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Praise for Pak: Hafiz Saeed offers scholarships to suspended J&K students

If I were in their place, I'd have gone for London Business School, but given the standard of college they've been studying, I don't think that is an option anymore.
The students should avail this opportunity. Since he has said he'll pay for their study anywhere in the world, they might as well apply to Harvard, Cambridge etc. By the time they graduate , JUD would've lost half their savings :lol:

Hafiz Saeed has been declared a terrorist by UN and his JuD organisation figures in the list of banned ones and also he has bounty placed on his head by US government. No university outside Pakistan will accept them if they seek admission based on his money and also no country would risk damaging their relations with India for this meager issue.
Hafeez Saeed offers scholarships

And not a single f*ck was given by Kashmiries on that day.
hahahahaha................... pakistan team i not fool to do that..... they what will be result

Seniour members :- Indian-lion all comments look like pakistani. can we trace IP???
He used to be just as much pro india as any other member from the other side of the border. One wonders what caused him to switch sides. :eek:
depriving india of 67 or so young minds would have been so rewarding for you guys
Actually they consider themselves Pakistanis, so we didn't deprive India of anything, governments resources should only be spent on patriots, not pork eating terrorists.
I think Pakistani top Universities should give them admission and Hafiz Saeed should fund it what better way to support people of Kashmir and give a huge slap back on face of Indians

Hope they will get admission in some colleges in north waziristan....:D
If they support Pakistan, there probably wasnt much in theeir "young minds" to begin with, that will be missed in India :D

Actually they consider themselves Pakistanis, so we didn't deprive India of anything, governments resources should only be spent on patriots, not pork eating terrorists.
If it's a win for your country why are you whining like a dying puppy then? Pork is delicious, try someday.:cheesy:
I wasnt whining, I only made 1 post this thread and i was refuting your wrong assumption :bounce:
but ended up getting your wrong assumption refuted instead (since you have many it'll be hard for you to guess which one). :D
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