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POLL - Bangladesh Becomes Pakistan

Poll-Bangladesh Becoming Pakistan Again.

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 42 66.7%
  • Other-Explain Please.

    Votes: 7 11.1%

  • Total voters
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At least something novel came out of this thread. The idea of a brother country but at the same time there should be no idea of a big and small brother otherwise we will have the same difficulties that we are facing with India. But what would this brother country concept mean in practical terms? Could China become a brother country? Is this a strategic reference point or a religious one? Please clarify and not carried away with emotions.

Actually we are tied by the God in the relationship of Islam so whatever happens, even if we fight with each other we still won’t want bad for each other. So that’s what our relationship is all about.

btw East Pakistan was always the big brother during the united Pakistan time.:)
If two country become BROTHER COUNTRY or declared as BROTHER COUNTRY, then the peoples of both countries can access or travel between two countries without visa, help each other in difficulties.
Then the peoples of both country can feel them self as like their own country.
There may have same currency like euro.
There may have free trade zone.
There may have the strong unity and exchange of technologies.
But remember, the both country is different.
But the world will say them as BROTHER COUNTRY.
The BROTHER COUNTRY concept or idea can be modified by others in later.
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All of us know Bangladesh can never be Pakistan but both can be good friends. I mean defend each other and share resources. That's the best way I think.



How you can say that? Brother Idea is not different. The country which can help Pakistan at the time of sorrow can be counted as brother country. You can't say brother country can only be of same religion. Ok now clear the concept what do you meant by brother country?
Yes you are right, that china helped you.
But I meant, by 'Brother Country' concept there there are some criteria in 'Brother country" like visa free access, same currency...etc.
Okay, then you can change the name of my Brother Country concept.
You can called is "Brother Nation" idea, if u think that china is your Brother Country.
Well i agree there should be no visa for Bdeshis and they should be preferential trade partners
How you can say that? Brother Idea is not different. The country which can help Pakistan at the time of sorrow can be counted as brother country. You can't say brother country can only be of same religion. Ok now clear the concept what do you meant by brother country?

Brother countries are those which share the same faith as of Pakistanis and are part of the Islamic world. Rests are friend countries.
Give me a break.The Bangladeshis here do not represent the large amount of Bangladeshis.They hate us and that's a fact.Just visit any of the bangladeshi forum.We should just have diplomatic relations with Bangladesh..nothing more then that otherwise illegal migrants will show up in Pakistan like they're showing up in India.There are already thousands of illegal Bdeshis in Karachi.
Give me a break.The Bangladeshis here do not represent the large amount of Bangladeshis.They hate us and that's a fact.Just visit any of the bangladeshi forum.We should just have diplomatic relations with Bangladesh..nothing more then that otherwise illegal migrants will show up in Pakistan like they're showing up in India.There are already thousands of illegal Bdeshis in Karachi.

I have visited different Bangladeshi forums and I found that they do not hate us but they are angry b/c of 1971 leadership. If you see most of them want good relations with Pakistan.

I think it’s justifiable, we too feel angry over the atrocities committed by Mukti Bahini and symmetrically they feel bad about the political leadership but we too have mutual agreement on this also that we both feel that politicians of that time were responsible.
The vast majority of Bangladeshis do not hate Pakistan. I would think that 40% are ambivalent to Pakistan while another 50% have a good feeling for Pakistan. On the other side 9% are distrustful about Pakistan and 1% hate Pakistan. It is usually that 1% that you meet on some internet forums. They are brainwashed and accept Indian propaganda uncritically.

How Bangladeshis feel about Pakistan can be seen in the game of cricket. If Pakistan is playing any team other than Bangladesh then most Bangladeshis will support Pakistan. If Pakistan is playing India then the figure is around 70% support for Pakistan.
instead of thinking abt bangladesh which is our past, lets concentrate on balochistan before we lose them as well 'nd if bangalis 're happy then we shouldnt interfere with their choices anymore
opinion 4:

The concept of "BROTHER NATION" is just my opinion to show an example to the world.

I know some people will like it and some will not, however, my purpose is to build a very intimate relation between Bangladesh and Pakistan.
I have no purpose to re-unification or merge these two country.
And I want to give a name to this relation or idea as "Brother Nation".
This idea can make more unity, power and strength for both country.

Other countries can also follow this concept.

And there must have some criteria or agreements between two country to be a "Brother Nation" to each other.


((((.....If two country become BROTHER NATION or declared as BROTHER NATION, then the peoples of both countries can access or travel between two countries without visa, help each other in difficulties.

Then the peoples of both country can feel them self as like their own country.
There may have same currency like euro.
There may have free trade zone.
There may have the strong unity and exchange of technologies.
But remember, the both country is different.
But the world will say them as "BROTHER NATION".
The "BROTHER NATION" concept or idea can be modified by others in later.
In the 'Brother Nation' concept there should be some criteria like visa free access (like between the USA and Canada) , same currency like euro...etc.... ))))

The People or members of this forum can make a group or page in Facebook to judge the popularity of this concept by inviting the peoples of Bangladesh and Pakistan.
There, in that group or page, the intention of this idea will be clearly defined.
Where people of both countries can give their opinions that either they want to consider Bangladesh or Pakistan as their "Brother Nation" or not.

I do believe that the concept of "SAARC" is no more effective.
So now I do believe that we have to make individual relation like " BROTHER NATION" to make real intimate friendship and power but with some criteria.

I believe one day other countries will follow us if we can declare or establish the idea of "BROTHER NATION" between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

China is Brother Country of us.
But we will be "Brother Nation" with some agreements.
I think you all are clear about my idea "BROTHER NATION" as an alternative to be same country again.


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