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Powerful Late Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Pakistan


Sep 26, 2018
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Major General Qasem Soleimani , the commander of Iran’s Quds Force who was killed in a US air strike in Baghdad on Friday, had an illustrious career as a spymaster and military strategist and a celebratory status in Iran. Always a defender of the Islamic revolution, Soleimani reported directly to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and, of late, was the main architect of Iran’s recent foreign interventions, mainly in Iraq, Syria,Lebanon,Gaza,Israel,Afghanistan,Yemen,Pakistan and beyond.

Throughout the world the Iranian backed organisations demonstrated against his assassination and Pakistan was not behind. In most of our major cities people vented their anger over the US act to kill him.


Though the vast Majority of Pakistanis are not happy by the US action to assassinate him and create Regional instability. But General Soleimani did threaten Pakistan in the past on numerous occasions with serious consequences and vowed to take revenge.

Still we Pakistani hold no grudge against the departed soul,but was the late hero without any controversy!!!Some Iranians also saw him as a villain.The death of Qasem Soleimani by Iranian artist Mana Nayestani.

The thing that we Pakistanis must do now is to Strengthen our unity. Do not fall prey into any conspiracies that might play into enemy hands. And most importantly our Establishment/Govt should not be lured into some paltry Petro/US dollars for our services. As these gimmicks have cost us dearly and manifolds in the past. Inshallah we will not take their bait as their ultimate goal is our instability.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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He killed more Sunnis out of hate than any Westerners. The Iranians painted the picture that he was only killing ISIS. But in reality his targets were not just ISIS... It was all Sunnis around the world.

He was a terrorist and a hater of Pakistan.

Good riddance.
Ahh... the tough guy who just 10 months ago threatened and accused Pakistan of terrorism in neighborhood just got roasted in a neighborhood country because somebody had enough of his terrorist activities in neighborhood. Good riddance.
They only reason that they ran with their tails between their legs was because of February last year.
We may witness a lot of Regional turbulence in the next coming days and months. These Mullahs have managed to organise a lot of their proxies in our country by their financial help and social media propaganda. Staying NEUTRAL is the essence of the time. I also dont see any flame of love for the Puppet Arab regimes either.
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All Pakistanis should answer this simple question.

Was Mr. Soleimani anti Pakistan or the institution he worked for was anti Pakistan?

Proxy master who connected countless proxies is no longer alive leaving directionless proxies to go on rampage more brutal than ever.
The guy was a great exterminator of Wahhabi cut throats and protected sacred sites of Muslims and Christian from their destruction. It is nice seeing them boast after someone else killed him. Don't mind Shias, if you value Islamic history you must acknowledge his contribution in protecting Islamic sites from the heathens.
The thing that we Pakistanis must do now is to Strengthen our unity. Do not fall prey into any conspiracies that might play into enemy hands. And most importantly our Establishment/Govt should not be lured into some paltry Petro/US dollars for our services. As these gimmicks have cost us dearly and manifolds in the past.
Agreed, hopefully we don't get dragged into whatever mess that is about to unfold. Pakistan should focus on its own development.
Iran is anti-Pak

There is little evidence to make such a generalised statement.

Pakistan has made 2 statements in the past which seem to be forgotten.

1) Pakistan treats Iran as an extension of her own security
2) Pakistan does not believe in proxy war

Now if extremist elements in Iran have some anti Pak designs. It is upto the government of Islamic Republic of Iran to address these Pakistani concerns.

Iran has been harping the american rhetoric of terrorism emanating from Pakistan at the behest of India.
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