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Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

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Yeah, it's not like the military had intervened countless times in the past.
Countless? I knew you were stupid but sure you could count to threee. And those were under cold-war circumstances. Non of them took longer than a year. in 85 years of republic 3 years of coup d'etat do you think it's excessive? No, coups are bullsh*t excuses thrown by politicians for their incompetency.

And you don't know sh*t about political history of Turkey. Some explaination for rookies: Özal's Korea, Ecevit's Cyprus, Çiller's Kardak. All had their fair share of military victories. Some small, some big. But Republic of Turkey was never ruled by a party that is scared to death by the armed forces. That is the sole reason why Turkey is vulnerable. And "kemalist" CHP never came to power since 1945.

To me, even a military coup was pereferable to this.
This is your history:

- Arab-Israel War (support Israel)

- Afghan War (support Taliban against Soviet Union and then later make them new enemies)

- Lebanon Civil War (Western Colonial rule of Lebanon created problems with Muslims and Christians) (French supplied weapons to Christians)

- Gulf War (support Iraq and Iran and then make the two fight against one another) (U.S military base was and is still in Saudi Arabia)

- Morocco-Algeria Conflict over Western Sahara (NATO supplies weapons to both Morocco and Algeria)

- Iraq (NATO creates WMD scare), (increases Sunni-Shia conflict using Saddam), (West occupies Oil)

- Afghanistan (War on terror = excuse to maintain strategic base)

- Pakistan (War on terror on the same Taliban the U.S created), (Ridiculous Claims on Nuclear Weapons to terrorists) (Supplying India with Arms), (CIA open support for Balochistan)

- Yemen (NATO drone attacks)

- Iran conflict (Zionists in the U.S funding Billions of dollars to destroy Iran's Nuclear program), (World Wide Sanctions), (False Image created in West on personal issue like female rights), (aligning Saudi Arabia and other Khalijis to create sect wars)

- Libyan Civil War (NATO created Rebels and supplies them with Arms)

- Syrian Civil War (NATO prompting to include Turkey in the conflict). (NATOs open support to Al-Qaeda including Arms deal)

- Turkey (NATO putting pressure to collide with Iran) (NATO gives Arms to Greece)

Go a little further back when Muslims split apart and the Islamic Caliphate collapsed. That is your history.
Go a little further back when Muslims split apart and the Islamic Caliphate collapsed. That is your history.
This is what happens when an American wants to talk about history.

The ME was 10 times more peaceful than Europe, both before Islam and after Islam. Read a book or two before you make yourself and your ilk look so uneducated.

Every conflict in the past 200 years has been because of Westerners and their meddling in the region. We still have Western colonies (countries like Qatar) along with a pletora of puppet dictators in the region. Where the Europeans go, misery and violence follows.
Countless? I knew you were stupid but sure you could count to threee. And those were under cold-war circumstances. Non of them took longer than a year. in 85 years of republic 3 years of coup d'etat do you think it's excessive? No, coups are bullsh*t excuses thrown by politicians for their incompetency.

And you don't know sh*t about political history of Turkey. Some explaination for rookies: Özal's Korea, Ecevit's Cyprus, Çiller's Kardak. All had their fair share of military victories. Some small, some big. But Republic of Turkey was never ruled by a party that is scared to death by the armed forces. That is the sole reason why Turkey is vulnerable. And "kemalist" CHP never came to power since 1945.

To me, even a military coup was pereferable to this.

Not sure why your making these "cold war" excuses. Turkey is not any different now than then. Just recently, many military officials were arrested over coup allegations. This paranoia by AKP proves that they are "scared to death by armed forces"

I do know something about Turkish political history? The countries political history can be summarized by the following: a crisis identity between adhering to traditional Islamic roots (thereby distancing the West) and the need to internationalize and become a Western county. Whenever either side got too powerful, the military rolls in and establishes normalcy. Hell, all Turkey did during WW2 was try to decide whether the Soviets or the Nazis would do a better job of saving them from the other.

"Ozal's Korea" is a calculated move, trying to pander to the West. They knew that regional tension would destroy Turkey, and figured that NATO would do the best job of protecting them.

There was not victory of any kind when Ecevit orders invasion of Cyprus. Many times since 1974, Turkey urges, almost begs, the Cypriots to set up "communal zones" for Turks in the area, to live side by side as two states. And every time Cypriots reject this. And they wonder why Turkey can't be in OSCE Minsk: because how can a county that SUPPORTS self-determinism in TRNC DENY that very same right in Nagorno Karabakh. Such hypocrisy is why Turkey will never be in EU and will never be trusted member of ANY organization.

Don't know very much about Tansu Ciller, except that she would flip flop between Islamist Erbakan and the secularists very often.
Turkey is heading in the wrong direction, Turkey is following Tel Aviv, and D.C, which gives Israel and The west total control, and especially Ergodan wants to be in the EU. So Turkey is making enemies with its neighbors, in sake to please the west, which is very bad. Turkey is now considered an enemy for Syria, and Iraq, and now there are little conflicts with Erdogan and Iran.
Turkey is heading in the wrong direction, Turkey is following Tel Aviv, and D.C, which gives Israel and The west total control, and especially Ergodan wants to be in the EU. So Turkey is making enemies with its neighbors, in sake to please the west, which is very bad. Turkey is now considered an enemy for Syria, and Iraq, and now there are little conflicts with Erdogan and Iran.

I think it would be best for Turkey to stop supporting the FSA. All it is doing is causing them more problems internally with the PKK, as well as creating unnecessary enemies with one of her main neighbours.
It's becoming increasingly clear that Iran and Turkey are growing more antagonistic towards each other. Reasons include:

- Turkey backs the Syrian rebels, which Iran finds to be meddlesome and against its regional interests.

That is true but this is of no surprise to Tehran, they knew which side Turks would be on.
btw bad news, the Armenian neighborhood has fallen under the control of the Syrian rebels. They are in big trouble.

- Turkey is shying away from Iranian oil

Not true, in fact energy exports to Turkey are due to increase from Iran.

- Turkey hosts a NATO radar system

Yea, that really pissed off Iran but again, expected of Turkey.

- Attacks by Kurdish rebels and "other forces" are becoming more frequent in Turkey. Western sources claim that Khamanei has ordered reprisals against Assad opponents.

I don't think Iran would use PKK against Turkey....Iran has many other leverages.

- Not sure about this one, but Iraq could also be exacerbating relations. The Iranian backed Iraqi central government has reconsidered relations with Turkey over there relationship with Iraqi Kurdistan.

Iran has dominance to certain degree in Iraqi politics but I don't think of too much involvement in Iraqi Kurdistan, but I am not sure.

Thoughts? IMO, conflict can only escalate into open hostility of Turkey initiates. Otherwise, Iran will continue with covert missions.

Open conflict? No Iran won't start it and Turks wouldn't dare.....besides Iranian Turkish political relations are not that bad.
Both countries would never dare to go open war againts each other their interests are not contradicted that much.
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