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Poor quality of students entering IITs: Narayana Murthy

We produce both. There are quite a few engineers form IITs and similar institudes of national importance who can serve the country very well. But percentage wise this is low & dissappointing.

Excessive competition for a very small number of A+ grade ones is obviously harmful. If IITs are A+ grade (only for bachelors degrees, less so for masters & a little bit for PhDs) then the institutes immediately below that are not more than B grade.

Amongst the weaker ones whom Mr. Murthy loves to criticize, many can easily become very good thinkers provided they are groomed properly. I think this is what happens in the IVY league institutes in the US.

So by and large our education system produces machines amongst whom a decent percentage could potentially be made intelligent.

And oh, we do produce many students (apart from the truely bright top ranked ones at say IITs) who are good enough to be happily accepted by US colleges which are ranked in the 10-30 range.


Not a flame, but what is the scenario in Pakistan?

depending on the institution..
Many are machines.. who cant think out of the box if needed be..
In some University such as LUMS.. you will find intelligent beings..
Depends on the secondary schooling as well.
Those from provincial boards are usually machines.. very rare to see a thinker.
Federal Board .. 80% machines..
Those who have done the British O and A levels.. 50% machines.
depending on the institution..
Many are machines.. who cant think out of the box if needed be..
In some University such as LUMS.. you will find intelligent beings..
Depends on the secondary schooling as well.
Those from provincial boards are usually machines.. very rare to see a thinker.
Federal Board .. 80% machines..
Those who have done the British O and A levels.. 50% machines.

Pretty much along expected lines. It is not surprising that we are unable to do decent quality research.

The good thing is that GoI has finally woken up and decided to pour in significant sums to create more high quality institutes. This is a time consuming process as the system even in the so called elite club has to be be overhauled, nepotism has to be reduced, regular checks into the quality of work must be undertaken.

The fact that China is doing considerably better and the belief that we too will/should be right up there also forces us to change for the better.

It is a long haul. But better late than never.

Looking at Pakistan you seem to be preoccupied with terrorism related issues. Little time to think about nation building. Which is why it is imperative now for Pakistan to also change course --- rapidly --- and not just change over century time scales.
The quality of IITs have been down for a long time now.

1) Elimination of tougher entrance exam, which used to be Prelims(objective) and then Mains(subjective) to a single exam(objective).

2) Sheer lack of industrial exposure.

3) Reservations.

4) Increasing seats from ~ 3000 to more than 7000 without upgrading the current infrastructure.

5) And ofcourse, the new and sh!tty education system in which you can get 20 marks in maths for practical (whatever the hell it is) + no percentage as grades will be issued.

So, Mr. Murthy is very right and people like Sibbal will screw this nation's upcoming generations for the foreseeable future.

On the other hand institutes like BITS and IISc are doing great.

Mr. Murthy is very correct --- in almost all the points he raises. Why should he not have the capacity to make such a judgement?

There is no doubt that the top 10% or maybe the 1st 100 toppers are 'gold class' --- they can compete with the best in the world. But beyond maybe 1000 ranks one witnesses a sharp decline except for those who come with minimal coaching help.

Developing your brain for doing competent work like research is not easy --- it has to be bred at a very early stage otherwise it gets very difficult.

But one must also mention that not all professors of IITs are 'world class'. Furthermore the system also breeds incompetence. Very capable people are sometimes wasted.

If the student is made weak by being taught to tackle only a certain set of problems he/she can still be transformed into a competent person but it will take time. After all the students who made it into IITs must possess something special for example excellent memory, lot of will power etc because of which they got into the system in the 1st place.

The task of finding a credible alternative is undoubtedly difficult because of the immense competition.

Most Profs at IITs are bad,i mean bad at research and stimulating the students.The good ones never come here and even if they do the bureaucracy drives them away.There are all kinds of politics in IIT Profs due to large funding available and corruption is also there.

It is a highly political place and NarayanaMurthy's points are right but he is not a B.Tech from IIT>

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 AM ----------

The quality of IITs have been down for a long time now.

1) Elimination of tougher entrance exam, which used to be Prelims(objective) and then Mains(subjective) to a single exam(objective).

2) Sheer lack of industrial exposure.

3) Reservations.

4) Increasing seats from ~ 3000 to more than 7000 without upgrading the current infrastructure.

5) And ofcourse, the new and sh!tty education system in which you can get 20 marks in maths for practical (whatever the hell it is) + no percentage as grades will be issued.

So, Mr. Murthy is very right and people like Sibbal will screw this nation's upcoming generations for the foreseeable future.

On the other hand institutes like BITS and IISc are doing great.

BITS is even worse and IISC is a pure research organization.
My this thought may be immature but.. i think facebook is also a factor to be controlled somehow
Its only to be expected that around 60% of students will be "machines", even with the best available education. The trick is to put the machines into vocational education (a professional welder easily commands sky-high wages), and the 40% into engineering/scientific fields.
For narayan murty ITI students are enough for his infosys business why did he care about IIT students.IIT students are not meant for 3rd rate infosys they are made for NASA etc.
Nope, BITS used to be but now since they changed the admission procedure they are better off IITs. They back their student researches and industrial exposure is higher than the IITs.

Yes, IISc is a research institute but I thought that it was clear that the discussion was about the quality of students both Bachelors and Masters.
1]IITS cater to industry and not to r&d.
2]Its one thing to crack jee and other to graduate from iit.A job i infosys or wipro is the last thing ny iitian would want.Usually if u have no other options ;u go to inosys.I guess these r the kind of statements u make when u hire from bottom of the pool.
1]IITS cater to industry and not to r&d.
2]Its one thing to crack jee and other to graduate from iit.A job i infosys or wipro is the last thing ny iitian would want.Usually if u have no other options ;u go to inosys.I guess these r the kind of statements u make when u hire from bottom of the pool.

I have 2 room mates.One is from IIT(Btech electronics) and other one has done simple diploma on electronics.
The guy who has simple diploma has invented some projector or laser technique, very good resolution, cost is only Rs 10,000 and 3 days back he received patent letter from china..telling to him that all your 14 claims are new and HP is going to buy this....but the IIT'ian invented nothing still getting the higher package then the other person.....
I would agree with that to some extent.

Positive: IIT students on an average possess very good memory power and they are hard working when compared to others:tup:

Negetive: They lack innovation, social and cultural(of their own country) awareness:tdown:(on an average when compared to other).
I have 2 room mates.One is from IIT(Btech electronics) and other one has done simple diploma on electronics.
The guy who has simple diploma has invented some projector or laser technique, very good resolution, cost is only Rs 10,000 and 3 days back he received patent letter from china..telling to him that all your 14 claims are new and HP is going to buy this....but the IIT'ian invented nothing still getting the higher package then the other person.....

In India certificate is appreciated more than talent. I have seen infosys recruiting BTechs & BEs from all branches including Civil but they will not extent the same to a BSc or Arts student. Instead of compalining why can't Mr. Murthy look outside the box or does he consider non-enginnering graduates to have less IQ.
In India certificate is appreciated more than talent. I have seen infosys recruiting BTechs & BEs from all branches including Civil but they will not extent the same to a BSc or Arts student. Instead of compalining why can't Mr. Murthy look outside the box or does he consider non-enginnering graduates to have less IQ.

Mr Murthy is a businessman and he is out there to make money just like any other businessman. It's neither his responsibility to change the system nor he is capable to do so.
Mr Murthy is a businessman and he is out there to make money just like any other businessman. It's neither his responsibility to change the system nor he is capable to do so.

But there is also something called corporate responsibility. If he cannot do anything about improving the education standard, he better count his money in the bank and keep is mouth shut. He better remember that his company became world spanning corporation on the backs of graduates from B & C grade colleges from non-metro cities and not from IITs.
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