years to occupy Southern Pakistan, where Afghanistan was invaded and split into half of its size by the army of Indus (Punjabi/sikh empire) and it can also happen.

We are also planning to host mlns of Pakistanis inside Afghanistan soon and I am sure we will be more hospitable than you ;)
Take care of your immiserated wastelands of the miserable country, where the poor starves, children dance and are forced into child prostitution and women are treated as sexual slave. Pakistan is not a seventh century dilapidating millstone like Afghanistan it has a strong defence, Pakistan got its independence on the blood of millions of martyrs, so he who comes to destroy it, will itself be destroyed
foxbat...Dude, with USA, you probably wont even see where the missiles and jets will ingress and rain havoc on your military installations. Some delusional folks here are thinking having ICBMs will make them a credible threat to USA mainland. Thank God that you dont have ICBMs, else Uncle SAM would have taken away your nuke already...

Dear member of idiots society, while we agree that Pakistan is in a pile of mess and trying hard to fix things up, do understand if US had to do it would have done your possible dooms day wet dreams years ago what better time was it after the end of afghan war, while we know we might not survive but we will inflict some dents upon enemy as well not just in singular region...

warning: This is a public service message for members of idiot society.
If Pakistan were to come to a conclusion that the US/NATO designs for the region are on the polar opposite of what Pakistan percieve them to be, all efforts for a diplomatic solution have been exhausted to stop, ie. division of Pakistan, capture of Nukes, invasion etc, and there is no option but to go to war to safeguard the future of the nation.

How would the Pakistan Military co-ordinate an invasion of Afghanistan and go to war with the US and NATO with a objective of capturing the country?

I have always wondered how this would be excecuted. For arguements sake lets say all the Muslim countries have given Pakistan a very very large donation to fight this war, so money isn't an issue.

Would any military men/women care to shed some light on how this can be achieved?

I think it is a viable question one which any prudent military planner would have thought of and if PA are the professionals they claim to be, they will have some contingency in place in case the eventuality arises. I have my thoughts but I am no military man so I will leave it to some who is to answer your questions. But I will say one thing once a full blown war is started it will not be a cake walk.
We are also planning to host mlns of Pakistanis inside Afghanistan soon and I am sure we will be more hospitable than you ;)

You won't be hosting Pakistani refugees anytime soon when your country is being run by others: you don't even have control over who's running your own country. Next time you talk crap about Pakistan, remember Pakistan is still holding 4 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan today that don't want to go back to Afghanistan, while there are 0 Pakistani refugees inside Afghanistan.

Afghans are corrupt to the core: the guards aided 500 terrorists to escape from a Kandahar prison, their puppet president gets the support of landlords, the president's family members are drug lords, foreigners running Afghanistan & ruthlessly killing their innocent Afghan civilians; just a pathetic country made up of pathetic, shameless people. That's why Afghanistan has been a war-torn country in its entire history, & will forever be the most under-developed country in the world.

There are no drug lords in Pakistan, we have a proper judiciary & judiciary system. Our president, no matter how corrupt he is, was elected democratically. You don't even have a government. Despite the US spending over $300 billion to improve the poppy ridden ANA and other law enforcement forces, you have fallen back than gone forward. You start cross border firing on our troops as well, in addition to your guards letting 500 terrorists escape, & shooting 8 US troops at an airport. And to add to the mix, we have to take in 4 million of your Afghan refugees in our country. We've been in far worse situations in our past (1971), these events are a walk in the park, & Pakistan & Pakistanis has always managed to overcome hardships & adversities, & that's the difference between Afghanistan & Pakistan.
You won't be hosting Pakistani refugees anytime soon when this is happening in your country. You don't even have control over who's running your own country:

Next time you talk crap about Pakistan, remember Pakistan is still holding 4 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan today that don't want to go back to Afghanistan, while there are 0 Pakistani refugees inside Afghanistan.

Afghans are corrupt to the core: the guards aided 500 terrorists to escape from a Kandahar prison, their puppet president gets the support of landlords, the president's family members are drug lords, foreigners running Afghanistan & ruthlessly killing their innocent Afghan civilians; just a pathetic country made up of pathetic, shameless people. That's why Afghanistan has been a war-torn country in its entire history, & will forever be the most under-developed country in the world.

There are no drug lords in Pakistan, we have a proper judiciary & judiciary system. Our president, no matter how corrupt he is, was elected democratically. You don't even have a government. Despite the US spending over $300 billion to improve the poppy ridden ANA and other law enforcement forces, you have fallen back than gone forward. You start cross border firing on our troops as well, in addition to your guards letting 500 terrorists escape, & shooting 8 US troops at an airport. And to add to the mix, we have to take in 5 million of your Afghan refugees in our country. We've been in far worse situations in our past (1971), these events are a walk in the park, & Pakistan & Pakistanis has always managed to overcome hardships & adversities, & that's the difference between Afghanistan & Pakistan.

couldn't agree more don't forget that karzai preferred to keep his own family in pakistan rather than afghanistan coz they were better off and safer in pak that speaks for itself lol
couldn't agree more don't forget that karzai preferred to keep his own family in pakistan rather than afghanistan coz they were better off and safer in pak that speaks for itself lol

The problem in Afghanistan is that it is still divided on ethnic lines, which is why ethnic groups are always clashing with each other & there is no unity amongst them. Afghanistan has quite a primitive & tribal society (especially Eastern Afghanistan), & a backward country for this reason. This is why the various ethnic groups of Afghanistan feel safer in Pakistan than they do in Afghanistan. Even though the refugees are not Pakistani citizens, they can live safely in Pakistan, get jobs, an education, & even if they do not want to do those things, be a burden on the Pakistani government & exploit the hospitality of the Pakistani people. I've even been to Bazarak, Panjshir in Afghanistan, along with other Pashtun dominated provinces in Afghanistan once before 2001, so I know Afghanistan first hand.
Such is already happening..Pakistan backed haqqani factions attack allied forces and US backed TTP attack us.
War against Pakistan is on full theatere..and with murder of Saudi diplomate..we are seeing dubious and hypocrite Iran sharpen its axe too
Yeeeeeeah good luck with that buddy. Couldn't even win a war with India (no offense to any Indian), how do you think you'll manage on taking us on? :lol:

and you can't even win a war with afghanistan nearly 10 years and taliban still attacking you and now your in talks with them lol what makes you think you can manage pakistan with 6 times the population and much more heavily armed ?
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