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POLL- What do Pakistanis on PDF think about the Saudi intervention in Yemen? Pakistani members only.

What role do you believe Pakistan should play in the Saudi intervention in Yemen?

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PA is only going to give training to the allies & design strategy for them. I am sure PA would not want to get into another war as they are trying to finish one at home.

Pakistan will NOT get into another war for sure.
Really disappointed to read some views here, only read some replies in the beginning. I don't even like the options listed.

Ideally I would personally vote for joining ANY coalition which is against Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, the three monsters responsible for almost all problems in the area. I do however acknowledge the strong need to completely focus on cleaning our own house. But joining the monsters???? How dumb is that!!!

Remittances?? Who agreed to sell their souls for money?? How long will we be mercenaries?? And no we were NOT mercenaries in against the Soviets... It was in our interest and I am glad we did what we did then. The problems were due to mismanagement later...but that is another topic... Coming back to remittances, India probably gets more remittances from the middle east since they are every where in bigger numbers than us... When will we learn!!

The Saudis need slaves and they pay for it... Indian or Pakistani, doesn't matter... Only Pakistan is supposed to help when needed, only to be discarded later... Pakistan had become pariah to them in the last few years as they were wooing

These Saudi scums just need to be wiped out for our sake as well as their own and for the sake of all Muslims including and especially Palestinians.

There is NO case for supporting them... should NEVER be done.

Given these options we should stay neutral but I doubt they will let us remain neutral with the dirty tricks they have up their sleeves in which case I say we use the opportunity to throw this scum our of our country for once and for all. The need for our reliance on their support of various kinds is a story similar to that of the west... We moved towards self reliance as the west sanctioned us. Its been the same with these idiots.

*not proof reading this, I doubt its worth saying this since many won't agree here but I just wanna leave it out there*
This is why Pakistan is a failed state and viewed as a pariah to the outside world. The politicians and military there have sold the country down the river and are basically licking arab boots for scraps. Why not just tell them to f-off and start the hard work of building up your country on your own, even if that means being poor? Make peace with India and let the Kashmiris fend for themselves. Of course that kind of common sense just doesn't jive with the Pakistani establishment that are hell bent on lining their pockets.

My parents immigrated from Pakistan and I'm ashamed of that country and glad they left. I don't ever see it pulling out of the rut that it is in and honestly at this point, the best solution would probably be to dissolve it entirely and split it along ethnic lines. Give east Pakistan back to India (if they even want it) and the western portion can merge with Afghanistan or form it's own enclave. Whatever the case, it would be better off than it is now with a bunch of corrupt families plundering it and costing lives.

Before you accuse me of being Indian, Israeli or whatever, look introspectively if you are Pakistani (either living there or by association) and decide if Pakistan as a nation has any future whatsoever. It's current track record of being a beggar corrupt country kind of speaks for itself.
Its good that your parents migrated or else it would have been a shame to see a person like you sitting in Pakistan. How can you jump to your conclusions? Mr Pakistan is more powerful than it was in the past and progressing well
If you are so good in making the decisions grow a pair come to Pakistan and make things the way you want rather than sitting somewhere else and then whining like sissies.
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I don't think it is by any means a wrong decision to support saudis unless and until there is no killing of innocent Muslims in the name of collateral damage...terrorism is like a cancer...affecting the whole body...and being Muslims we have a duty to help our brothers...the people saying its not our job or our concern should think at least for once
-> what are we if we are not available to our brothers for help ?
-> what if someone other would have done same to us ?
Why get into another afghan type imbroglio. Haven't we had enough. The Saudi s have 75B $ worth of weaponry. Why don't they use it instead of rotting in the desert.
Pakistan should actively try to defuse the situation and act as an intermediary.
This is why Pakistan is a failed state and viewed as a pariah to the outside world. The politicians and military there have sold the country down the river and are basically licking arab boots for scraps. Why not just tell them to f-off and start the hard work of building up your country on your own, even if that means being poor? Make peace with India and let the Kashmiris fend for themselves. Of course that kind of common sense just doesn't jive with the Pakistani establishment that are hell bent on lining their pockets.

My parents immigrated from Pakistan and I'm ashamed of that country and glad they left. I don't ever see it pulling out of the rut that it is in and honestly at this point, the best solution would probably be to dissolve it entirely and split it along ethnic lines. Give east Pakistan back to India (if they even want it) and the western portion can merge with Afghanistan or form it's own enclave. Whatever the case, it would be better off than it is now with a bunch of corrupt families plundering it and costing lives.

Before you accuse me of being Indian, Israeli or whatever, look introspectively if you are Pakistani (either living there or by association) and decide if Pakistan as a nation has any future whatsoever. It's current track record of being a beggar corrupt country kind of speaks for itself.

May you never step back in our glorious motherland and keep getting treated as an indian in the US.
God Bless All the haters.
Do you know how many millions of Pakistanis are dependent on jobs in Saudi, we have always received extensive aid from the Saudis in time of crisis ie after the nuclear tests. If we get involved in this Yemen operation I am pretty sure it will be in our strategic interests, if it isn't then Raheel Sharif will tell Nawaz to go to hell. I believe we will reciprocate the Saudi request as Saudi is to strategic an ally.

Bro, do you know how many other nationalities live and work across the Middle East? There are quite a few of them.

I understand that Saudi Arabia is an ally of Pakistan, but we shouldn't interfere militarily. The role of a mediator is more suited for Pakistan. The Saudis are more than capable to take on and eliminate the threat. I think that initially Middle Eastern countries need to unite and form an army to fight the threat.

Pakistan would do well by finishing the scourge of terror back home. Te Pak army has thus far done a marvelous job. We need to get our own security situation to normalcy before joining other adventures. That's my personal opinion.
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technically he was so liberal, he took weapons from isreal... he was a statesman...
We have to be fully part of it both military wise and also diplomatic. First we have to defend Saudi Arabia and if that has to mean going for offensive than we have to. We should send at least a squadron of JF-17 for bombing than on diplomatic front we need to send a delegation of Sunni diplomats from all Sunni world and tell Iran to stop supporting Houthis and put pressure on them to start talks or end diplomat ties with Iran until it starts using its brain.
When Zia committed his blunder by supporting the US led Afghanistan war against Russia we paid dearly and continue to do so. Our nation still bleeds and our kids get killed in schools.

Oft'times our generation says this current violence was gifted to us by our previous generation, who stood by and watched a mad men do the bidding of a world super power.

Pakistan's involvement in this Saudi war in Yemen will be our gift to our next generation. Who will blame us of the violence we would bestow upon them. I don't know how any one of us can look in the mirror and be ok with this.

India has backed the Mukti Bahini in 1971. We backed the LTTE for a short time in the 1980s. India does not have the blowback Pakistan has endured for supporting armed groups in Afghanistan. I think Pakistan has other serious problems at a fundamental level.
India has backed the Mukti Bahini in 1971. We backed the LTTE for a short time in the 1980s. India does not have the blowback Pakistan has endured for supporting armed groups in Afghanistan. I think Pakistan has other serious problems at a fundamental level.
I think India has many internal movements and disturbances. 36 garh, Naxalides etc.. Resentment in kashmirirs, Tamils, Nepalis etc is also there.. Just a de-stability in region and foreign involvement are missing for india to be turn into turmoil

India has backed the Mukti Bahini in 1971. We backed the LTTE for a short time in the 1980s. India does not have the blowback Pakistan has endured for supporting armed groups in Afghanistan. I think Pakistan has other serious problems at a fundamental level.
in case you didn't get...
1. India supported T.Tigers and received blow backs.. too good S.L wiped them for themselves and india. anyway india is behind now new president.
2. India has resentful bengalis,tamis, nepalis, kashmiris and refugees from nepal and B.D. Its equal like Afghan in Pak.
but AFG is disurbed from last 4 decades.. So we have a perennial blow back...
India has backed the Mukti Bahini in 1971. We backed the LTTE for a short time in the 1980s. India does not have the blowback Pakistan has endured for supporting armed groups in Afghanistan. I think Pakistan has other serious problems at a fundamental level.

Dude, your opinion is unwanted in this thread.

Pakistani members only.
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