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Possible Russian S-400 sale to India and Pakistan's Response.

Ab to tactical weapon wale ghaas khaiyange
Nasr will be quite hard to engage, First we take out sams then use our other weapons. First get the delivry of S-400 then rant till then eat ghass with cow mata. cheers
Whol told you that weapons are not tested Pakistan conducted 6th test of that kind of warhead, as soon as they develop MiRV tech they will conduct series of tests before production.
What was the yield of the miniature warhead? And please provide some source if there is one.
I don't think so Russian are that fool to destroy their reputation by providing downgrade weapons but the quality standards are not as high as US
You honestly believe Russia, US or Israel will export the actual systems that they deploy for their own use? Pfft. A SAM system like S-400 will never be exported by the Russian with its full capability. I'm pretty sure a separate 'export' version was developed with downgraded capabilities. It's that version that is being exported to China and India. Russians are not stupid.
So you want to say that Samjhauta express incident is fine? Killing civilians on border on daily basis is fine? Have we ever attacked first?
I am included all the incidents against Pakistan, modi government is a rogue government, modi is a devil for subcontinent:devil:
india is buying it sure
well pakistan also should go get it
no argue itis the best
Nasr will be quite hard to engage, First we take out sams then use our other weapons. First get the delivry of S-400 then rant till then eat ghass with cow mata. cheers

Your atmi kuwwat NASR could be shot down by a low cost SAM system such as Iron Dome or David Sling whose interceptor missile costs less than NASR.Even David sling ,which was designed to intercept Iskander is an overkill for Nasr. There is no need to waste S-400 on Atmi Kuwwat NASR missile.

India is buying David sling too. Rafael has even set up a joint venture with Baba Kayani to manufacture


And is evaluating Iron dome for utility against short range ballistic missiles and rockets , as Iron dome is dirt cheap on per interceptor basis.

Israel’s Stunner emerges on India’s radar

Israel has offered modified Iron Dome to India:

Defence News - Israel offers modified IRON DOME missile defence system to India
what!? how can a sam be used against another sam? sam is short of surface to air missile.
it is used for ariel targets such as: srbm's [mrbm's aster 30 blk2 only 3000km range max] and jets and cruise
Could not make anything from the above, sorry. S-400 battery consists of Long Range surface to air missile, medium range and short range surface to air missile and its fire and control Radar, and aster 30 is also a Sam and I haven't heard of targeting sam missile with another SAM.

a) pakstan has anti radar missiles: mar-1 which wll be used of the fj-17 and the mirage rose 3 and 5 as they are for low altitude strikes mirage rose 2-3, or in short below radar range.
also pakistan may have the Chinese cm-102 anti radar
missile, so thats a problem too.

For that check the Range of MAR-1, and JF-17 is not the ideal platform, rather SU-39k, or Su-34 because you need the powerful ASPJ and long range anti radiation missile which could fool the SR quick reaction SAM to target the firecontrol radar of S-400, in short no chance.

b)awacs- i doubt paf is not stupid enough to put awacs near adversarial sam's [common sense]

Common Sense if you deploy the AWAAC away from the border > 300-400 away from border, then half of the problem is already solved, and worth purchase even if it don't fire a single missile.

f,g) whys is the barak 8 better than the s400? also the cm-400 is hypersonic [mach 5.5] don't know its
Because Range is not every thing. Barak 8 is the SAM capable of chasing the supersonic cruise missile >3mach. Your Aster 30 is also capable of doing that.

h)they use third party satellites (Chinese) and i think they leased one from Boeing a while ago but thats not a los.
Who used them ? Pakistan -- check your source, must be Haq musing.

a) refer to part of the first section. also it brings little effect being turboprop, a jet engine will have a greater heat signature making it a good target for wraam's which have ir seekers. turboprops may be target to radars. but prop designs are advancing so the props distort radars signals and most of them do, already and the props being composite they either absorb or redirect the radar signals. the best example of this is a wind farm. they give hell to jets and satellites.

Leave aside heat signature, No one is firing short/medium range IR guided BVR on that platform, but need speed to deploy fast and turn back fast or lower altitude if attacked with S-400.

b) i dont imagine pakistan buying the cx-1, theres no need. not worth the change. besides stealth is the greatest weapon not speed.

Stealth is the greatest weapon when the advesaries don't have low altitude Ground radar, orthe aerostat mounted radar, to detect, slow , low altitude flying object, and when detected only guns of Jaguar is required to chase and distroy in mid air before reaching target.

And when i said supersonic speed means the cruise missile which maintain that speed throughout its journey not only in the terminal phase.

c-d) paf has the Dassault falcon which as ecm and esm warfare caplets and the saab erieye also has electronic warfare capabilities
Study F-18 growler to clear the doubt. Its not ECM warfare against nose mounted MMR, instead much powerful ground 3D phased array radar

e) the Dassault mirage rose 2-3 is developed for that reason also along with anti radar capabilities

Its an old bird and going to retire soon and only configure for sea target. When I said dedicated ground attack DPSA, then I mean something like SU-34, with wide area SAR mapping and Navigational Radar, to strike with long range strandoff weapon, with low altitute, terrain following, terrain hugging, auto pilot and nose mounted OSL Pls read.

Why including Astor 30 block 2 which is the ABM capable of targeting BM of the range of 3000, Check the price and why not THAAD which is also been offered.

Thanks and regards

Another way is to saturate airspace with drones during any event, mimicking fighter aircraft signals to create serious headache for the S-400 system. It's a good system but it's bound to have weaknesses.
Good Idea but in real life effective only when the enemy don't have strong network of ground radar and Ariel AWAAC

Your atmi kuwwat NASR could be shot down by a low cost SAM system such as Iron Dome or David Sling whose interceptor missile costs less than NASR.Even David sling ,which was designed to intercept Iskander is an overkill for Nasr. There is no need to waste S-400 on Atmi Kuwwat NASR missile.

India is buying David sling too. Rafael has even set up a joint venture with Baba Kayani to manufacture


And is evaluating Iron dome for utility against short range ballistic missiles and rockets , as Iron dome is dirt cheap on per interceptor basis.

Israel’s Stunner emerges on India’s radar

Israel has offered modified Iron Dome to India:

Defence News - Israel offers modified IRON DOME missile defence system to India
Stop posting bogus things here, India haven't asked for the David Sling. Kalyani group is a pvt company of India, and it does not means its enter service in Indian service and who told you that David sling is ready.

For Iron dome, luckily India don't have any enemy like huzbulla who is firing rockets across the border. And its only been offered to India not purchase.

Stop speculating both capable of stopping NASR, we have Akash 1/2 and spyder for that.
Did anything like that happened in 1971 and Siachen?

Using a SAM to implement no-fly zone on Pakistan in not good idea,simply a decoy,a missile to destroy it and location of battery is revealed.

Firstly it is a mobile SAM, so it can change its location.

Secondly it far outranges any Stand off weapons in Pakistan's arsenal. Inadvertently aircrafts sent to destroy this S400 batteries, would be target themselves ..long before they are in striking range of the SAM.

In such scenario SEAD missions have very small chance of success and very high casualty rate.
Best SAM ever my fav weapon from russia i hope they sell it to pakistan otherwise i heard they are not selling it to anyone well china may be in talks with Russia to TOT of s-400 but Russia won't sell but now Russia might see pakistan as customer not enemy there is chance
Firstly it is a mobile SAM, so it can change its location.

Secondly it far outranges any Stand off weapons in Pakistan's arsenal. Inadvertently aircrafts sent to destroy this S400 batteries, would be target themselves ..long before they are in striking range of the SAM.

In such scenario SEAD missions have very small chance of success and very high casualty rate.
Mobile doesn't means you will drive it here and there,if one element of battery is destroyed it becomes useless. Regarding Standoff weapons we have Ra'ad ALCM.
i love it how modi is spending billions and billions on weapons,while billions of his country men llinguish in extreme poverty.

only to find out that pakistanis have found a cheap and workable counter, some times even second hand.....

we sure have our priorities right.....

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