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Post Balakot airstrikes, Pakistan changing its strategy: Intelligence report

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Post Balakot airstrikes, Pakistan changing its strategy: Intelligence report
By Manish Shukla | Updated: Jun 30, 2019, 23:49 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Months after the Indian Air Force (IAF) launched a major airstrike inside Pakistan's Balakot targeting terror training camps linked to Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), the inputs gathered by the intelligence agencies have indicated a shift in Islamabad's strategy against India.

Fearing an attack of greater intensity from India in the future, Pakistan is now strengthening the security of its military installations and has increased surveillance along the border.

The IAF's sudden and precise attack on terror camps had caught Pakistan completely unaware and increased pressure on its armed forces to retaliate, especially after its Air Force failed to carry on its mission successfully inside India following the Balakot airstrikes.

Pakistan's spy agency ISI and its armed forces have been deliberating for several months as to what should be their response to India in case New Delhi decides to carry out similar strikes in future.

With the Balakot airstrike, India has indicated a strategic shift in its long-standing ''doctrine of restraint'' which also opened up space for tougher Indian retaliation against Pulwama-like terror attacks, which resulted in the martrydom of at least 40 CRPF personnel.

According to intelligence reports, which are also accessed by Zee Media, Pakistan has adopted a multi-pronged strategy to foil any retaliatory attack by the Indian armed forces in future. Pakistan has also fast-tracked the long-delayed acquisition of modern warfare systems and advanced radars, which it wants to install along the border for better surveillance.

This assumes significance since the Pakistan Air Force had miserably failed to detect the presence of the Indian fighter jets as their surveillance system had been jammed by the IAF during the Balakot airstrikes.

Ahead of the Balakot airstrikes, the IAF jets, mounted with electronic warfare (EW) system, had jammed the Pakistani radars.

Sources told Zee Media that Pakistan has now decided to increase the number of drones in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) so that they can increase the surveillance on the international border including the Line of Control and monitor situation in real time. Among other measures, the ISI has instructed the terror camps active in Azad Kashmir to avoid open display of weapons and stay away from the Line of Control (LoC) in order to avoid detection by the Indian agencies.

Several pro-Pakistan terror outfits have been clearly ordered to tell their cadres to wear Pakistani Army fatigues and not to venture out of their training camps without wearing them. This has been done to avoid detection by the Indian drones and the satellite imagery being used to keep a hawk's eye on the border movement.

In view of rising international pressure, especially after the UN declared Masood Azhar as a global terrorist, the Pakistan Army has asked the terror operators to keep a low profile for some time.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's ISI is also facilitating meetings between various terror groups like Jaish-e-Mohammad, Haqqani Network, Taliban and the ISIS militia fighters so as to build a consortium of terrorists, which can be used for launching terrorist attacks in India.

All countries keep upgrading. I bet India is as well. So no surprise Pakistan is.
@Arsalan bro should the posting of such articles written by Gangadeshi journos be allowed on PDF?
Definitely they have a bias and Gd media is pathological liar and naturally anti-Pakistan.
If we have found deficiencies in our defense at cost of crow and few pine trees then thank you IAF for conducting audit for us at own expense. :cheers:
This beyond absurd... down right dangerous... sick even.

A country which desires to be taken seriously has this kind of thinking pervailing form top-to-bottom... in every segement of its society.....

Two nuclear armed countries sitting side-by-side...with weapons enough to wipe life off the planet Earth... cann't have such a mindset...but in this post-truth world of make-belief...fascism in the name of democracy... dangers to life are increasing...many folds.

The geo-political/geo-economic power flux gives space to this maddness... UN being defunct and useless as it is... leaves room for fascist forces to gain strength to strength....

It is not this article... it is the entire spectrum of indian media, politics, intellectual and professional classes entertaining same beliefs... this should be extremly worrying to those few left with a sane mind in this strange country.

Pak State needs to accept this FACT that there shall never be peace with india...even if Kashmir and other core issues are resolved.. it is the mind of darkness which will never stop in its diseased frame.

The impact is not limited to Pak sphere but will also impact ME and East Africa as well... when these indians gain a bit more material/economic strength...

An attitude to overlook this fact will cause harm to all countries in the region.

Worrying to any strategic thinker/planner of long term scenario..this indian peril is!
Pak State needs to accept this FACT that there shall never be peace with india...even if Kashmir and other core issues are resolved.. it is the mind of darkness which will never stop in its diseased frame.

This is the point, people cannot digest. A fascist will remain a fascist, and a threat to world security.

Cherry on the cake, it is single handedly destroying it self as well, hint - the increase in farmers committing suicide.
@Arsalan bro should the posting of such articles written by Gangadeshi journos be allowed on PDF?
Definitely they have a bias and Gd media is pathological liar and naturally anti-Pakistan.

As @Khafee said:
Repeating a lie, over and over again, will not make it turn into the truth.
It should not bother us really. The whole world know its a lie.

Post Balakot airstrikes, Pakistan changing its strategy: Intelligence report
By Manish Shukla | Updated: Jun 30, 2019, 23:49 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Months after the Indian Air Force (IAF) launched a major airstrike inside Pakistan's Balakot targeting terror training camps linked to Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), the inputs gathered by the intelligence agencies have indicated a shift in Islamabad's strategy against India.

Fearing an attack of greater intensity from India in the future, Pakistan is now strengthening the security of its military installations and has increased surveillance along the border.

The IAF's sudden and precise attack on terror camps had caught Pakistan completely unaware and increased pressure on its armed forces to retaliate, especially after its Air Force failed to carry on its mission successfully inside India following the Balakot airstrikes.

Pakistan's spy agency ISI and its armed forces have been deliberating for several months as to what should be their response to India in case New Delhi decides to carry out similar strikes in future.

With the Balakot airstrike, India has indicated a strategic shift in its long-standing ''doctrine of restraint'' which also opened up space for tougher Indian retaliation against Pulwama-like terror attacks, which resulted in the martrydom of at least 40 CRPF personnel.

According to intelligence reports, which are also accessed by Zee Media, Pakistan has adopted a multi-pronged strategy to foil any retaliatory attack by the Indian armed forces in future. Pakistan has also fast-tracked the long-delayed acquisition of modern warfare systems and advanced radars, which it wants to install along the border for better surveillance.

This assumes significance since the Pakistan Air Force had miserably failed to detect the presence of the Indian fighter jets as their surveillance system had been jammed by the IAF during the Balakot airstrikes.

Ahead of the Balakot airstrikes, the IAF jets, mounted with electronic warfare (EW) system, had jammed the Pakistani radars.

Sources told Zee Media that Pakistan has now decided to increase the number of drones in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) so that they can increase the surveillance on the international border including the Line of Control and monitor situation in real time. Among other measures, the ISI has instructed the terror camps active in Azad Kashmir to avoid open display of weapons and stay away from the Line of Control (LoC) in order to avoid detection by the Indian agencies.

Several pro-Pakistan terror outfits have been clearly ordered to tell their cadres to wear Pakistani Army fatigues and not to venture out of their training camps without wearing them. This has been done to avoid detection by the Indian drones and the satellite imagery being used to keep a hawk's eye on the border movement.

In view of rising international pressure, especially after the UN declared Masood Azhar as a global terrorist, the Pakistan Army has asked the terror operators to keep a low profile for some time.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's ISI is also facilitating meetings between various terror groups like Jaish-e-Mohammad, Haqqani Network, Taliban and the ISIS militia fighters so as to build a consortium of terrorists, which can be used for launching terrorist attacks in India.

ZEE NEWS!! Enough said.

This have been brought up in the past as well and my reply have always been the same. To all Indians, PLEASE REMEMBER THESE CLAIMS WHEN SOME KID FROM KASHMIR DECIDES TO STAND UP TO ATROCITIES OF INDIAN OCCUPYING FORCES AND ATTACKS THEM. REMEMBER THAT YOU SAID WE HAVE CHANGED OUR STRATEGY OUT OF "FEAR" OF "ANOTHER BALAKOT" AND THAT IT MEANS WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS ATTACK, hum tu dr gy bahi,, next time someone blows up your trops in Kashmir it cannot be us! Just remember that.

@Tejas Spokseman since you are online should we expect you at:

Tejas Light Combat Aircraft: The not so Indian fighter
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