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Prachanda warns India

some one take his pictures taking bribes and having a lavish life.
P.S. Can anyone translate the video for me, or provide the transcript please?

Ok I am not that very good in Nepali but good enough to translate the video.

In the word of Prachanda....

In the video he is saying that he need big money around Rs1.5 to Rs 2bn so that he can use this money to lure the people of Nepal villages to have sympathy for him and his party because the poor people need monetary help right now and this it will be easy to make them revolt against th govt.

then he speaks about the Army and army chief where he says the army chief is a coward person who is already frightened of maoist army and their support and once they are unified with the maoist guirillas the maoist will take over the national army altogether.

he also says that he false claimed that they were 35 thousand in number so the verifiers thought they must be minimum 20 thousand whereas actually they are 7 to 8 thousand in number..and this cant be disclosed in public cause that will reveal the secret... and their fear will go away from th mind of people and the govt.

Then he says that he will not let the assembly elctions happpen if he is npt sure of winning...and if th elctions happen ,he will use force to disrupt election and win the power and wont let the elections happen at all.

he also reveals ho he has fooled a party with whom he has bcomes allies for the time being so that he can come to power and once he comes to power he will tak the ntire control of the nation and have the steering in the hands of maoist

And finally he reveals how he will fool the govt and th pople and once he comes to power by those means ,he will change all the rules according to his wishes and will make sure that everything happens what these maoist wants..not aording to someone else.

P.S - while saying all these he takes pride in showing how smart and intelligent he is..:lol:
This Pracahda guy is certainly not in the interests of Nepal. His whole career points him out to be an authoritarian personality who never accepts descends. His main political capital is 'anti india sentiments' and hatred. However, this sort of negative politics will get him and Nepal nowhere. I do not see him back at the PM office any time soon.
Ok I am not that very good in Nepali but good enough to translate the video.

In the word of Prachanda....

In the video he is saying that he need big money around Rs1.5 to Rs 2bn so that he can use this money to lure the people of Nepal villages to have sympathy for him and his party because the poor people need monetary help right now and this it will be easy to make them revolt against th govt.

then he speaks about the Army and army chief where he says the army chief is a coward person who is already frightened of maoist army and their support and once they are unified with the maoist guirillas the maoist will take over the national army altogether.

he also says that he false claimed that they were 35 thousand in number so the verifiers thought they must be minimum 20 thousand whereas actually they are 7 to 8 thousand in number..and this cant be disclosed in public cause that will reveal the secret... and their fear will go away from th mind of people and the govt.

Then he says that he will not let the assembly elctions happpen if he is npt sure of winning...and if th elctions happen ,he will use force to disrupt election and win the power and wont let the elections happen at all.

he also reveals ho he has fooled a party with whom he has bcomes allies for the time being so that he can come to power and once he comes to power he will tak the ntire control of the nation and have the steering in the hands of maoist

And finally he reveals how he will fool the govt and th pople and once he comes to power by those means ,he will change all the rules according to his wishes and will make sure that everything happens what these maoist wants..not aording to someone else.

P.S - while saying all these he takes pride in showing how smart and intelligent he is..:lol:

OMG! Such fools become head of states, what times are these!

Thanks for translating it bro! Crux is what matters.
Ok I am not that very good in Nepali but good enough to translate the video.

In the word of Prachanda....

In the video he is saying that he need big money around Rs1.5 to Rs 2bn so that he can use this money to lure the people of Nepal villages to have sympathy for him and his party because the poor people need monetary help right now and this it will be easy to make them revolt against th govt.

then he speaks about the Army and army chief where he says the army chief is a coward person who is already frightened of maoist army and their support and once they are unified with the maoist guirillas the maoist will take over the national army altogether.

he also says that he false claimed that they were 35 thousand in number so the verifiers thought they must be minimum 20 thousand whereas actually they are 7 to 8 thousand in number..and this cant be disclosed in public cause that will reveal the secret... and their fear will go away from th mind of people and the govt.

Then he says that he will not let the assembly elctions happpen if he is npt sure of winning...and if th elctions happen ,he will use force to disrupt election and win the power and wont let the elections happen at all.

he also reveals ho he has fooled a party with whom he has bcomes allies for the time being so that he can come to power and once he comes to power he will tak the ntire control of the nation and have the steering in the hands of maoist

And finally he reveals how he will fool the govt and th pople and once he comes to power by those means ,he will change all the rules according to his wishes and will make sure that everything happens what these maoist wants..not aording to someone else.

P.S - while saying all these he takes pride in showing how smart and intelligent he is..:lol:

so he wants to bring his dictatorship in the country by supressing the people.

I have read that, ISI had also approached to him. But he denied it in front of the camera. But I am doubtful that may be there are undervocer relations.
While all Indians talk big about their freedom of speech and yet promote violance showing their true color, I am not surprised.

so this is rightly shows the true colors of u guys read the attached and see who is dictatorial and bent on controlling the those oppose by killing, if that is what it takes. is the thought behind it seems.
What a policy. Talk people power on one side and promote killing openly those who oppose policies of discrimination.

What a Democracy.

'Maoists have the power to implode India'
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While all Indians talk big about their freedom of speech and yet promote violance showing their true color, I am not surprised.

so this is rightly shows the true colors of u guys read the attached and see who is dictatorial and bent on controlling the those oppose by killing, if that is what it takes. is the thought behind it seems.
What a policy. Talk people power on one side and promote killing openly those who oppose policies of discrimination.

What a Democracy.

'Maoists have the power to implode India'
What a disappointing post............ Just because some angry members post cant here cant represent the whole India. We and our Democracy works very fine, ya we do have problem but then that is life.
Regards. This guy Prachanda is a clown
why cant somebody put a bullet in his head????

Why make a martyr out of an ordinary rodent. He has laid down arms under a UN-supervised agreement. Let him break that agreement and resort to arms again and Nepal army will wipe his clan out. This way it will become quite legitimate.

Killing him covertly will give him a martyrdom forever and his true colors will never be known to the people he claims to represent.

His pot of sins is not yet full.
freedom of speech is for our citizens not for prachanda or any random guy who is not Indian.
While all Indians talk big about their freedom of speech and yet promote violance showing their true color, I am not surprised.

so this is rightly shows the true colors of u guys read the attached and see who is dictatorial and bent on controlling the those oppose by killing, if that is what it takes. is the thought behind it seems.
What a policy. Talk people power on one side and promote killing openly those who oppose policies of discrimination.

What a Democracy.

'Maoists have the power to implode India'

Thanks for that joke. While I was the one who opposed some indian saying 'kill him' on this very thread, I'll also reply to your self serving sermon.

In one line - Prachanda has used guns for his motives, and hence his adverseries can hardly be faulted if they did the same. He believes in no freedom of speech, and hence does not deserve the same in return. I know he's pro china and hence you must defend your master's minion, but no thanks for the ethics class.
What a disappointing post............ Just because some angry members post cant here cant represent the whole India. We and our Democracy works very fine, ya we do have problem but then that is life.Regards. This guy Prachanda is a clown

Your post is one with some logic, but not all, if this guy is what u tell me, a clown.

clowns do not rise against a country unless they think that the country they are risng against is a circus. Which boast about bigest Democracy and they have no say in it and are opressed at every oppertunity.Under so called Democracy if people have no choice and are victimesed they will resort to violance.

Don't get me wrong I donot condone violance, but some with ligitmate resons do resort to it.

Mr. Fateh.

In one line - Prachanda has used guns for his motives, and hence his adverseries can hardly be faulted if they did the same. He believes in no freedom of speech, and hence does not deserve the same in return. I know he's pro china and hence you must defend your master's minion, but no thanks for the ethics class.

I am in no way demeaning any biody and chinese are our friends not masters, This kind of language is not a civilised one, and Mr. Fateh let us stick to the facts. Here is one fact right out of the article writien by a Indian journalist. This does not sound like a opressor, more like opressee

n his latest book, Red Sun: Travels in Naxalite Country, journalist Sudeep Chakravarti, 44, argues that India could implode in a war fuelled by the anger of the poor and the dispossessed.
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What a disappointing post............ Just because some angry members post cant here cant represent the whole India. We and our Democracy works very fine, ya we do have problem but then that is life.Regards. This guy Prachanda is a clown

Your post is one with some logic, but not all, if this guy is what u tell me, a clown.

clowns do not rise against a country unless they think that the country they are risng against is a circus. Which boast about bigest Democracy and they have no say in it and are opressed at every oppertunity.Under so called Democracy if people have no choice and are victimesed they will resort to violance.

Don't get me wrong I donot condone violance, but some with ligitmate resons do resort to it.

Mr. Fateh.

In one line - Prachanda has used guns for his motives, and hence his adverseries can hardly be faulted if they did the same. He believes in no freedom of speech, and hence does not deserve the same in return. I know he's pro china and hence you must defend your master's minion, but no thanks for the ethics class.

I am in no way demeaning any biody and chinese are our friends not masters, This kind of language is not a civilised one, and Mr. Fateh let us stick to the facts. Here is one fact right out of the article writien by a Indian journalist. This does not sound like a opressor, more like opressee

n his latest book, Red Sun: Travels in Naxalite Country, journalist Sudeep Chakravarti, 44, argues that India could implode in a war fuelled by the anger of the poor and the dispossessed.

Brother belive me if they can implode India they must have already done that..their ultimate aim is to have red flag in red fort..Till today apart from some backward areas they dont have much support in cities and other areas..and also some members here in this forum saying like they are for independent nation and stuff like that..the worst thing that can happen is India will be under dictatorship and we will have red flag with stars..and also have to study the boring stuffs of revolutions :)
Easy Bird, he's a man of ideology, we need to put a bullet into the ideology. And that bullet is not made of metal but paper and economic muscle.

The thing is he's a alumni of Jawahar lal Nehru university, Delhi and JNU is a hotbed for hippies and communists. From terrorist like Prachanda to prakash karat are the product of the JNU. They even celebrated the dantewada Massacre.

Govt. should close down JNU or get it bulldozed.

In JNU they get free staying name of study, cheap food and money in name of scholarship.

And what they do is metal masturbation.

Also, the nandita das, arundhati roy and prashat bhushan, binayak sen, NDTV etc. etc.

Govt should immediately stop it.

We should close the source of ideology supply then the Maoism will also get dried.
I wish India to do what it needs to do, but what is perplaxing isthat wy Indian army refuses to go after these people when they have killed many security force people.

The spokes person is adamant that it is not Democracy but dictatorship and they have to fight to get rid of it, onewonders, is Indian media right or this poor person who is willing to die for freedom he speaks of.

See the video.

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