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Pompeo to claim US didn’t quit Iran nuclear deal to make UN impose arms embargo


Jan 6, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
News / Politics / Foreign Policy
Pompeo to claim US didn’t quit Iran nuclear deal to make UN impose arms embargo
Sunday, 26 April 2020 11:46 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 27 April 2020 12:16 AM ]


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is reportedly going to claim that Washington has not quit the Iran nuclear deal and technically remains a “participant state,” in order to use a mechanism embedded within the accord to make the UN impose arms embargo on Tehran.

This way, the American war hawk and former CIA chief aims to invoke a “snapback” in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to restore the United Nations sanctions on Iran, lifted after the internationally backed accord was reached in the President Barrack Obama administration, The New York Times reported Sunday.

“We cannot allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to purchase conventional weapons in six months. President Obama should never have agreed to end the UN arms embargo,” Pompeo claimed. “We are prepared to exercise all of our diplomatic options to ensure the arms embargo stays in place at the UN Security Council.”

US tells UN to renew Iran arms embargo in breach of nuclear deal
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called on the United Nations Security Council to renew its l arms embargo on Iran before it expires in October.

This is while United Nations Secretary General António Guterres called on the US last month to suspend its sanctions due to the fast growing covid-19 pandemic.

“I am encouraging the waiving of sanctions imposed on countries to ensure access to food, essential health supplies, and covid-19 medical support,” he wrote. “This is the time for solidarity not exclusion.”

Iran ‘stronger’ in world standing despite US animosities: Analyst
Iran has managed to achieve an even stronger standing in the world despite Washington’s animosities and the hurdles it has created to hamper such progress, an American author and political analyst says.

The American-drafted resolution, concocted by Pompeo, has already been given to the Europeans, the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates.

Revealing the depth of the US double policies, Pompeo’s argument comes after his boss, President Donald Trump, unilaterally withdrew the United States from the JCPOA, also backed by Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia.

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Unfortunately he is right. technically Trump just violated US commitments.

Which means they have left the agreement. Forgetting the fact they have openly stated they have left, there is nothing signed in the JCPOA. Where is their proof they are still in the deal?
Which means they have left the agreement. Forgetting the fact they have openly stated they have left, there is nothing signed in the JCPOA. Where is their proof they are still in the deal?
It is one thing to state something on national TV or during a public speech and a different thing to announce it to the UNSC. Meanwhile, the JCPOA has been written so poorly that any bad outcome for Iran because of this deal is possible. But what can you expect from a bunch of traitors like Zarif and Rouhani?
It is one thing to state something on national TV or during a public speech and a different thing to announce it to the UNSC. Meanwhile, the JCPOA has been written so poorly that any bad outcome for Iran because of this deal is possible. But what can you expect from a bunch of traitors like Zarif and Rouhani?

There is nothing in the JCPOA that states they have to declare to the UNSC that they're leaving. They declared openly they're out and stopped abiding by the deal, that's all there is to it. Their claims of them still being in the deal will obviously not be taken seriously by Russia or China. They just have to declare they do not recognise US as part of the deal anymore. I don't see what the American can do about it exactly. They have no choice but to accept the embargo is gone one way or another.
There is nothing in the JCPOA that states they have to declare to the UNSC that they're leaving. They declared openly they're out and stopped abiding by the deal, that's all there is to it. Their claims of them still being in the deal will obviously not be taken seriously by Russia or China. They just have to declare they do not recognise US as part of the deal anymore. I don't see what the American can do about it exactly. They have no choice but to accept the embargo is gone one way or another.
Exactly. Which means that legally they're still a participant to the JCPOA as an initial signatory.
And believe me. There's a lot that the Americans can do about it. In case you don't know, if only one UNSC member wants to activate the trigger mechanism, it will become activated unless it is vetoed by all other UNSC members in the deal. And if you think Europeans will veto it, good luck.
Exactly. Which means that legally they're still a participant to the JCPOA as an initial signatory.

Like I said earlier, nothing is signed here. The fact they're were a participant initially does not mean they're eternally in the deal. They by their own words left and stopped by the terms of the deal.

And believe me. There's a lot that the Americans can do about it. In case you don't know, if only one UNSC member wants to activate the trigger mechanism, it will become activated unless it is vetoed by all other UNSC members in the deal. And if you think Europeans will veto it, good luck.

That only applies to the current members of the deal. If the Americans could have triggered the dispute mechanism, then why have they not done so already?
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