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Poll: Who Should be the New CDS of India?

Who Should Replace Bipin as new CDS of India?

  • Air Chief Marshal (retd) Birender Singh Dhanoa

  • Major (retd) Gaurav Arya

  • Major General (retd) Gagan Deep Bakshi

  • Tejas Spokesman of PDF

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Modi already selected next CDS. I present to you General Baba Ramdev Yogi :sarcastic:


Will he/it be appointed Admiral as well? There are precedents.
Since we Indians have NOTA (None of the above) option I am exercising it. Besides, this poll does not matter. The new CDS has already appointed himself

View attachment 802873


Since we Indians have NOTA (None of the above) option I am exercising it. Besides, this poll does not matter. The new CDS has already appointed himself

View attachment 802873

Rahul Shivshankar, Sudheer Chaudhry, Navika Kumar, Ameesh Devgan, Gaurav Sawant, Anjana Om Kashyap etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. wouldn't be happy on this appointment. :lol:
Now since this CDS post was only created and given to Bipin because he was a very good chamcha of Modi so the biggest requirement for this position was that you should be good at chamchagiri of Modi

Now taking this requirement into consideration I have come up with these names as replacement of Bipin as India's new CDS

I have also included PDF's very own multiple ID rat @Tejas Spokesman as an option since even though he is a civilian keyboard warrior but he is very good at chamchagiri of Modi being a hindutva rat that he is

So vote on guys. Lets decide who the new CDS of India can be in your opinion

I am not and was never a fan of the man, but common civility requires that he be addressed in less cavalier terms. This is not worthy of you.
Rahul Shivshankar, Sudheer Chaudhry, Navika Kumar, Ameesh Devgan, Gaurav Sawant, Anjana Om Kashyap etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. wouldn't be happy on this appointment. :lol:
They are all cheap copies. Sri Sri AG is the OG. The stars have aligned like they do once in 2.7 billion years and it is inevitable. Thou shall utter his name with respect you mere mortal !
They are all cheap copies. Sri Sri AG is the OG. The stars have aligned like they do once in 2.7 billion years and it is inevitable. Thou shall utter his name with respect you mere mortal !

Fully agree. I bow my humble head in front of Sri Sri Sri ............ Sri Arnab Goswami.
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I would like to nominate the_maverick as the next CNS
The post should be decommissioned. It is a futile exercise for reforms 20 years too late for the colonial era army, unfit for both peace or war.
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