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Potential Dajjalic Characters

DAJAL literal meaning is one who deceives and from Quran Allah made Hazrat Sulaiman A.S see a vison Al-Jasadad (a lifeless body) on his throne then Prophet Sulaiman A.S prays his famous dua that no one can inherit my kingdom.
  • And We did try Solomon: We placed on his throne a body (without life); but he did turn (to Us in true devotion): (Surah Sâd, 34)
  • He said, "O my Lord! Forgive me, and grant me a kingdom which, (it may be), suits not another after me: for Thou art the Grantor of Bounties (without measure). (Surah Sâd, 35)
  • Then We subjected the wind to his power, to flow gently to his order, Whithersoever he willed,- (Surah Sâd, 36)
  • As also the evil ones, (including) every kind of builder and diver,- (Surah Sâd, 37)
  • As also others bound together in fetters. (Surah Sâd, 38)
  • "Such are Our Bounties: whether thou bestow them (on others) or withhold them, no account will be asked." (Surah Sâd, 39)
  • And he enjoyed, indeed, a Near Approach to Us, and a beautiful Place of (Final) Return. (Surah Sâd, 40)

This along with hadith we can derived dajjal being will have body without a soul and dajjal mission is to rule world from Jerusalem.

Now most can take this my points to controversy theory but hear me out.
  • No. One he could be an A.I robot as we are approaching age of again technological advancement like 5G and this robot sophia
  • Cern using its reserch to produce mini blackhole which could lead possibly to somekind of Alien or time travel.
  • One of Dajjal power would be he would bring rain or drought like Harrp.
  • He will bring ones parents or relative from dead and will make him believe there is no life after death. Meaning DNA Cloning like Cloning sheep/cow and reproducing red heifer.
  • His mission is to make non jew become Atheist and live with no moral values.
  • Also from games,novels,movies to film humans are subliminal are being programmed if an anonymity/alien/A.I Robot/Other dimension being like being is rule world we are not threaten.
well every individual who has one faulty eye is not a candidate for being dajjal. it is a very childish approach to the subject. here i will suggest that the members may listen to shiekh imran hussain . his understanding and explanation to these hadiths is better then anyone else. although lately he has gone a bit crazy about some other affairs but he is the no doubt the best source of guidance regarding dajjal and gog magog.
dajjal will be a creature so powerful that he will claim to be god . he will bring the dead to life. he will reward his followers through abundance of food and water and punish those who reject him with death and starvation. he will order earth to bring out its resources and the earth will follow his command so how come such a powerful creature CAN'T FIX HIS OWN EYE??? it is a logical question. hazrat tamim mari met dajjal and didnt mention anything about faulty eyes. the Prophet had suspicion about a jewish boy ibn e siyad in madina was dajjal ad he had no faulty eye. so we are not understanding the hadith in the right way and that's why we think everyone with a faulty eye is dajjal.

I nominate Molvi Diesel. :lol:
even dajjal takes him as his boss. gets his lessons from mullah diesel:lol:

I nominate Molvi Diesel. :lol:
even dajjal takes him as his boss. gets his lessons from mullah diesel:lol:
We cannot super-impose events/ characters on end of times ahadiths.

Like when Daesh came with black flags, beating their chests abt creating the khilafah, many youngsters and western Muslims thought they were the real black banners from Khorasan because they wrongly connected the current events to end of times Hadiths and they left their countries and joined them... and now we know they were frauds.

We will know when the events will happen and we will recognise the people as well because it will become obvious...as clear as day. An example of this is the naked barefooted Bedouins will compete in making tall buildings... if we look at the Arab world now, this is obvious to us because they are doing it and it has happened in our lifetime.

I want to post 2 videos abt Hazrat Imam Mahdi Alahyis Salam and the signs before and after him. Defiantly worth a listen...put it on your USB and listen to it as you drive to work:

Part 1:

Part 2:


@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Nein @Reddington @313ghazi @Ahmet Pasha @
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Well according to my understanding of the Hadiths, this might be the timeline.

End of World War 3 --------> Israel Expansion/Building of Temple------> Imam Mahdi Appears

Imam Mahdi Appears -------> Army from Khurasan comes to his aid -------> Jerusalem is liberated/ Muslim countries become one -----------> World war 4/Malhama

End of Malhama --------------> Dajjal appears

Allah knows best...........

@Wa Muhammada
Wait isn’t malhama and ww3 same

Some issues with the timeline.

Chronologically arranges.

Dabbat ul Ard (beast of the Earth) marks all mumin and all kaffir. Great Fire in Arabia. Gold uncovered in Iraq, 3 armies swallowed by the Earth. Idolatry returns to arabia. Syria and Yemen suffer. Egypt will be the last to suffer.

Dajjal’s tyranny begins on Earth from Israel supported by Isfahani Jews, Muslims suffer famine, water shortage, and persecution. Kaffir is written on his head. Genocide of Arabs and Israeli conquest of Arab world. He cannot enter Makkah and Marina due to angels.

Imam Mahdi arises in a time of fitna and internal struggle in Hijaz. He quickly mobilizes the Muslim World against forces of evil, and is supported by the Khorasan army which had just conquered India.

Hazrat Isa descends during Imam Mahdi’s rule and prays behind him. Hazrat Isa kills Dajjal, ends Christianity, and rules the world from Jerusalem.

Yajuj Majuj come and overrun the Earth during his rule (their number is 99 to 1 of us,) Hazrat Isa prays for victory against them. A parasite/insect burrows in their necks and kills them all, oceans flood Earth to carry away their corpses.

After several years, cold wind comes and takes believers, Abyssinian destroys Kaaba, then Qiyamat begins on the worst people left who abandon Hajj, Quran, and Islam.

From what I gather due to lectures from Dr. Israr Ahmad, Dr. Shahid Masood, Orya Maqbool Jan, and sheikh Imran N Hosein (before he went senile and became anti-Pakistani.)

Allahu Alim

Some issues with the timeline.

Chronologically arranges.

Dabbat ul Ard (beast of the Earth) marks all mumin and all kaffir. Great Fire in Arabia. Gold uncovered in Iraq, 3 armies swallowed by the Earth. Idolatry returns to arabia. Syria and Yemen suffer. Egypt will be the last to suffer.

Dajjal’s tyranny begins on Earth from Israel supported by Isfahani Jews, Muslims suffer famine, water shortage, and persecution. Kaffir is written on his head. Genocide of Arabs and Israeli conquest of Arab world. He cannot enter Makkah and Marina due to angels.

Imam Mahdi arises in a time of fitna and internal struggle in Hijaz. He quickly mobilizes the Muslim World against forces of evil, and is supported by the Khorasan army which had just conquered India.

Hazrat Isa descends during Imam Mahdi’s rule and prays behind him. Hazrat Isa kills Dajjal, ends Christianity, and rules the world from Jerusalem.

Yajuj Majuj come and overrun the Earth during his rule (their number is 99 to 1 of us,) Hazrat Isa prays for victory against them. A parasite/insect burrows in their necks and kills them all, oceans flood Earth to carry away their corpses.

After several years, cold wind comes and takes believers, Abyssinian destroys Kaaba, then Qiyamat begins on the worst people left who abandon Hajj, Quran, and Islam.

From what I gather due to lectures from Dr. Israr Ahmad, Dr. Shahid Masood, Orya Maqbool Jan, and sheikh Imran N Hosein (before he went senile and became anti-Pakistani.)

Allahu Alim

Interesting points bro...

Regarding idolatry we’r seeing Hindus gain a foothold in the Arabian Peninsula, we see news in the media that Hindu priests opening new temples with princes / kings as chief guests.



Egypt just pulled out of MESA and we’r seeing them taking an increasingly independent stance on their foreign policy. They are also buying Russian weaponry and planes - could this be the trigger for US sanctions?

What I have read abt Egypt is that yellow banners will gather off its coast and attack it. What those yellow banners are I don’t know.
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