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Pre-Emptive Strikes on Occupation Forces and Invasion of Afghanistan

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Also, the Taliban and the Haqqanis will come in very handy. If we are ready to support them, they will make US terrorist soldiers fall like flies.
This is the reason why the world dosent believe Pakistan's words even if you say Pak is a victim of terror. The so called strategic assets in the form of taliban and haqqani are not only a threat to the region, but to the whole world including pakistan. The sooner you realize it. the better for your country, region and the world.
Yeeeeeeah good luck with that buddy. Couldn't even win a war with India (no offense to any Indian), how do you think you'll manage on taking us on? :lol:
the same way we managed to take ussr on.
We can make your terrorist army take dumps on the street in no time. We probably won't win but we need to be ready to inflict as much damage on US as we can.

I always find it interesting that the bravest Pakistanis are those suckling from our teats!
This is the reason why the world dosent believe Pakistan's words even if you say Pak is a victim of terror. The so called strategic assets in the form of taliban and haqqani are not only a threat to the region, but to the whole world including pakistan. The sooner you realize it. the better for your country, region and the world.

Well let's first make it clear that Bharat + West does not equal the world.

Secondly, I am talking about the case when US tries some crap on Pakistan. In that case, we need to utilize these guys as much as we can. Anything such as that is fair.

There's a reason why US wants Pakistan to attack them -- so they turn their back on Pakistan. There are equally more brutal groups around the world, why doesn't US attack them? Btw, no Taliban is not a threat to the world. They've never carried out attacks outside Afghanistan. And once they've turned their back on Pakistan, life becomes far easier for the US to attack Pakistan.
That's a bit self defeatist isn't it? Do you think the US thought like that when they established their empire, or when the Romans did and when the Muslims did? There's always a way.

What would need to be done if there was no option but orchestrate a ground invasion of Afghanistan?

Pakistan would lose if it tried to fight to capture and hold territory. Best option would be to continue to fund/help Al Qaeda/Taliban and/or to send small amount of trained spec ops over the border to blend in and use guerilla style attacks while maintaining a facade of good relations. Fighting conventional warfare and trying to hold and guard territory would only lead to defeat, because US and NATO forces have the overwhelming numerical,technological, and mobile superiority.

To put it concisely, Pakistan does not have the capability to Push NATO forces out of Pakistan in a conventional manner, and even if it did, it can't destroy the infrastructure of NATO countries, while NATO countries can destroy the infrastructure of Pakistan, so its a virtual guarantee NATO would win a war of attrition.

this is ignoring the definite local resistance from Afghans.

If conventional war is a must, Pakistan would be highly recommended to find some way to draw China in, or at the very least get an assurance that India would stay out. At least then Pakistan wouldn't necessarily be literally divided in defeat.

If either of the two is impossible, Pakistan has already lost.
Wake up boy you have already wet your bed! Pakistan has even lost it's creditability from Muslim countries, Pakistan will not resist the fight for a week against US/ISAF; plus Afghans are also waiting for a day to face Pakistan, do you remember Pak army's invasion of Jalalabad in the Soviet era? It will be better if Pakistan quietly do whatever US says.

Pretty pathetic by you, considering Pakistan was home to half the Afghan population during the war........we could have closed our borders and shot whoever crossed in.......but we didn't
Well let's first make it clear that Bharat + West does not equal the world.

Secondly, I am talking about the case when US tries some crap on Pakistan. In that case, we need to utilize these guys as much as we can. Anything such as that is fair.
When it comes to using terror groups as an asset,dude, there is no bigger player than the US!!

There's a reason why US wants Pakistan to attack them -- so they turn their back on Pakistan. There are equally more brutal groups around the world, why doesn't US attack them? Btw, no Taliban is not a threat to the world. They've never carried out attacks outside Afghanistan. And once they've turned their back on Pakistan, life becomes far easier for the US to attack Pakistan.
Taliban may not have attacked outside Afghnistan..but that worries the world is the nexus between the Taliban and Al-Qaida. Also, the recent warning of the taliban to avenge the death OBL makes things worst!!
Pretty pathetic by you, considering Pakistan was home to half the Afghan population during the war........we could have closed our borders and shot whoever crossed in.......but we didn't

We are also planning to host mlns of Pakistanis inside Afghanistan soon and I am sure we will be more hospitable than you ;)
That's a bit self defeatist isn't it? Do you think the US thought like that when they established their empire, or when the Romans did and when the Muslims did? There's always a way.

What would need to be done if there was no option but orchestrate a ground invasion of Afghanistan?

I know what the west would do...first round up all the 5th columnist
Wake up boy you have already wet your bed! Pakistan has even lost it's creditability from Muslim countries, Pakistan will not resist the fight for a week against US/ISAF; plus Afghans are also waiting for a day to face Pakistan, do you remember Pak army's invasion of Jalalabad in the Soviet era? It will be better if Pakistan quietly do whatever US says.

I would expect that from you seeing as though the only thing your country has is a bunch of AK47s and flip flops, neither the capability or infrastructure to defend yourselves. You've created this mess and brought Pakistan into it. The reality is your land is just a battleground and has been for centuries.

I will not believe there isn't a way to capture Afghanistan from NATO/US, a full assault of a million Pakistan troops surely would allow us to gain some sort of ground?
If Pakistan were to come to a conclusion that the US/NATO designs for the region are on the polar opposite of what Pakistan percieve them to be, all efforts for a diplomatic solution have been exhausted to stop, ie. division of Pakistan, capture of Nukes, invasion etc, and there is no option but to go to war to safeguard the future of the nation.

How would the Pakistan Military co-ordinate an invasion of Afghanistan and go to war with the US and NATO with a objective of capturing the country?

I have always wondered how this would be excecuted. For arguements sake lets say all the Muslim countries have given Pakistan a very very large donation to fight this war, so money isn't an issue.

Would any military men/women care to shed some light on how this can be achieved?


So, you would rather have the nation destroyed rather than kill the remnants of al qaeda and taliban in your country to save the nation and its integrity.

This time that you have in your hands right now---before the war starts---why don't you use it wisely and execute the terrorists so that, that moment of confrontation doesnot arrive.

Absolute stupidity-----where are the mods----why isn't this thread been deleted or locked up
Also, the Taliban and the Haqqanis will come in very handy. If we are ready to support them, they will make US terrorist soldiers fall like flies.

I am just at loss of words... After all Pakistan has been through, this is your solution?? Talibans and Haqanis? Really?

What do you have to say about Mastan Khan's post above?
I would expect that from you seeing as though the only thing your country has is a bunch of AK47s and flip flops, neither the capability or infrastructure to defend yourselves. You've created this mess and brought Pakistan into it. The reality is your land is just a battleground and has been for centuries.

I will not believe there isn't a way to capture Afghanistan from NATO/US, a full assault of a million Pakistan troops surely would allow us to gain some sort of ground?

Yes, we sheltered OBL! c'mon your Pak military has lost it's own people's support and you are bragging of it! history shows Pakistan has never won any war against any one and any invasion by Pakistan is so far to even think about.
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