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Possible sale of ALH Dhruv to Afghanistan

Well ... what you see here is a proof that Taliban still holds a close place in the hearts of many Pakistanis. Great going...

No not really. Just giving you a reality check.

Dhoti vale brothers need to remember the afghan history with mother india. Aur yeh naray la rahey hai afghan/indian friendship.
Cat and mouse can never be friends by nature.
Just in case u thought of history lesson,don't forget age of the horse is over.The day of tribal societies on horse back marauding all in their path ended with industrialization and gunpowder proliferation.And they aren't coming back either.
One needs to be practical,look closely and move forward in a way beneficial to both nations.
Brother they will keep discussing the situation but will do nothing on the ground .China will never cross pakistan in AF .
Karzia or any Puppet government will do nothing for ordinary afghans they are so corrupt that will only fill their pocket ordinary afghan will never talk or compromise with puppet.

It will be fun though to see how we and pakistan fight in AF with proxy [Talib] and government [Puppet Karzia].

China will do nothing to protect billions invested and going to be invested in AF...Karzai willn't do anything to protect Afghan citizen..Afghan citizen willn't do anything to protect government..nobody will do anything against Taliban............Aint you're assuming too much??by the way,what Taliban will do for Afghan citizen??apart from pushing them into another living hell??and India willn't use Afghanistan as a proxy..why should we when the relationship is actually going to flourish if NS in power and if Army don't dictate pakistan's civilian govt much??we need stable and peaceful Pakistan..we don't need to checkmate them in their own game so that we could create multiple nuclear armed "Pakistan"..I think Pakistan should understand this very fact too..they need economical prosperity and they need a peaceful situation so that they could prosper..they shouldn't engage them any more death traps aimed against India and Afghanistan.those void global policies made more harm than good to pakistan..it'll be no good for them now.their civilian govt need to free themselves from their armed force's pressure so that they could proritize their policy without much problem..but I think thats going to be an unlikely situation.

No not really. Just giving you a reality check.

Dhoti vale brothers need to remember the afghan history with mother india. Aur yeh naray la rahey hai afghan/indian friendship.
Cat and mouse can never be friends by nature.

so,you're going to formulate your foreign policy based on 500 years of history(which is various kind of invasion by Afghan rulers)..right??no wonder foreign policy of Pakistan is in lurch..tell me,what will be your foreign policy for Britain,France,Portugal and Germany will be??all of them were colonial powers about 60 years ago..they even ruled India as well as Pakistan...
No not really. Just giving you a reality check.

Dhoti vale brothers need to remember the afghan history with mother india. Aur yeh naray la rahey hai afghan/indian friendship.
Cat and mouse can never be friends by nature.

Well Afghan-Indian history??? Which one Abdali and Ghaznavi....man...in that case the history is stuck to present day Pakistan and some parts of Northern India. They never reached beyond Delhi...and on their way they had real nice fun. Read about Pakistan history and their association...as far as I am concerned I am from Assam...this part of India never saw any Afghan....nor did the South Indians. But history of Pakistan....with Abdalis and Ghaznavis well the history is all bloody.

And the most sorry part is you adore your invaders, those invaders who killed your forefathers.
Give them some Agni 3 also :D

Later we can sell them LCA
Thats why they are with pakistan and they know that pakistan is not going to leave AF unless they have friendly government in AF. Pakistan did not bow down to american pressure to Attack taliban with in pakistan from last 10 years.
Taliban are not concern about any thing out side AF they are not terrorist they just want peace and stability in AF.

Do you know anything about China's concerns in Xinjiang in case of unstable Afghanistan.
No not really. Just giving you a reality check.

Dhoti vale brothers need to remember the afghan history with mother india. Aur yeh naray la rahey hai afghan/indian friendship.
Cat and mouse can never be friends by nature.

Well thats for Afghans to decide whether they want friendship with india...why are pakistanis rattling about it..
Thats why they are with pakistan and they know that pakistan is not going to leave AF unless they have friendly government in AF. Pakistan did not bow down to american pressure to Attack taliban with in pakistan from last 10 years.
Taliban are not concern about any thing out side AF they are not terrorist they just want peace and stability in AF.

So do you believe that China believes the same bullshit you believe. :omghaha::lol:

No not really. Just giving you a reality check.

Dhoti vale brothers need to remember the afghan history with mother india. Aur yeh naray la rahey hai afghan/indian friendship.
Cat and mouse can never be friends by nature.

Have you ever heard a conversation between a Pakistani and an Afghan. I even saw Pakistanis blaming the Afghans for destroying their beautiful Punjab during invaders era. :D
Thats why they gave pakistan all the advance weapon system .Thats why they told US if you attack islamabad you attack Beijing ,Thats why they gave them Nuclear design,Technology,Missile and now they are making them self dependable on Pakistan by securing their energy corridor Via Gwadar.

For India or AF they will never discard pakistan. its very near wait and see what will happen in AF your dream will be shatter .

China, Russia, Pakistan hold talks on Afghanistan [Where is India ]

China, Russia, Pakistan hold talks on Afghanistan

So do you believe that China believes the same bullshit you believe. :omghaha::lol:

Have you ever heard a conversation between a Pakistan and an Afghan. I even saw Pakistanis blaming the Afghans for destroying their beautiful Punjab during invaders era. :D
With our MANPAD's these little indian mosquito's will be taken out of the air, like they were hit with fly spray, and the little indian soldiers will be treated well by our Jatt Warriors.

With our MANPAD's these little indian mosquito's will be taken out of the air, like they were hit with fly spray, and the little indian soldiers will be treated well by our Jatt Warriors.

Well, now you agree that Talibanis are Pakistanis. Thanks for accepting it, you know most Pakistanis deny that fact. By the way I like your delusion of winning all Indo-Pak war, and yet you have not been able to gen an inch of Kashmir since 1947, on the contrary lost the East Pakistan (Bangladesh). Best of luck....lets see...how many mosquitoes you kill...and how many gets malaria, dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya....spread by those mosquitoes.

We have more than a third of J&K - that india claims, my little indian friend.
Thats why they gave pakistan all the advance weapon system .Thats why they told US if you attack islamabad you attack Beijing ,Thats why they gave them Nuclear design,Technology,Missile and now they are making them self dependable on Pakistan by securing their energy corridor Via Gwadar.

For India or AF they will never discard pakistan. its very near wait and see what will happen in AF your dream will be shatter .

China, Russia, Pakistan hold talks on Afghanistan [Where is India ]

China, Russia, Pakistan hold talks on Afghanistan

When India had a summit with Russia and China, there was no Pakistan. :D

We have more than a third of J&K - that india claims, my little indian friend.

But after the 1948 ceasefire, not an inch of Kashmir, we still own the land you call your juglar vein(rivers) :D
With our MANPAD's these little indian mosquito's will be taken out of the air, like they were hit with fly spray, and the little indian soldiers will be treated well by our Jatt Warriors.


Well, now you agree that Talibanis are Pakistanis. Thanks for accepting it, you know most Pakistanis deny that fact. By the way I like your delusion of winning all Indo-Pak war, and yet you have not been able to gen an inch of Kashmir since 1947, on the contrary lost the East Pakistan (Bangladesh). Best of luck....lets see...how many mosquitoes you kill...and how many gets malaria, dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya....spread by those mosquitoes.

BTW "Ek Machar aadmi ko hizda bana deta hai"....

Ek Macchar - YouTube

We have more than a third of J&K - that india claims, my little indian friend.

That was 1947...courtesy Nehru....ab aake dikhao....
When India had a summit with Russia and China, there was no Pakistan. :D

But after the 1948 ceasefire, not an inch of Kashmir, we still own the land you call your juglar vein(rivers) :D

Not to worry my little indian friend, oppression cannot last for ever, the fascist state of india will die one day - it's evil will end one day.
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