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Popular Afghani female Singer Aryan Saaed Anti Pakistani Facebook Picture

No comments, its not like you are in the court or interrogation room where i have to extract a confession from you. Whatever i wanted to convey to you, i conveyed it and whatever you wanted me to say, i have said it.
Why are you not replying to my post?

After screwing up their country and creating a refugee crisis that made 7 million people flee to your country....very rich.
how the cheerleading going?
aah no wonder we're suffering from terrorism when thinking about Pakistan is a secondary thing while your culture held more worth,
what happened in i-ll was supposed to happen and was the right thing to do. got anything to refute? please bring it forward.
FYI before the decimation of those slums whenever police did a search operation in those slums they always found drugs and guns there.
@Samandri thats the post.
@Samandri thats the post.
Thanks for tagging me again, i didnt receive the notification for first one.

My Reply: While its true that state has the right to remove illegal constructions on its land. But we are here talking about refugees and IDPs so with civility and dignity, and provision of alternate temporary locations. Keep in mind most of them were Pakistani IDPs from FATA. From news reports and i even contacted few journalists, only 800 out of 10000 residents of Kachi Abaadi were Afghan refugees, rest were mostly IDPS from FATA , from Mohamnd Agency alone there were 2200 people. Some families from KPK and Punjab were also there.

The problem with Pindi and Islamabad people is that , that for them any "Pathani" inside that Kachchi Abaddi was Afghani from Afghanistan. The Kachi Abaadi being garh of crimes, terrorism, drugs is also a stereotype , the victim of which is entire Pashtun community. If they were this much ghunda bunch who were dangerous, some violent clashes would have taken place with police.

In one of the video Police and people are throwing stones at elderly Pashtun woman standing on roof with Quran in her hand, a policeman or CDA man is heard saying "Maaro isko pathar". Three quarter of them of them were IDPs. FATA is under Federal yet Ganja thinks of Federal as Punjab and consider FATA as burden and responsibility from Pakhtunkhwa.
Thanks for tagging me again, i didnt receive the notification for first one.

My Reply: While its true that state has the right to remove illegal constructions on its land. But we are here talking about refugees and IDPs so with civility and dignity, and provision of alternate temporary locations. Keep in mind most of them were Pakistani IDPs from FATA. From news reports and i even contacted few journalists, only 800 out of 10000 residents of Kachi Abaadi were Afghan refugees, rest were mostly IDPS from FATA , from Mohamnd Agency alone there were 2200 people. Some families from KPK and Punjab were also there.

The problem with Pindi and Islamabad people is that , that for them any "Pathani" inside that Kachchi Abaddi was Afghani from Afghanistan. The Kachi Abaadi being garh of crimes, terrorism, drugs is also a stereotype , the victim of which is entire Pashtun community. If they were this much ghunda bunch who were dangerous, some violent clashes would have taken place with police.

In one of the video Police and people are throwing stones at elderly Pashtun woman standing on roof with Quran in her hand, a policeman or CDA man is heard saying "Maaro isko pathar". Three quarter of them of them were IDPs. FATA is under Federal yet Ganja thinks of Federal as Punjab and consider FATA as burden and responsibility from Pakhtunkhwa.

Did you see the videos? Mahajirs were putting childrens and women in front of katchi abbadis. Its clear they were asking for it.
And as afghans very well have proved themselves to be that, hence, we have no moral obligation to help them any further
Then pls allow us to help them find brotherhood in a different faith, perhaps their parent faiths... ? :D

Dont keep proving ur hindu narrow mindedness in every thread by bringing islam into everything.
It's Hindu. And it's Islam. Not hindu and islam respectively. :disagree:

lecturing of brothehood shud b the last thing to come from u hindus who have set lower classes for ur own brothrs in religion that is shudras. And yes dont give me this bs typical reply of urs 'that we are evil' etc etc
You are a really sweet lady and I love you for that. :) See, you already know my answer. :tup:
Btw, sub sections of faiths and cultures are all over the world. It's a human nature (vile one) to appear holier than others. The jati/caste thing got polluted and we are fixing it. :tup: Like Christians proudly call their Dark ages... well.. Dark. :D
Can't say the same about you people. This is a truth. Think about it and don't kick me right away. If you get hurt, let me know, I will remove this post. But pls do think about it. Tag me in Whatever or etc... if interested.
Thanks for tagging me again, i didnt receive the notification for first one.

My Reply: While its true that state has the right to remove illegal constructions on its land. But we are here talking about refugees and IDPs so with civility and dignity, and provision of alternate temporary locations. Keep in mind most of them were Pakistani IDPs from FATA. From news reports and i even contacted few journalists, only 800 out of 10000 residents of Kachi Abaadi were Afghan refugees, rest were mostly IDPS from FATA , from Mohamnd Agency alone there were 2200 people. Some families from KPK and Punjab were also there.

The problem with Pindi and Islamabad people is that , that for them any "Pathani" inside that Kachchi Abaddi was Afghani from Afghanistan. The Kachi Abaadi being garh of crimes, terrorism, drugs is also a stereotype , the victim of which is entire Pashtun community. If they were this much ghunda bunch who were dangerous, some violent clashes would have taken place with police.

In one of the video Police and people are throwing stones at elderly Pashtun woman standing on roof with Quran in her hand, a policeman or CDA man is heard saying "Maaro isko pathar". Three quarter of them of them were IDPs. FATA is under Federal yet Ganja thinks of Federal as Punjab and consider FATA as burden and responsibility from Pakhtunkhwa.

Kachi adabi folk were given many warning to vacate. This is prime Islamabad land. We have high ambitions than having the capital look like Kabul.

FATAites are part of terror economy. They have a lot of making up to do for their treachery. Pakistanis have been very lenient with them. APS massacre can be traced back to them. How many Pakistanis dead have they been accomplices to? Sheltering and giving safe passage to TTP.

They are getting shelter, food and money. I would have been a lot more brutal and taught this godforsaken part of the world a lesson they would remember for generations.
FATAites are part of terror economy. They have a lot of making up to do for their treachery. .
Well at least you are honest in expressing your inner thoughts, Kudos.

About APS massacre, many of the killed were from FATA , i personally know some. You think the student Mubeen Afridi was from Punjab?....its Pakistani military establishment which has lot of explaining to do, to us Pashtuns. For example the good and bad Taliban game.
How dumb are they? Do they even realise that we hosted 7 million of them for 35+ years?

They are traditionally unthankfull namak haram SOBs. If you feed a hungry Afghan he will thank you by shitting infront of your door.
FATAites are part of terror economy. They have a lot of making up to do for their treachery. Pakistanis have been very lenient with them.

This is the type of mindset that Westerners have when they associate muslims with terrorism. I don't think it would be a good idea to apply that to our very own countrymen.

You must understand that those people suffered a whole lot. Ever since the Taliban sprang up the people in FATA they have been stuck between a rock and a hard place
This is the type of mindset that Westerners have when they associate muslims with terrorism. I don't think it would be a good idea to apply that to our very own countrymen.

You must understand that those people suffered a whole lot. Ever since the Taliban sprang up the people in FATA they have been stuck between a rock and a hard place

They could have called for help a long time ago. Some of them even ran into Afghanistan instead of IDP camps before operations. Guilty guilty guilty.

I see ground realities.
Did you see the videos? Mahajirs were putting childrens and women in front of katchi abbadis. Its clear they were asking for it.
Those were desperate pleas of some women, most probably IDP. Most of the residents of Kachchi Abaadi evacuated the houses without noise, resistance or violence.

They could have called for help a long time ago. Some of them even ran into Afghanistan instead of IDP camps before operations. Guilty guilty guilty.

I see ground realities.
You dont know any thing about ground realities, UK boy.
FATAites are part of terror economy. They have a lot of making up to do for their treachery. Pakistanis have been very lenient with them. APS massacre can be traced back to them. How many Pakistanis dead have they been accomplices to? Sheltering and giving safe passage to TTP.
Im sorry, what do you mean part of terror economy?
You leave a people backwards and downtrodden in terms of economic development following the policies of the British(who essentially created FATA based on what area they could police and what they could not) and then somehow expect them to sacrifice their self interest in the name of a country and peoples that have abandoned them in their livelihood?

Have you been to FATA PRIOR to 9/11? Because it was a very amicable place whose only source of sour reputation was the criminals(a.k.a kidnapping scares) aside(which are a part of every society and in FATA's case it had to bear Afghanistan's share of criminals too due to the porous border). It is the area that bore the brunt of the Soviet Invasion and the policies of the Pakistani government that came with it. The Pakistani government supported the Afghan Taliban which in their ideals and process are no different from the TTP.. gave little attention to the area in terms of roads and economic structures, willingly or unwillingly let AQ with its chechens and Arabs settle into a society that regardless of the stigma around it is very willing to accept strangers in(as long as they gain their trust and dont rabble rouse) as their own; and then finally when 9/11 happened started harassing their people and picking up their relatives and neighbours to be given off as bounties.

Its not that the Tribal society with its dynamic is not at fault, but they are essentially a system that is there because the rest of the world(in this case Pakistan) forgot about it beyond the 23rd March parade float and now suddenly has turned their world upside down when all they wanted was the means to give their children a better life.. whether it came from harvesting onions or opium, or treating guests as their own be it someone from Islamabad or Grozny. They did not differentiate because they never had a stake and the rest of Pakistan never gave it to them until they felt the need. But we were willing to turn their world upside down when our own stakes were in question.
Im sorry, what do you mean part of terror economy?
You leave a people backwards and downtrodden in terms of economic development following the policies of the British(who essentially created FATA based on what area they could police and what they could not) and then somehow expect them to sacrifice their self interest in the name of a country and peoples that have abandoned them in their livelihood?

Have you been to FATA PRIOR to 9/11? Because it was a very amicable place whose only source of sour reputation was the criminals(a.k.a kidnapping scares) aside(which are a part of every society and in FATA's case it had to bear Afghanistan's share of criminals too due to the porous border). It is the area that bore the brunt of the Soviet Invasion and the policies of the Pakistani government that came with it. The Pakistani government supported the Afghan Taliban which in their ideals and process are no different from the TTP.. gave little attention to the area in terms of roads and economic structures, willingly or unwillingly let AQ with its chechens and Arabs settle into a society that regardless of the stigma around it is very willing to accept strangers in(as long as they gain their trust and dont rabble rouse) as their own; and then finally when 9/11 happened started harassing their people and picking up their relatives and neighbours to be given off as bounties.

Its not that the Tribal society with its dynamic is not at fault, but they are essentially a system that is there because the rest of the world(in this case Pakistan) forgot about it beyond the 23rd March parade float and now suddenly has turned their world upside down when all they wanted was the means to give their children a better life.. whether it came from harvesting onions or opium, or treating guests as their own be it someone from Islamabad or Grozny. They did not differentiate because they never had a stake and the rest of Pakistan never gave it to them until they felt the need. But we were willing to turn their world upside down when our own stakes were in question.

I just wish more Pakistanis would draw the equivalence b/w Afghan and Pakistani Taliban and deal accordingly. Both are an affront to human dignity.
I just wish more Pakistanis would draw the equivalence b/w Afghan and Pakistani Taliban and deal accordingly. Both are an affront to human dignity.

There is a different psychology at play when it comes to all such people and their support base. Part of it is religion and part of it is the need to support the "underdog". This problem goes across the subcontinent(our cinema is filled with it). Even if the underdog is an uncouth macho guy who takes women as toys.
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