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Possible Mig21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

RIP. Govt. needs to take steps to ramp up Tejas induction. With current estimates we'll still be flying these coffins till 2025.

2025?? If I was an IAF pilot I would have strait away refused to fly this Mig 21 even if it had costed me a court Marshall....
I will never understand why we still keep dragging our feet on replacing these death traps.
As if IAF has a choice? To clock enough flying hours. That is use existing asset even it endanger the pilots. India is still a poor country.
As if IAF has a choice? To clock enough flying hours. That is use existing asset even it endanger the pilots. India is still a poor country.

Agreed India is a poor country and cannot have a luxury to replace old platforms over night but I think what he and off course I mean is since these jets are falling in peace time sorties at this rate it's confirmed they won't last long even for hours in actual action where these jets will be used to it's fullest.... So instead of risking pilots lives why not just retire them in one go.....
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