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Post your short questions on Op Zarb e Azb.


May 3, 2009
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We are recording an episode of a table top interview with a Pakistani retired General and a retired Col from the US Army depending on their availability.

The topic is to have a frank analysis of the Operation Zarb e Azb currently underway against the Taliban. Our format is such that we collect the questions from out PDF members and pose them to our guests.

This episode will again be hosted by Zain Khan who will be asking questions posted by PDF members.

Pls post a short question below, i'll be noting all of them down.

Thank you. Horus from defence.pk
Some questions about Zarb e azb.
contain the most common questions asked,thank you.
1 more,what is happening to terrorists who are surrendering(giving up arms) ? do there cases go to military courts too? what happens to them?
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these are some question typically asked some of us and our neighbour on the east
how do we know how many are killed and were all of them terrorists ?

do we have operatives on the ground at the time of airiel bombing ?

whats the collateral damage during the attacks ?

are families of ttp terrorists being targeted ?

what would be the total cost of rebuilding north wazirastan after the operation ends ?

how many terrorists have been arrested killed and how much weaponry has been confestated?
i have tried to answer some of these to them but they keep asking the same questions again and again
I have just one question but I am not sure if the retired General from the army would be able to answer - Is JF-17 being used ? If yes, than please give us details like missions / ammunition used / performance analysis.

If not, why?
1. What is the exact toll of dead terrorists thus far in Op. ZEA?
2. What exactly is going on about Operation Khyber-I because we don't hear much news about it?
3. How is the Pak Army reconstructing the area it has crushed and what new government institutions will be established?
4. What is the US' role in the current ops? (both ZEA and Khyber-I)
5. Are there any future plans for expanding military operation in other parts of FATA and the rest of the country?
6. Are there any chances of Martial Law?
I'd be very honored if any one of these could be included in the interview. :)
You mean, people actually take us seriously? WTF man. We live in weird times.
My question would be about post Zarb E Azab scenario and directed to Pakistani general (if he can answer),
What planning and steps have been carried out to engage the youth of FATA after restoration of peace, so that they don't become easy idle disgruntled tools for any other proxy war / insurgency or Terrorism against Pakistan?

And for the US official I would like to ask him

What guarantees are in place that Pakistan would not face any Western hostile border after this operation and why they have been unsuccessful to drone target Mullah Radio up till now, what difficulties they are facing doing that?
Is it envisaged that there will be a period where junior ranking militants can surrender to the state and be given indemnity on condition that they undertake to stay away from the TTP conditional that they are verified as not having killed anybody?
Are there any thought of Fencing & sealing the Pak-Afghan Border once the operation is done , fencing & sealing the border is a must , with out this all gains made in this operation , can be lost as we cannot afford to have this border open anymore
Update on the situation in datakheil !
Also when will they move into the Shawal Valley?
Is there any chance that FATA will be brought into mainstream by making it province after this operation or it will be same old mess of FCR, Political Agents and Lashkars?
I posed this question to a high ranking PAF official, however he has advised me to phone him so he could address my query, hence i would ask similar question to the PA officials.
After the brutal killings of a Jordanian pilot, the Jordanian authorities were quick to release footages of their response in form of airstrikes carried out by RJAF as such is required to both convince the public and boost the moral, yet after the massacre of 150 childrens, we are still devoid of any such material. All we are given is causality figures.
A question to Pak posters,,,,when is this op. going to end?any timelines,,,pardon my ignorance
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