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Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

China cannot even fight with much smaller but brave nations (VietNam), forget about confronting India. When time comes they just run away. Remember 1962 when they ran away after an initial success fearing Indian assault. 1967 and 1987 are other examples. Chinese don't have a belly to fight India :lol::lol:

Build the road, I'm sure China will send their soldiers to disrupt the construction, let escalate into a real conflict.
Recently Indian army have no real time war fighting experience same as the Chinese, let this war to test the mettle of both nation.
China cannot even fight with much smaller but brave nations (VietNam), forget about confronting India. When time comes they just run away. Remember 1962 when they ran away after an initial success fearing Indian assault. 1967 and 1987 are other examples. Chinese don't have a belly to fight India :lol::lol:

At least we're not crying like little girl to get help from US and Soviet after 1962 fiasco...LMAO.:rolleyes:
Build the road and China will send 1000 soldiers need to physically remove from the site, other than kill them and declare war against China, they sure will not budge.
Ha Ha. Do not Bitch about your Saviour who saved your @rse from the mighty Japanese :lol::lol:

What'zzz matter can't take the heat??? don't try to divert the conversation, we Chinese know that only cowards will seek external help, and I have not thought that this even happened during the debate...LMAO. Maybe seeking help is part of Indian's nature:angel:
At least we're not crying like little girl to get help from US and Soviet after 1962 fiasco...LMAO.:rolleyes:
we had nothing back then

In the words of a pakistani analyst:

Till 1965 Pakistan Army keeping in view its equipment and training was relatively superior to the Indian Army.India under Nehru was a peaceful country but the Sino-Indian Conflict of 1962 transformed the whole scenario.Thus while Indian Army had by and large registered no major expansion since 1947 after 1962 the Indians embarked on a highly ambitious expansion programme.It was Pakistan’s good luck that in 1965 this process was at a very rudimentary stage, however by 1971 the whole strategic scenario had changed
we already have world-class infrastructure access to the border, just waiting for the right moment. I trust this modi guy will grant us such opportunity, and we will finish this irritating india once for all.

The whole south asia is ready to celebrate.


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Time for China to retake S Tibet. That would take the arrogant India's pressure off us and NE.
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