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POLL - Bangladesh Becomes Pakistan

Poll-Bangladesh Becoming Pakistan Again.

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 42 66.7%
  • Other-Explain Please.

    Votes: 7 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Bangla Desh, a brother country, I think we should give it a try, I see no harm in it as a matter of fact i see goodness.
But Bangladesh and Pakistan can be Brother Country, isn't it?

Yes, this is a "new" concept, as to what actually on the ground and on the paper i.e. politically, etc. it would entail needs some more discussion.

BUT to the concept of :

But Bangladesh and Pakistan can be Brother Country, isn't it?

I believe firmly, that, all Pakistanis do believe and accept Bangladesh as our Brother Country, and that if Bangladesh asked for Pakistan's help I can assure you that Pakistan and all Pakistanis will help.

The truth of our past maybe bitter, but it is also true that Bangladesh is our Brother Country :smitten:
How is my BROTHER COUNTRY idea?
I love the idea and perhaps we need this to bring balance in south Asia but as a Bangladeshi you are aware of the anti Pakistani elements lead by awami and mushrik group thus how do you propose we go about and archive this task?

We need to close the 71 chapter(from Bangladesh side) before becoming full brother country. Right now we are treating each other step brother if you get my drift.
Even though I fully agree with you Jana, but my wish is to see Muslims come together because at the time the whole world insulted Pakistan and made Pakistan look like a oppressive and a offensive to human rights state and did not accept the role India played in it, India role was to spread disinformation and lies and innuendos of the worse kind.

so let us do it for the sake of our respect to come back to us and for the sake of Islam, the commonality that bounds us.
Was it then the fault of the whole world in 1971 that Pakistan was regarded as the most oppressive country? It was your own fault. You should make a self-reflection of what you did in those days to the unarmed civilians in the east. Please do not make an excuse now, and do not say also about Islam and all those stuff. We have seen what you are in 1971.

Study first what you did to Bangalis because people voted for Awami League. Instead of handing over the State power to the people's representatives, the Pakistan army came with all the modern weapons to unleash a reign of terror.

Your country is still a terrorist country. When people in other countries sit together and talk amicably to solve a problem, your people still come with loaded guns and talk war, all in the name of Islam. This has become your culture. You keep your culture with you and do not think of sharing this with people like us.

Bangladesh was not India's doing, it was you people who are responsible for it. Bangalis brought Pakistan, Muslim League was formed in Dhaka. In 1946 election before the Partition, it was only Bengal that elected a Muslim League govt. Read history to know who were elected in the Assemblies of Lahore, Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar. It was Congress Party.

You do not have to worry about BD, there is no question about BD joining Pakistan. Good relationship for the sake of last 1000 years is certainly acceptable. Your PM has been coordially invited by our PM to visit BD. He will make a visit by the end of this year, hopefully.

We have some problems with India, but who does not have problem with that DADA country? Our 'Enclave'-related territorial problem with India will be solved with time. There is no way that we will accept Indian hegemony.
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At least something novel came out of this thread. The idea of a brother country but at the same time there should be no idea of a big and small brother otherwise we will have the same difficulties that we are facing with India. But what would this brother country concept mean in practical terms? Could China become a brother country? Is this a strategic reference point or a religious one? Please clarify and not carried away with emotions.
I also see that around 40 people have voted but I do not think that there are that many Bangladeshi members on this forum. A case of vote rigging and ballot stuffing?
At least something novel came out of this thread. The idea of a brother country but at the same time there should be no idea of a big and small brother otherwise we will have the same difficulties that we are facing with India. But what would this brother country concept mean in practical terms? Could China become a brother country? Is this a strategic reference point or a religious one? Please clarify and not carried away with emotions.

I think it is a religious, cultural, and pretty much all we shared one time ago. I think we are pretty much one. But this will change as the time goes on.
I also see that around 40 people have voted but I do not think that there are that many Bangladeshi members on this forum. A case of vote rigging and ballot stuffing?
I believe the vote is open to all members.
We did not accept Indian bullying and we will never accept it. And the great thing is that our Bangladeshi brothers whome the Indians taunts by claiming liberating them and consider them weak well they also have refused to accept Indian bullying. :tup: And today Indians are in great pain for failing to merg BD into India.
Yes, India will keep on calling itself as our liberator. On the contrary, it was the only decisive war in the last 1000 years that the Hindu forces, represented by today's India, have won over Muslim forces. It was because the then west Pakistan pushed us to get Indian help and we fought for long 9 months against it.

India joined our war when it found the entire population were against the west and many thousands of Pakistani troops were already killed or maimed by the Liberation Army troops.

It was an easy win for them. But, it was certainly our war and India should remain grateful to us for that win. We just followed the principle of 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend.'

Let me say one thing to India. If it is so fond of calling itself a liberator and if it wants to become a champion of freedom, then it should immediately vacate Kashmir. India is just another hypocrite. It is funny when the Indians call themselves as liberators. Their claim only shows how small-minded they are.
We did not accept Indian bullying and we will never accept it. And the great thing is that our Bangladeshi brothers whome the Indians taunts by claiming liberating them and consider them weak well they also have refused to accept Indian bullying. :tup: And today Indians are in great pain for failing to merg BD into India.
Yes, India will keep on calling itself as our liberator. On the contrary, it was the only decisive war in the last 1000 years that the Hindu forces, represented by today's India, have won over Muslim forces. It was because the then west Pakistan pushed us to get Indian help and we fought for long 9 months against it.

India joined our war when it found the entire population were against the west and many thousands of Pakistani troops were already killed or maimed by the Liberation Army troops.

It was an easy win for them. But, it was certainly our war and India should remain grateful to us for that win. We just followed the principle of 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend.'

Let me say one thing to India. If it is so fond of calling itself a liberator and if it wants to become a champion of freedom, then it should immediately vacate Kashmir. India is just another hypocrite. It is funny when the Indians call themselves as liberators. Their claim only shows how small-minded they are.

You people, always find ways to be unhappy with India. No matter what we do its wrong, in your opinion.

I though At least BD has some little debt of gratitude. But clearly its not the case.

Just because Part of India's motivation was to Break Pakistan, doesn't make it the sum of all its actions. BD was a free state by the end. India's 1,426 KIA, dies for Bangladesh. but you only see to view their deaths as that of dieing to break Pakistan.

Even though the Pak Army is known to have committed atrocities in BD you forgave them. You speak of Brother countries with them so i only imagine this is the case.
But you consider India to be an Imperialistic dog, for helping free BD and openly say you wish India had not been involved. And that it was only need that bought us to fight for the same cause. And you would rather not work with India again.

Very well
India seems only destined to be hatted by everyone around it.
May be that's why we can relate with Israeli.

All pointing finger at one nation for the cause of all problems, directly or indirectly.
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You people, always find ways to be unhappy with India. No matter what we do its wrong, in your opinion.

I though At least BD has some little debt of gratitude. But clearly its not the case.
BD has given India back about 110 enclaves by following the Mujib-Indira Treaty, but even after 37 years, India has found some loopholes in its judicial system to deny giving back similar number of enclaves to BD. We have trusted India, but India just ignored its commitments. There are hundred other small things that a giant-looking India very fondly uses against its smaller neighbour.

Give us back our lands, stop building barrages across the border, stop shooting at our cattle smugglers on sight, stop fencidyle smugglers from entering into BD, stop firing at our labours when they try to build levies in our side of the rivers to protect our land from being eroded, stop moving the international boundary when a river breaks its banks in our side, stop enchroaching etc. etc.

India has to earn respect from a neighbouring country by its good deeds, and not by bullying.

International political relationship is not to be thought in the context of personal relationship, it is different. Otherwise, France would have still been kowtowing to USA at every opportunity for liberating it from Germany. Vietnam would have been kowtowing to China and Russia for all their helps in its war aginst France and then USA.

Each country thinks of its own benefit when it is wartime alliance. Why the Indians do not understand this small thing about wartime relationship? It was a past alliance and it must be renewed every time with mutually beneficial actions. But, Indians seem to be living in the past.
It can be done that, there is a visa free access process between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

It can be done that, Bangladeshi citizens will get the facilities of Pakistani citizen and also Pakistani people will get the facilities of Bangladeshi citizen.

I mean, the country is different but the peoples of both country have the duel citizenship.

Remember the history of west and east Germany. They were separate in past and again merge when they understood that they were wrong.

But if it is not possible to make a same country again then it can be done that, the citizens of both country can go or access to each country without visa and passport like same country as like brother country.

And that will be a new global concept and idea.
And that idea can be check out by online voting or by networking like facebook, that either people will agree or not to be brother country where the peoples of both country can live to anywhere they want.

I agree with you. When we talk about reunification we do not mean to merge two countries but to make such arrangements where a message of unity can be sent to the whole world. We have fought enough and it’s time to heal the wounds of the affected people.
Yes, India will keep on calling itself as our liberator. On the contrary, it was the only decisive war in the last 1000 years that the Hindu forces, represented by today's India, have won over Muslim forces. It was because the then west Pakistan pushed us to get Indian help and we fought for long 9 months against it.

The actual bone of contention between Pakistan and Bangladesh is the above point. India did not defeat us, we were defeated by the Bengali brothers and that was our internal matter. Hindus have never been able to defeat Muslim forces decisively throughout the history. How can one define the creation of Bangladesh(another Muslim country) as Hindu victory??
At least something novel came out of this thread. The idea of a brother country but at the same time there should be no idea of a big and small brother otherwise we will have the same difficulties that we are facing with India. But what would this brother country concept mean in practical terms? Could China become a brother country? Is this a strategic reference point or a religious one? Please clarify and not carried away with emotions.

:) well if we see from Islamic point of view the concept of brotherly relations is already there.

The Big brother concept is just based on bullying attitude which has no place in our faith. In our faith all are equal the only difference is that the elder brother may get more respect from youngers but that respect does not come sans responsibilities incurred upon the big brother.

The need of the hour is to have strong defence and economic relations between BD-Pakistan. Thats the way to face bullies in the region
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