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Possible sale of ALH Dhruv to Afghanistan

For every reaction there is a reaction... on PDF such posts dont even make 1%.... yes we support kashmiri struggle.. unlike indians like KS and others who talk abt 72 virgins,when our soldiers die = less jihadis etc etc..

No body here disrespect your soldiers.. We are only talking like this to those who are doing terrorist attack on us.. Show me any thread where we mock your dead soldiers
Wont happen.

If ANA wants helicopters, they will have no choice but to get American helicopters.
Probably, old Huey's.

Nope..they are constantly buying Mi-17V5,remember..that only shows that they are not bound to buy American weapons only..
Yep we are not at war but persistent headache is always there hence, you need to stretch your resources to two fronts.You can't take back your allocated resources from Indo-pak border.

Yes our weapons are pointed towards india... but that doesnt mean that we are in combat position or in the field.. or even literally standing on the border.
Yes I had herd about your army running various industries but has there been any audit done ever ??In our subcontinent most of the times PSu runs loss, so it might be case that those industries are more of a drain on your defence budget.

Actually yes and they are one of the most profitable companies .. headed by civilian executives..

Afghanistan doesn't have to go on full fledged war with you, hence there allocated defence budget is more than enough to sustain their defences.
Who told you Taliban controls 60% of Afghanistan, is there any source or is it just your wish ??

You should google it my friend... and while your at it .. watch these videos:
For every reaction there is a reaction... on PDF such posts dont even make 1%.... yes we support kashmiri struggle.. unlike indians like KS and others who talk abt 72 virgins,when our soldiers die = less jihadis etc etc..

Correct, it takes Two to Tango. 1% :omghaha: would you like me to post threads wherein 1% would be GENUINE Discussion and rest is Bashing/making cheap shots i.e. Toilets, poverty, rapes :blah: :lol: pleantly happens in :pakistan:. I've reported threads/Post's still non were deleted....

You have your POV on Kashmir and we have ours....I can also do name calling and post quotes from various thread's wherein Pakistani PDF members do the same.....
Nope..they are constantly buying Mi-17V5,remember..that only shows that they are not bound to buy American weapons only..

No, but America will push their products into Afghan inventory, giving them an excuse to station maintenance staff in Afghanistan.
No body here disrespect your soldiers.. We are only talking like this to those who are doing terrorist attack on us.. Show me any thread where we mock your dead soldiers

Thts coz the posts are deleted... you should visit D.F.I and see urself.

Correct, it takes Two to Tango. 1% :omghaha: would you like me to post threads wherein 1% would be GENUINE Discussion and rest is Bashing/making cheap shots i.e. Toilets, poverty, rapes :blah: :lol: pleantly happens in :pakistan:. I've reported threads/Post's still non were deleted....

You have your POV on Kashmir and we have ours....I can also do name calling and post quotes from various thread's wherein Pakistani PDF members do the same.....

Listen girl.. i dont want to get into a discussion with thick headed people.. so please spare me.

Wont happen.

If ANA wants helicopters, they will have no choice but to get American helicopters.
Probably, old Huey's.

It could happen if india could spare a few helis in AID.
By donating one or two billion dollars to Afghanistan every year we can save tens or more billions in Kashmir.
You should google it my friend... and while your at it .. watch these videos:

But as you said 62% is controlled by Taliban is mentioned nowhere but nevertheless picture it presents really looks bleak.

Yep conditions are really deplorable. Ca any Indian member rebut above link ????
khisyani billi kamba noche :bunny: :wave:

Look lady... im dont want to reply to you in the same manner coz ur a woman... now go do your dirty laundry.

But as you said 62% is controlled by Taliban is mentioned nowhere but nevertheless picture it presents really looks bleak.

Yep conditions are really deplorable. Ca any Indian member rebut above link ????

"In 33 out of 34 provinces, the Taliban has a shadow government,"

Edit: I deleted my Post as I don't want to derail this thread and just read the reply after your POST........:wave:
Apparently, Women in Pakistan only do Dirty Laundry Work and I can the see manner in which post is replied :omghaha: & some keyboard warrior dose not have to tell me what I need to do.....:sleep::hitwall: :astagh:

Yes many women do laundry...and fly fighter jets and become generals and PMs... is it opposite in india.....?screwed gender ratio must be the root cause?
Go ahead sell Dhruv and Rudra to AF and then it will be Good Reason for Pakistan To sell Anti Craft Missile like Fn90 [Chinese] .
America hasn't given a Cheque to the Afghans to go to a shopping spree with India or Russia or any other country......

$4 billions are conditioned on buying only American equipment with many being completely non-lethal stuff while others being limited in capability.

for buying goodies like ALH Dhruvs, Afghans have to pay by themselves, this, for a $19 billion economy (half of our Defense budget) looks a LITTLE difficult, or maybe, India is offering them as a military aid (win-win for both).

All true but the Americans have bought MI-17s, C-27A and will also probably buy Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano for the ANAF.

The US is more interested in getting the Afghan military to stand on its own feet and pick up the slack from the departing ISAF than gaining the minimal industrial benefits the Aghans could offer. This isn't Iraq with Billions to spend on US gear, it is a very poor nation.
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