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Poll: Should Indians be allowed on pdf (poll open to pakistanis only)

Should Indians be allowed on pdf

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 48.8%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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If Indians are not here,

1. All threads on this forum by Pakistani members based on their Party identity.
2. Pakistanis will troll each other liberals Vs hardliners

They should thank to Indians, who are keeping them flock together on this forum.
Yes, only the nice ones. :devil:
it was due to habit

bad habits...

How can we know voted? For all we know all Indians are voting yes to allow themselves on the forum...coz no one can see the results :whistle:
good catch.. changed them now.. it was due to habit not intentional ... :)

This is very common and methods by many Indians, we have seen enough both oldies and newbies members.

Though it is not PDF's problems but many Indians' low qualities affecting on PDF discussions. :sick:
Everyone is allowed to open poll on PDF. You are registered here and you are like citizens of PDF. You have all the rights to open polls. However, I didn't see any Pakistani member criticizing any Indian of opening poll.
I just want to know who said no and before asking for the poll one should look at the states of other defence forums!!
As per my understanding they should be allowed. Why not ? I find them hardworking and there is lot to learn from them as far as I am concerned. Patriotism is high on indians just like Pakistanis. My experience with them is truly good.
(off topic)
I would like to say something....many indians on this forum have a very bad habit of posting in threads which are not at all relevant to them.......like internal issues etc etc.......

it should be avoided by indians themselves.......for the sake of morality
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Note: Poll open for pakistani members only, non-pakistanis kindly do not try to skew the result by voting.
I did not make votes public so as not to influence voters, but will request mods to make it public if non pakistanis vote.

Many pakistanis have opposed indians being member of pdf. I guess most indians will not share that view. Here are some of the arguments.
Against: Indians should not be members because they do not allow free speech to Pakistanis in their forums.
They dont give enough space to pakistani members, and PDF should be a forum where pakistanis can talk freely in a non hostile environment.
For: Indians contribute to healthy debate, if your ideas are not questioned, you will never know whether you are wrong.
Against: Most indians are troll anyway, they dont contribute anything meaningful, we wont miss them.
For: The nature of forum will attract a specific demography. But by having a dialogue you reduce some hate, even in the most rabid haters.
Against: Actually I did not hate indians before I joined here. The amount of venom they spew against pakistan is horrendous, even though they are guest here. That changed my mind. So it increased mutual hatred.
For: You will be bored to death without indians here.
Against: We pakistanis hate each other enough, that will keep this forum interesting. Thanks for thinking about us though, we dont need you.

I was too tempted to vote for "No"..............couldn't resist!! :(

Btw, I am sure our Jamatis from the other side of the border have voted, you know where. :D
Without indians, this forum would be sitting in the corner of internet and no one caring. Indians are source of $$...and Owner of this forum knows that.
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