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Potential Iranian-Turkish Conflict?

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First point Iran and Turkey on a map then stink up the place with your american comment.

OP talks about a conflict and this american starts with "doubt Iran would start a war" looool

get the f outa here grandpa. This topic if for Middle Easterners not some old fart from yankee land.

Iran and Turkey are in Africa. Hope that answers your question. And you can talk and whine as much as you want, but I can post pretty much what I want to say on this thread. You don't impress or scare me at all.:sniper:
Let me explain his mentality , Iran-Turkey war so hes country benefits somehow from this because he knows hes countries isolated and president is crying to open the border and Azerbaycan next to him is building a big army and prospering economically.

You know, I said nothing about Armenia whatsoever. Not sure why you are so insecure. Please stick to the topic.
It's very obvious where this thread is going.We have discussed this before.
Any conflict or war will destroy both countries and start a bloody conflict all over ME.
There is no covert war,there is no enemity,just disagreements which is natural.These are just conspiracy theories.
5. Turkey's problems with the PKK

You could have typed number 5 always since 1984 , very high levels in 1990s till 1998 finish to 2004 - 2004 to 2012 back again .

I dont want to write everything but we know how Jundallah and PJAK can also erupt .
OK , first there wouldnt be a war , very low low possibility . Iran is supporting assad because of interests , our government is supporting the opposite side , first we have to see when will this finish , any predictions?
No conflict will ever happen. Both Iran and Turkey are idiots for wasting money and resources in the arab world, but that's the way it is now and that's the source of the friction.

The radar would happen even at the best of times, because of Turkey's duty to the West (they can't say no). As far as I know they're not staying away from IRanian oil, just 20 percent of it on the order of Washington in order to meet the new sanctions criteria.

The syria situation is where things get a bit sticky. Turkey wants al quida to win, Iran wants to keep Assad. Assad has already started to give arms to the PKK in response and the next step would be for Iran to do the same. We'll see.

If Turkey implicates Iran in these "terrorist" bombings (which it kind of already is), eventually Turkey may do something about it. Why is this so unimaginable?
You could have typed number 5 always since 1984 , very high levels in 1990s till 1998 finish to 2004 - 2004 to 2012 back again .

I dont want to write everything but we know how Jundallah and PJAK can also erupt .

No our army is efficient and takes care of problems... Post on facts Ottoman...
It's very obvious where this thread is going.We have discussed this before.
Any conflict or war will destroy both countries and start a bloody conflict all over ME.
There is no covert war,there is no enemity,just disagreements which is natural.These are just conspiracy theories.

That is a gigantic understatement. Just because the situation is complicated does not mean that it is not worth discussing.

Why would Turkey start a war with Iran? Iran just need to know its place thats all...

Uh...it's implicating Iran in "terrorist" activity.
FSA=Al Quida

You guys are always a decade behind reality and are too, how shall I say this, ...... to realize when you're being lied to.

Your govt was playing with the taliban and bin ladens and called them freedom fighters. Saddam was said to have WMDs. Now the FSA are freedom fighters lol

earth to grandpa redneck: they're all wahabi terrorists no different then the taliban and al quida.

LOL you seem to be more than a decade behind since I'm old enough to know what happened in the 80s. U.S. and Pakistan supported the Mujahadeen. Taliban didn't exist at the time. And Osama deny he ever had support from the CIA since he has his own money. Saddam did have WMDs since he used chemical weapons against the Kurds if you were alive at the time in the 80s which I doubt it.

And second of all you are in denial with all the defections of high ranking military officers of the Syrian military as well as politicians. That tells me how naive you really are.
You could have typed number 5 always since 1984 , very high levels in 1990s till 1998 finish to 2004 - 2004 to 2012 back again .

I dont want to write everything but we know how Jundallah and PJAK can also erupt .
wtf is jundollah? You mean that group that lost its leaders a few years ago and hasn't even fired a fart towards anything in years? That group? Dude, their entire leadership was hanged and that was the end of that. rigi, his brother, his associates, foot soldiers.. they were all hanged.

Anyway, agree with ERA, this thread isn't worth pursuing.
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