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Potential ethnic conflict in Greece


Jul 15, 2012
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We all know that the economical situation in Greece is very bad and Greek people are looking for scapegoats. We know what happens in those situations, people get radical and vote for radical parties, in the case of Greece that would be golden dawn.

I have heard that 50% of Greek police have voted for Golden Dawn. When Greece gets kicked out of EU, social disorder is very likely to happen because of chaos of devaluation of their money and Greek people will loose their savings. When people have nothing to loose they can do crazy things.

Maybe this sounds weird but we will never know what will happen in three years. It is not like Greeks have tried to massacre Turks in Cyprus or that Greeks haven't supported Serbians in the massacre of Muslims. The chance is very great if you look on the long term and calculate the radical changes that will happen in Greece because of further recession.

My question is in case of ethnic conflict in Greece, will NATO intervene, or will they stand back and watch and see muslims getting massacred like in Srebrenica? Would Turkey be justified to invade and occupy Greece like in Cyprus? Are there any treaties like this? And in case of that what would the aftermath of that be? Can for example Turks divide Thrace like they did with Cyprus? I know this may sound crazy but you will never know what will happen in the future especially if you look at Greece at its support for Muslim massacres.
Your dreaming, it is the Turkish republic that usually makes scapegoats of their minorities and is known for genocides. Don't confuse it with the Cyprus issue which you have slyly only giving the exaggerated Turkish perspective.
Khudi your comment is far from being constructive. You are probably jealous. Begin with making constructive arguments and you will be worth a response.
Not related to that section and also provocative.
Just like in bosnia , NATO will let their preferred ethnicity wipe out the minority than they will intervene
i have very good things to say to you but i dont want to get banned. this is more appropriate غدار , تم یونانیوں کے لئے ترکوں کو بیچ رہے ہیں

Your dreaming, it is the Turkish republic that usually makes scapegoats of their minorities and is known for genocides. Don't confuse it with the Cyprus issue which you have slyly only giving the exaggerated Turkish perspective.
Your dreaming, it is the Turkish republic that usually makes scapegoats of their minorities and is known for genocides. Don't confuse it with the Cyprus issue which you have slyly only giving the exaggerated Turkish perspective.
false flagger?
Khudi your comment is far from being constructive. You are probably jealous. Begin with making constructive arguments and you will be worth a response.

And your comments are grounded on gross generalisations and some kind of paranoid fear.

Especially on the Cyprus issue.

Half truths don't make reality. Far from it.

If you just knew...

And you know how ?
And your comments are grounded on gross generalisations and some kind of paranoid fear.

Especially on the Cyprus issue.

Half truths don't make reality. Far from it.

Paranoid fear and half truth? Answer this. Did Greeks not try to kill all Turkish cypriots? Did Greeks not extend help to Serbians and sent volunteer soldiers to Srebenica? Unfortunately history tells us that Greece is capable of a lot of things.

I wish it was just a fear but it is not. Turks need to be prepared for the worse especially since economic situation in Greece is geting worse and far extermist parties such as Golden Dawn is getting more support. Nobody knows what will happen in the future.
Paranoid fear and half truth? Answer this. Did Greeks not try to kill all Turkish cypriots? Did Greeks not extend help to Serbians and sent volunteer soldiers to Srebenica? Unfortunately history tells us that Greece is capable of a lot of things.

I wish it was just a fear but it is not. Turks need to be prepared for the worse especially since economic situation in Greece is geting worse and far extermist parties such as Golden Dawn is getting more support. Nobody knows what will happen in the future.

I will gladly answer you as I answered before not a few days ago.

No, Greeks did NOT try to kill all Turkish Cypriots. Because quite simply, Greeks were NOT on Cyprus. Greek-cypriots were. We are not the same, just as Turks are not the same as Turkish-cypriots. And as I said before, what happened was sad and regrettable and the blame should rest to the ones at fault, and if Greek-cypriots are at fault then yes they are at fault.

and don't forget that according to official sources, the 1963-64 crisis resulted in the death of 364 Turkish Cypriots and 174 Greek Cypriots.
Even if the figures are toned down a little, I hardly anyone would call this trying to kill all Turkish-cypriots on the island, unless the total number of turkish-cypriots was around 1000 ! I think not.

so stay away from such fanfare words.

No, Greeks did not extend such help to the Serbs. Greece supported Serbia politically and in modest, economically. But when the time came, Greece fulfilled its part of NATO obligations.

What you are referring to as volunteer soldiers, was nothing more than a few tens of fanatics and a few mercenaries which have fought for money in many conflicts before Serbia and after. Equally there were even mujahedin were found in that war fighting.

So I am sorry to burst your bubble but there was no Greek Government conspiracy to send soldiers to Bosnia or anywhere else. Sorry!

That is why i say you rely on half truths and some kind of fear.

I am here to answer anything you want to ask and clear any points you feel need clearing.
Another achievement of Greek-cypriots
No, Greeks did NOT try to kill all Turkish Cypriots. Because quite simply, Greeks were NOT on Cyprus. Greek-cypriots were. We are not the same, just as Turks are not the same as Turkish-cypriots. And as I said before, what happened was sad and regrettable and the blame should rest to the ones at fault, and if Greek-cypriots are at fault then yes they are at fault.

Greece didn't help directly because they were afraid. Greece pulled out of NATO as protest. That is why they helped Cypriot Greek army indirectly. If Greece helped Cypriot army Greece would been in war with Turkey for unjust reasons because Greeks would have broken treaty of guarantee. You are not aware of a lot of things and I will refute them one by one.

No, Greeks did not extend such help to the Serbs. Greece supported Serbia politically and in modest, economically. But when the time came, Greece fulfilled its part of NATO obligations.

Greece extended political help and military help secretly. They send volunteer guard that committed genocides. Greece supported this all politically. Again they only didn't extend full help because that would mean Greece would be in war. Greece had huge roll in Srebrenica massacre because it blocked Turkish intervention. Greece didn't allow Turks air space permission.

So I am sorry to burst your bubble but there was no Greek Government conspiracy to send soldiers to Bosnia or anywhere else. Sorry!

There clearly is as I explained above. Greece did this all in a sneaky way and they didn't give full support because that would mean declaration of war on Greece. My point is that Greece can be very dangerous and unstable for the coming 10 years. Especially since the rise of Golden Dawn and growing support by the day. It shouldn't be ruled out that something will happen since very hard times are coming to Greece, politcally, financially, economically, etc. These circumstances make it very likely of a conflict in the future where chaos erupt and massacres happen.
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