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Poor, Poor Pitiful Us

post is too long i left it in start....
Yeah, I know many readers here don't like long articles and unlike Totten's stuff there are no pictures to break it up.

I could post something really short: The Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. There! But while entertaining that's hardly enlightening, isn't it?
Most of these refugees were from the Taliban (created by Pakistan a decade earlier) and al Qaeda (sponsored by Pakistan since the 1980s).

Nice of Strategypage to ignore who funded Pakistan to fund them. Wasn't it the Israeli controlled US who funded us again? The US which is controlled by Zionists?

Zionists are not human and must be exterminated wherever they are found
Al-Qaeda is being funded by the US in Syria as we speak.

So I really don't understand where the holier than thou attitude comes from.

The US died with John F Kennedy, now it is nothing more than a receding superpower on a path of self imploding by the burden of debt they have created in trying to take over the world over the last century.

Write all the articles you want, make all the tv programmes, fact is the US is rotten from the core. Soon there will be drones flying over your head monitoring your every move, FEMA camps for all the people who love freedom.

Pakistan is a free country, that is why it is so dangerous, people can choose how to live their lives and some choose violence. But the key thing is, we have a choice. You don't.
Since you haven't pointed to any sensible particular (obviously I'm not a ghost!) all readers here can conclude that you've retreated into a comforting mantra so you can avoid dealing with Pakistan's real issues - exactly the point of the article!

Over and over I read criticisms of my writing, and over and over these end up validating my points. Will Pakistanis ever learn or are they determined not to? How many more bombings and injustices will it take for you to understand?

i think best thing so pakistan is to ally with russia and china and stay close with those countries and thats it.
israel is a rat and the usa is going to use pakistan liek always and drop them.

we pakistanis dont want to make you christians nutjobs happy we will always oppose evil and tyranny in one way or another unlike you people.
i think best thing so pakistan is to ally with russia and china and stay close with those countries and thats it.
israel is a rat and the usa is going to use pakistan liek always and drop them.

we pakistanis dont want to make you christians nutjobs happy we will always oppose evil and tyranny in one way or another unlike you people.

Claims to oppose evil and tyranny; lets US conduct drone strikes on its borders.
Claims to oppose evil and tyranny; lets US conduct drone strikes on its borders.

i think you know that very well, those drone strikes area little out of our hands right now, they area super power and pakistan is smart to stay out of the way for now and is smart enough to know that it cant afford a war.

There's a 101 things that article has blatantly missed out.

Factually correct, my arse.

If you can't get some of the basic facts right, how can you even hope to understand the full truth?
Half the truth isn't the truth at all. I don't claim that some Pakistanis who blame the US for everything are right.

But as ever, you and other Americans hold the most one sided, naive views of this whole thing.
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We blame amrika for our problems-
India blames Pakistan for their problems-
Amrika blames the rest of the world for the problems it itself creates there-

I read the title as " Poor, Poor Pitiful US "-

Factually seems ok.

Like he needed an indians approval for it to be factually ok-
Nice of Strategypage to ignore who funded Pakistan to fund them. Wasn't it the Israeli controlled US who funded us again?
Zia was quite clear: the piper calls the tune, not he who pays him.

The US which is controlled by Zionists? Zionists are not human and must be exterminated wherever they are found
Which is why there must be a Zion, as for the foreseeable future there will be many murder-minded Muslims like yourself who treasure killing and robbing over the pursuit of happiness, holiness, and justice for all.

For those Muslims who can see beyond the bigotry - and I know you're out there - you will have to be bold in asserting that your values are superior to the bigots. You will, of course, have to publicly stand with Israel's Jews - if you don't you're sure to be accused of being a secret Zionist anyway. The trick - at least for Pakistanis - will be to avoid getting murdered for your boldness. Ultimately you'll want to seek a society where those who seek to kill people for what they say can themselves be jailed, prosecuted, and sentenced.
Zia was quite clear: the piper calls the tune, not he who pays him.

Which is why there must be a Zion, as for the foreseeable future there will be many murder-minded Muslims like yourself who treasure killing and robbing over the pursuit of happiness, holiness, and justice for all.

For those Muslims who can see beyond the bigotry - and I know you're out there - you will have to be bold in asserting that your values are superior to the bigots. You will, of course, have to publicly stand with Israel's Jews - if you don't you're sure to be accused of being a secret Zionist anyway. The trick - at least for Pakistanis - will be to avoid getting murdered for your boldness. Ultimately you'll want to seek a society where those who seek to kill people for what they say can themselves be jailed, prosecuted, and sentenced.

just stfu
and get the hell out of our forum.
if you want to have civil discussions stay otherwise f off
just stfu
and get the hell out of our forum.
if you want to have civil discussions stay otherwise f off
My point is that Pakistanis must learn to value civility over the anger of bigotry that you display. Otherwise their society will continue to grow more violent, the probable result being war at home and/or abroad. (I swear, qamar1990 is not my sock puppet!)

This sort of thing is unique to Pakistan or Islam. In the 1830s the southern slave-holding states in the U.S. limited abolitionist speech. From that point on slavery was "holy" and accusing someone of being an abolitionist was seen as a route to political power. A spiral of ever-increasing militancy and decreasing liberalism followed, culminating in separation from the North and the U.S. Civil War - a conflict that wasn't just between the states, but within the Southern states as well, for many of them became quite tyrannical towards dissent and quite lavish at uselessly expending the blood of their citizenry.

I hope I've cleared up your mind some. What route do you choose to take, qamar1990? The path of evil and bloodshed or that of life and love for all? And don't think you can not choose - for that in itself is a choice.
But as ever, you and other Americans hold the most one sided, naive views of this whole thing.
Those living in North Korea know a great deal about "one sided, naive views". Those familiar with Muslim militancy know that militants accuse non-Muslims of the very crimes they themselves are committing or seek to commit - otherwise in states like Pakistan minorities would be growing in population, rather than fleeing, and America would have shut its doors to Muslims or even kicked a substantial fraction out a decade ago, rather than remain welcoming. Thus your words, Jungibaaz, serve to indict you, not me and my fellow Americans.

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