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Poor quality of students entering IITs: Narayana Murthy

I would agree with that to some extent.

Negetive: They lack innovation, social and cultural(of their own country) awareness:tdown:(on an average when compared to other).

Not Entirely True. I have attended quite a few Mood Indigos and Techkritis in college and seen some really amazing stuff. Alumni like Mr. Murthy should look to encourage innovative thinking (maybe some Infosys sponsored campus events) rather than this pointless sniping.
But there is also something called corporate responsibility. If he cannot do anything about improving the education standard, he better count his money in the bank and keep is mouth shut. He better remember that his company became world spanning corporation on the backs of graduates from B & C grade colleges from non-metro cities and not from IITs.

Mate, before jumping the guns learn about Infi's CR. It's rich coming from a nobody to ask Mr. Murthy to shut his mouth when you and me curse Congress, MOD, IAF, IA etc day in and day out. According to you a common citizen can say whatever the hell he wants but a man like Murthy don't have a say in how things should work. Kudos to you sir.
Mate, before jumping the guns learn about Infi's CR. It's rich coming from a nobody to ask Mr. Murthy to shut his mouth when you and me curse Congress, MOD, IAF, IA etc day in and day out. According to you a common citizen can say whatever the hell he wants but a man like Murthy don't have a say in how things should work. Kudos to you sir.

I think I touched a nerve there. So according to you only 'somebodys' can now on criticize 'anybodys' and 'nobodys' like me and majority of the forum members should have no right to criticize people like Mr. Murthy. For me Mr. Murthy (as you mentioned in earlier post) is just a businessman and not some saint that should be untouched. It may be ironical that he is very much concerned about IITs when majority of his workforce comes from non-IITs.

Anyways I don't expect much from a Man who said about bribery being legalized when the whole of India was lining behind Annaji in his fight against corruption.
WTF!? 3 of my friends cracked IIT not in the top ranks but still around 7000 and other around 9000..yet their mind works like a fckng machine!
I think I touched a nerve there. So according to you only 'somebodys' can now on criticize 'anybodys' and 'nobodys' like me and majority of the forum members should have no right to criticize people like Mr. Murthy. For me Mr. Murthy (as you mentioned in earlier post) is just a businessman and not some saint that should be untouched. It may be ironical that he is very much concerned about IITs when majority of his workforce comes from non-IITs.

Anyways I don't expect much from a Man who said about bribery being legalized when the whole of India was lining behind Annaji in his fight against corruption.

Mr Murthy ain't no friend of mine so, no you haven't touched any nerve whatsoever. I never said that he is a saint and he never said it either. But the fact is that you think that as a citizen you have a right to criticize every damn thing but I guess he does not have the same privileges because in his case he should do something and in our case we can sit on our ***** all day and again do nothing.

PS: I too am a nobody and I don't ***** about people who did something better for this country.
Yeah Right Mr. Murthy,

The IIT ians are not good for the best MNCs like Infosys.

The poor souls end up working with third rate companies like Texas Instruments, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Sun, Nokia, Siemens, GM, Boeing and such low grade organizations.

Yes surly the quality of IIT ians is not good enough for Infosys ..................................sigh
80% is a big number for failure level, or unsatisfactory status (considering the big population ratio)
Cross posting:


No doubt working in Infosys/TCS/Wipro and the like is by and large nothing much to talk about. But that does not take away the truth from his statement.

I still cannot understand why people say that someone not being exposed to quality education like IITs are not qualified to make statements. Going by that we should not pass disparaging comments about politicians of high calibre --- they too commit mistakes. Mr. Murthe is no ordinary man. He is a thinker and a man of integrity --- though he tends to bank on his reputation to do the talking.

Imagine this --- when Jairam Ramesh says that IIT profs are not world class the profs get defensive, but when Mr. Murthy says that the students are below par the faculty agree.

Both statements are correct. But IITs continue to render yeoman service to India. But major improvements need to be made.
Most Profs at IITs are bad,i mean bad at research and stimulating the students.The good ones never come here and even if they do the bureaucracy drives them away.There are all kinds of politics in IIT Profs due to large funding available and corruption is also there.

It is a highly political place and NarayanaMurthy's points are right but he is not a B.Tech from IIT

Many good ones come but most are gradually made less effective by the system and the reasone you mentioned above. The professors must share a significant part of the blame.

But in the final analysis --- blame the system.
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