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Potential Dajjalic Characters

Ahmet Pasha

May 23, 2017
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United States
This thread is purely based on suspicion/intuition containing different personalities that match description of Messih ad Dajjal.

This thread is pure conjecture. I'll start off with three if you have more feel free to share.

Erez Biton:
Jewish Poet/writer of Mizrahi(Algerian/Morroccan descent). Has faulty eyes but seems like both of his eyes are faulty.

Lucien Greaves:
Torch Bearer after passing away of Anton Lavey. American national affiliation with church of satan. One faulty eye. Very charming personality and appearance.
Hail Satan Lucien Greaves banner.png

Mullah Omar:
Freedom fighter against foreign powers. Based in Afghanistan. Affiliated with Taliban/Islami Emirate of Afghanistan. Born with both eyes healthy. But one was injured during Soviet-Afghan war. Deceased in 2013
(In my views he is not very likely cuz he fought on side of islam and that he's been declared dead but you never what Allah has planned i.e al-Baghdadi miraculously came back to life too and some ahadith point that Dajjal will come out of East/Khurasan/Iran area). But again not very likely.
Before loosing the right eye.

I know. And I said so in my original post.
I made this thread solely on physical description
Mullah Omer was a Mujahid who gave sleepless nights to many anti-Afghanistan and anti-Islam crusaders. The Talibaan force emerged as a force to be reckoned with under Mullah Omer. It is not very wise to even discuss similarities with Dajjal!
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Some more descriptions include Jewish descent and some connection to Israel as he will pose as the Messiah, extremely curly hair, one eye swollen like a grape (also a deeper description, signifying secularism and no religiosity,) and being apparent to every Mumin.

I don’t believe he has entered the world political scene yet in physical form.
Eye is just one character of Dajjal there are many others as well mentioned and you have just focused on eye. What about curly hair?

Curls, yes, but what about the color? Probably black given the Jewish ancestry.
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